FIRE FROM HEAVEN - The Free Energy of The Antichrist - 9 Prophecies and Abstract / Rant


See also:

Antichrist / AI Super Computer tied to Transhumanism and Fourth Beast Rising

The Lord showed me the transhumanism end of days fourth beast system with this dream many years ago. This was one of my first dreams going back to the Obama Presidency. I saw a prominent known leader that was respected by both Jews and Muslims and people around the world. This leader was presenting himself in front of an old Roman / Greek empire temple ruins. He was struck in the upper left shoulder by a long metal piece that later I think it was the spear of destiny. Just after this dream, I saw a spear of destiny show on the History Channel talking about the Sons of the Fallen waiting for the anti-Christ to shed his blood and take over the world.[i] Again, this happened while he was presenting in front of a Greek / Roman temple type place, at a podium. It reminded me of the old roman empire. Next, I saw his head was being shown on a super computer in a white building that reminded me of the one religious site being built in the middle east.[ii]

All hell broke loose after the anti-Christ was attacked with a complete shut down of society The electrical grid was down across the world. Next, I was on the run with my wife living outside and eating canned goods that I stored in a big winter coat. We as Christians had hope, but there was a spirit of dread / hopelessness with most people. People helped while they could but the grid was down, and we were down to the last can of food. Then, I saw a triangular free energy device. The Anti-Christ showed up in the small town as a hologram (the leader whose head was placed on a supercomputer). He was a full-bodied image. He had power over the image of the beast to speak. I saw the anti-Christ hologram talking and supported via the free energy device all over the world. But the anti-Christ was just a head on the super computer. It was as though these free energy devices were pre placed everywhere. Power was given to life to the image of the beast to speak. The super computer was a system that reminded me of D wave super computer (talk later about that) that I think will be the 10 Kingdoms (tech companies) in the end times. People were in awe and lined up in a booth to take the Mark of the Beast. People thought the hologram and free energy was a miracle and started to line up to a booth because they wanted electricity and food. My spirit said they were giving their allegiance to the anti-Christ. But there was desperation in the air. Once people went in the booth, I saw a flash of light. They came out of the booth as zombies with a group think mind that was tied to the hive mind, AI. They were without free will as it appeared; they all had dark / dead eyes and were soulless. Christ was totally cut off for people who were tied to the supercomputer / AI . No more consciousness. And, the marked people, hated the non-marked people. I could tell they had no free will or connection to Christ, but they despised Him. I’m not sure if their DNA changed but they were connected to this hive mind technology. I could see how Christ could never redeem them. We were chased by some of them, and ran to the woods. Next, I saw big silver hands crush the anti-Christ’s head on the super computer. Finally, I saw Jesus in the woods (picture that a girl artist drew after her death experience). As he approached, I thought it was the controlled zombies at first and was getting ready to defend myself with a hatchet. I hugged Jesus after I realized it was him. Dream ended.

Again, this anti-Christ dream was given to me during the Obama administration that was before transhumanism and artificial intelligence hit the news. The only reason I knew about Hologram technology was from the Star Wars movie but in my dream, it was so dialed in, it looked like the anti-Christ was there in person. I saw all the fourth beast system and technology working before the technology had been disclosed through the news and pop culture. This is how I know the poke is about the defilement of you.

It is interesting the war on gas and carbon-based energy occurring now, 2022, since I think they already have had free energy, as Tesla and others have demonstrated. After the grid goes down for a long time, weeks maybe months, with much death and chaos, this free energy system will be unveiled with the image of the beast and will power everything In the news, we keep hearing of black outs to get people ready for a true grid down I’ve had multiple dreams this will happen both rolling and long-term. One of the next false flags I’m prepping for is the grid down. When this anti Christ system is brought back on line, it will be for cell phones and computers. People will told they can have an IQ of 1000 and can live forever.

Author's Note, the seemingly FATAL WOUND to one of the heads of The Sea Beast is Grid Down. Grid Down is caused by the Angel / EMP at the beginning of The Fall of Babylon. This was PREDICTED PROGRAMMED in an episode of South Park.

Two Crop Glyphs depicting a top down view of the rolling tetrodes

Rev 13:13 - fire from heaven = Rectifying Auto-Electronic Emissions from Zero Point Energy or Dynamic Casimir Force

Quote from Jeanne Dixon: ":His most convincing sign will be the conquest of the powers of nature, of which the 'fire from heaven' is the ultimate symbol. These will not be supernatural or preternatural events, but rather the prodigies of science and human achievements, but interpreted in such a way as to lead men away from god and toward worship of the antichrist."

 From volume 2 page 334 of Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon:  Note the similarity between this fire from heaven and Nostradamus' prediction that Rome would be destroyed by some type of force or fire coming down from the sky. He was never able to clarify whether this would be caused by an extremely unusual natural event or something manmade. It astonished him so much that he could not define it. 

Vladimir Soloviev: This magician, Apollonius by name, was doubtless a person of genius. A semi-Asiatic and a semi-European, a Catholic bishop in partibus infidelium, he combined in himself in a most striking manner knowledge of the latest conclusions and applications of Western science with the art of utilizing all that was really sound and important in traditional Eastern mysticism. The results of this combination were startling. Apollonius learned, among other things, the semi-scientific, semi-mystic art of attracting and directing at will atmospheric electricity and the people said of him that he could bring down fire from heaven. However, though he was able to startle the imagination of the crowd by various unheard-of phenomena, for some time he did not abuse his power for any special or selfish ends. 

The Keys of Enoch 113:30 ...One face will be an energy field which will work with the levels of electromagnetic conversion. This will be used to take energy out of the air and use it for physical activity; this activity will be sustained as a perpetual pulse. 

 HOPI PROPHECY -"After the third tribulation, a new source of energy will be discovered that taps the Earth Magnetic field."  

This video mentions a new vid by Clif High, whose Web Bot is finding language about a


And this astrology guy predicts this will come out in 2025-2026

The device is divided into 3 elements:

The Cationic ORAC, The Rolling Tetrode / Torus, The Point Anode.

Charge Cluster / Cold Plasmoid is the "Holy Spirit" that sits between the Father and Son.


Why call it a demon?

Is Free Energy Evil?

Is stealing fire from heaven evil?

Are they lacking surface area up there?

I think it is funny that AS ABOVE SO BELOW or SATAN CAN ONLY COPY GOD or SELF-SIMILARITY or SATAN WISHES TO BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH is even subject to a question of morality when we also have the notion of MIMICRY IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF FLATTERY and FUCKING Christ Yeshua and YOGIS pushing their meatbots into RAINBOW BODY or ORGANIC QUANTUM PHASE SHIFTING.

SATAN is the father of lies and confusion but THEIR God was all about destroying Babel and Unity Consciousness / Hive Mind - WTF is the WWW then?

NO, The Most High wants this, but certain factions of the Elohim / Annunaki are all power hungry.

Why is NINURTA / NIMROD The bad guy?

Why does Clif High not allow our progenitors their own moral dilemma? 

According to ENKI, they really did struggle with the genetic fuckery and slavery thing.

Geoengineering Nibiru was stupid. Why didn't they just exodus to a more reasonable planet?

Do Lizzid People have guitars and ballet?

Just Sayin.

Your Devolvement / Original Sin / Fall / Chromosome Fusing


Sorry, Not Sorry.

One more stump-the-bible-thumpers...

As for the Transhumanist 4th Beast...


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