When CUTIES came out on Netflix people were outraged saying "You can have a discussion - in the form of a movie - WITHOUT being so explicit..." Which is utter nonsense. If you are uncomfortable with an honest investigation, go watch these:
Your NOOB-HATE tickles me
So let’s dive in....
The more things change
YT has a lot of topless 10 yos but I think SOMETHING should be left to the imagination
nothing to see here
If you’re done wallowing in righteous indignation perhaps you will indulge me with some truth. I thank you for your efforts but I was not arrested, murdered or made viral. Please try harder with the last one, I need to be famous because you need free energy, or at least a crypto-based economy will.
Yeah, you cost me about 200 out 2200 fb friends, but they were always and nothing more than potential meme-propagators to me. Your efforts actually GAINED me many more followers! TRY HARDER! I NEED TO GO VIRAL BEFORE GRID DOWN!
That said… Uh, I’ve BEEN to jail, for the fake bomb thing – I’m an attention whore for all the right reasons... Jail sucks Salty Mexican Nutsack; the lights are never off, the food gives you constipation, you can’t poop or toss without being watched, and there’s nothing to do but think about your woman fucking some guy with a massive cock and watching 2.5 Men reruns and The Price is Right.
When I was released the judge said if I did ANYTHING illegal I would be going to prison. So, do you REALLY think I would actually risk that? I have never inappropriately touched a girl or propositioned one. By definition I am a PEDOPHILE; I do love kids, because they are not adults. Adults are infantile hypocrites. I am not a “pedo” I am “CHRONO-FLUID” = I identify as 25 yo some days, 5 yo other days, immortal on Sundays.
I discovered soft-core kiddie porn on youtube one day when I was watching a vid about sex robots and curiously, in the recomenz, were two seemingly unrelated things I never heard of – MORNING ROUTINE & YOGA CHALLENGE. Being the curious type I stumbled down the rabbit hole of sleepy girls rolling around in pre-lesbian antics and oatmeal making, and it only got weirder from there. I eventually wound up viewing some euro vintage softcore, there was one scene where a guy tore an earthworm in half and placed it on a woman’s vag. I did come across straight up KP and then I was done exploring for awhile. I went back down the hole recently and found TTL Modelos, some of them may be underage but now there is a rash of Russian Pedo channels disguised as models or gymnasts, DANATAR for example:
Or The Angel Poli
or Violetta
I say if someone wants to toss to her, then what is the harm? If it is an issue then take it up with her parents or yt.
I was a camp counselor and daycare worker and always felt uncomfortable when girls would say they wanted to marry me or they sat on my lap. Most of my Gfs and female relatives have been molested as little girls. I have seen firsthand and been recipient of their revenge-on-the-nice-guy and slutty mentality and it disgusts me. BPD is no joke, friends.
I think it is a vicious circle: Wounded Males end up diddling little girls because they are non-threatening, little molested girls grow up as Toxic Jezebels and destroy NICE GUYS turning them into Wounded Males, repeat….
I have had consensual sex, as an adult, with five 17 yos. Rebecca, Annarose, Melisande, Anya, Victoria
I have been used and abused by every adult female I have been close to, except Aunt Lilian, Aunt Diane, and my 5th grade teacher. The last four female meatbots I have been frisky with were ALL OLDER THAN ME! The hottest gal in The Void
sorry men suck, ShellBell
stalked, seduced and offered herself to me twice but I refused because she was molested and was being slutty as exposure therapy, holding victimy energy, making me feel rapey.
I am a Gingerphile, old young fat skinny homely sexy – I love them all. You all fell for my hate-baiting, lazy man’s publicity stunt & social experiment – TREVOR’s AXIOM – via Auto-Trolling. I am also practicing Green-Red Chaos Magick.
I am sexually attracted to female meatbots that are tight, perky and innocent, with bumps and curves, my junk-brain does not care about chronological age. Maybe you are into old fat bitchy women - not my business.
Teen Porn is the most popular porn. I am a recovering porn addict since age 7. I’m on a 40 day scratch that, 15 day NoFap streak and it is HARD – every morning.
My daughter really was legally kidnapped and molested by her kidnappers (MY DAD AND STEPMOM AND GOD KNOWS WHO ELSE) because CPS is fucking evil.
I am a TI and Gangstalking is real, if you say the opposite
it is because you are jelly, ignorant or a perp yourself. Gangstalkers have accused me 4 times of being a Pedo, now I’m all fuck it, guess I might as well start diddling babies- JK !!! If you knew of all the skits, neo-voodoo via digital clone / biophotonic nervous system control symptoms, NLP, dreamhacks, electronics fuckery,
breakins, gaslighting and honeypots thrown at me you would accept it. If Gangstalking is not real then why do they go out of their way to discredit it? The more they dismiss it the more they validate it.
there is no WE, and I am special
I know it is real and soon so will you. (See Corona Karens & Contact Tracing) I mean why the fuck did this chick,
CBA / Honeypot "Sabre Young"
from out of nowhere, say she loves me, send me nudes and give me $50 a month on my Patreon? Why did she interrogate me, torture me constantly and then vanish to be replaced with another, more local version? Don’t get me wrong, I’m NOT complaining. My life is a surreal, epic movie, crazier than any fiction you ever read. Satanism is all about becoming antifragile, resilient, post-traumatic awesome.
