Inoculating the Free Energy Meme

 The first time I opened a Bible I opened to REV 13:13, randomly, and I knew what it was all about. This was about 5 months after my vision which revealed my fate. Since that moment in the summer of 1996 I have come to master the whole concept of NEGENTROPY. 

Who members ? Keelynet? Eric Krieg’s expose of Free Energy Messiah Meme? I have seen two generations of zealots come and go. I was courting ZENERGY, Greer’s SEAS (now Orion),, before you ever heard of Tesla.

 They kill people like me


 which is why I never prototyped, also I’m poor. As soon as 2020 hit, this meme started flooding my scene. Jenny, Robert, ...



 Hollywood has dealt with this: The Saint


 Tony Stark


The Lone Gunmen

etc,... But then we have this new yt vid 


which is academia’s version of FE, but the vid expounds on the implications well. 

There are even more credentialed folks working on it 


 but because academia is not inter-disciplinarian or allowing for rogue physicists, they are stuck with Dynamic Casimir and MEMs. I know about Reich’s ORAC, Electrets, Parametric Pumping, all kinds of obscure stuff... Mainstream, Public-Consumption Fizzix suffers from dogma WAY MORE than any other religion; physics progresses one funeral at a time. And yet, if it were not for red-tape-defying wackos the earth would still be flat



 Rev 13:13 - fire from heaven = Rectifying Auto-Electronic Emissions from Zero Point Energy or Dynamic Casimir Force

Quote from Jeanne Dixon: ":His most convincing sign will be the conquest of the powers of nature, of which the 'fire from heaven' is the ultimate symbol. These will not be supernatural or preternatural events, but rather the prodigies of science and human achievements, but interpreted in such a way as to lead men away from god and toward worship of the antichrist."

 From volume 2 page 334 of Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon:  Note the similarity between this fire from heaven and Nostradamus' prediction that Rome would be destroyed by some type of force or fire coming down from the sky. He was never able to clarify whether this would be caused by an extremely unusual natural event or something manmade. It astonished him so much that he could not define it. 

Vladimir Solovieiv: This magician, Apollonius by name, was doubtless a person of genius. A semi-Asiatic and a semi-European, a Catholic bishop in partibus infidelium, he combined in himself in a most striking manner knowledge of the latest conclusions and applications of Western science with the art of utilizing all that was really sound and important in traditional Eastern mysticism. The results of this combination were startling. Apollonius learned, among other things, the semi-scientific, semi-mystic art of attracting and directing at will atmospheric electricity and the people said of him that he could bring down fire from heaven. However, though he was able to startle the imagination of the crowd by various unheard-of phenomena, for some time he did not abuse his power for any special or selfish ends. 

The Keys of Enoch 113:30 ...One face will be an energy field which will work with the levels of electromagnetic conversion. This will be used to take energy out of the air and use it for physical activity; this activity will be sustained as a perpetual pulse. 

 HOPI PROPHECY -"After the third tribulation, a new source of energy will be discovered that taps the Earth Magnetic field."  

 And since I AM THE REINCARNATION OF TESLA I feel okay about tweaking his / my stuff 


A few years ago TESLA CULT got all uppity about WARDENCLYFFE


 But the thing is... He/ I had already done away with the need for a transmitter before death...

 Tesla invented the rectenna


 And then he made it obsolete. But that is just legend. The black box in the Pierce-Arrow 

 It may be a hoax. But I am here to tell you... I know how to rectify vacuum fluctuations. Vacuum fluctuations, when rectified, become the electron. Fire from Heaven, bitches. ....Again, the narrative is that FE would RUIN THE ECONOMY. POOR PEOPLE WILL NOT MIND.

 So what if CEO guy can’t afford that new Lambo? 



 And I know what all the redneck miners and linemen are thinking about The ANTICHRIST and the bleeding hearts that will back me


 Tough shit JimBob - that’s the cost of progress. Our energy infrastructure is the ONLY technology intentionally retarded. And I mean RETARDED! Digging up hydrocarbons (see Hubbert’s Peak), Transporting them, refining them, burning them - to boil water, to create steam, to turn a turbine, to make a magnet pass over a coil, sending induced current through miles of wires and substations, transmission losses, and then you get a bill... Ha. What a joke. You think Elon Musk will save you? I don’t trust anyone that makes this face after burning a phattie. 


 Fuck Elon Musk. Neuralink is invasive, Space X is rockets, Tesla Motors is batteries - ooh I’m sooooo impressed. FFS. I am the REAL Free Energy Messiah, not Dennis Lee or Joe Newman or the vortex coil guy. I am not asking you for $$$ (For this IP) like a charlatan, just share this note. Thanks.


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