Ripping Space, Raping God, Sharing Thunder

I will never forget what Anya said to me when I showed her this: She said, "You're going to Rape God!" And I suppose that is an apt metaphor for pumping a singularity. I prefer ASTROMIMICRY. In this I question the validity of the Pais patents, thumb my nose at the USPTO... Do you know David Wilcock? He's one of a few new agey teachers that I like and relate to. We have alot of parallels. The most recent is an attempt to give the world FE and AG. He himself has invented nothing, but he has paired with this Ben guy I have been in this scene for 20+ years and have seen the free energy messiah trip several times, and it never amounts to anything. You get gold or lead as David says. As he presented his trip a twinge of competition arose in me. Maybe he does have his ducks in a row, where I should have been years ago. Maybe he learned from Zenergy, SEAS, Peswiki, Dennis Lee,... Is Ben smarter than me? My FE device has never been drawn on paper yet looks alot like t...