Guys with 7" + members, especially 10" + members will always find a way to signal the fact they possess such.

"I need the bigger condom"

"I'm overhung"

* needlessly drops underwear *

What I have witnessed is that these same dudes are really INSECURE. It is a curse AND blessing.

Blowing girls away with a giant floppy horsecock must be nice, but that is the defining characteristic of their being. It's the same plight of the super-hot chic that is actually quite talented / or kewl. The people around them can't get past the hotness.

So it is rare that the guy with the horsecock has the tude to back it up.

My ex cheated on me with a black guy and then a scrawny white dude with like a 13" dick.

I was devalued. At the same time I get it.

Sexual satisfaction depends alot on FRICTION.

This is why dudes long for TIGHT pussy.

I was with Kayla, who already had a couple kids, but her muffin was a vise compared to the childless Kira.

BDE is the new term for CONFIDENCE.

Sometimes when I was banging Kira I merely IMAGINED I had a huge cock and she responded!

After being cucked by this guy I was obsessed with big dicks.

I decided to use my mad-science knowledge to invent a way to make my 6" bigger, and I think I may have figured it out.

There is a plethora of study concerning ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF CELL GROWTH.

This overlaps with epigenetics and mind-over-matter.

So my invention is this:


 and then you wrap it with a CADUCEUS COIL

The base of the penis pump has an anode that makes contact with the base of the penis.

The Caduceus Coil is the cathode.

Between the two is a square-wave generator

This is tuned to the ideal pulse and current.

The theory here is that by tuning the mind to the scalar field, one needs only to VISUALIZE a huge cock and the meat will comply, coaxed by the electrical and atmospheric potential.

IDK if this will work but goshdarnit I'm willing to try, and it would be so fun to slap Kira across her face with my dangling fury.

Until then, I thank GOD that I have a dick that will satisfy reasonable women, that I have a dick most women could deep-throat and welcome into their asshole without fear.

Until then I retain a megalomania the most hung guys will never know.


  1. WTF, man? Why leave spam comments on other people's blogs??? It's really a dick move, even for a guy who posts about dicks.

    1. TI AF YO -


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