Why do you think I have so much CHARACTER? Because I had it fucking peachy n rose colored? Jesus “died” for your sins (actually BS, your karma is YOUR problem), but I became a pariah so you would have one less utility bill.
...My pedophilia has gotten so extreme that I am only attracted to embryos, soon I will only be able to get off on pictures of cum, wait….
When I get thrown into this cultural / ego / meatbot stuff, like getting cucked by my tear-bather ex, I get upset at first but then my empath side kicks in and I have a compulsion to understand it. So it is with pedophilia. Yeah, I too see the highlight reel of Biden groping girls and it is cringey af,
I read about Pizzagate, think about dark web child-trafficking and I wanna kill people. But unlike you, I can differentiate me, a guy who merely fantasizes about teen hotness and sometimes goes on yt for porn from actual predators – “CHRIS HANSEN !!!”
It is not enough, it is not helpful, to just start hating on people. Have you read or seen THE SHACK?
Yeah, it is powerful, makes you think about how people get so fucked up in the first place. Finally, if you wanna get uppity about PROTECTING KIDS then you had better-the-fuck start protesting COMMON CORE
, Vaccinations, and goddamned DISNEY, cuz those three things are raping children daily. It’s funny, it is ok for kids to look at naked adults, it is ok for kids to look at naked kids (If they had smartphones in 1988 and my crush sent me a pic of her tiddies I would have exploded)
You must be 18+ to look at the kitty pron
but if I get off on LEGAL SOFT pics of minors I am some kind of deviant worthy of viking torture and prison sex… what a world. Speaking of rape
Annalise is not happy
because you can’t do math
Here I would like to discuss how to deal with the issue.
To recap: I have been falsely accused of being a pedo several times, so as an empath and out of spite I came here on fb and publicly suggested I was in-fact what I have been accused of; as a way of understanding the issue from both perspectives. My daughter was legally kidnapped and molested by my dad and he totally got away with it, politicians and Hollywood elite get away with it, and yet your average local pervert gets prison raped and killed by vigilantes.
As a porn addict I know there are hundreds of fetishs out there, so I know there is a difference between gawking teens on the interwebs and preying on children. There is a difference between being outraged and actually serving justice. What my experience taught me is that people really don’t care about protecting children, they just like hating on people.
I post pictures of underage gingers but never say I want to fuck them.ANNE WITH AN E is a really good show btw.
But here is a question: Is this about arbitrary AGE OF CONSENT or Physical / Emotional maturity? Age of consent varies according to geography and culture. The ole saying, “Grass on The Field...” seems the most reasonable criteria as to what is appropriately fuckable. A girl can be jailbait one day and then a woman the next, but biologically she has been mom material for 6 years now.
Which booty is legal?
I had some mixed reactions to my experiment.
But mostly it was people threatening me and hating me. Some people pointed out that I was a Gingerphile and that's all. But people believe what they want without and sometimes with the facts.
For the record, YES, the NYSP showed up to investigate me and my lap top. They found the same stuff I have posted here. Nothing more. Now that I have empathy for pedos, and I still want my dad and step-mom to be prison-raped, and I want CPS held accountable for child-trafficking, and I want William Binney to wikileaks the whole thing...
...I think all the humans should really just take a hard look at
themselves as I have done, Jesus said something about HE WHO IS WITHOUT
What am I to do if I have a dream where a young girl has her way with me, like, I am being raped by a kid? It’s happened. Hmmm. I think the thing that pisses me off is the hypocrisy...
When I was in 4th grade they started making us take showers after gym class. Our principal went out of his way to be present in the locker room EVERY TIME. But that’s COMPLETELY NORMAL - in hindsight it is obvious why his adopted son, Jim, was so mental.
Every hetero man out there will never admit it, but if he was on a deserted island with a hottie 15 yo, and she was strutting around, and she eventually confessed to being wet for said adult man, and there was no way there’d be repercussions, he would totally bang her. If you’re looking for a universal pariah, I’m your guy. I am my own worst enemy so as to not give the CBAs the satisfaction of rendering me hated and lonely - ha, fuck you, perp, don’t need your help!
Also, whoever it was that said I’m a pedo like my dad and grampa, that was a good one, you were really paying attention.
But my favorite interaction was this:
I say, child-rapists should be castrated, or if they are women, clit removal. There should be safe-houses in every county, run by Christian Bikers, for abused children because CPS is evil and useless. The Dark Web should be investigated People should stop shitting on pedos that have it under control, as in they are good with soft-core yt vids and silicone dolls. Child pornographers should be blinded. Child traffickers should have their legs amputated. Finally, my hope is that young ladies stop falling into the popularity trap, and learn to value their brains and hearts more than their bumps and curves. Male Attention as currency is both valued and resented, I get that, but since ya’ll have the Vjjs, you make the rules. You can be a slut and wear your yoga pants
and say NOT ASKING FOR IT, and I can respect that, but my eyes and dick are still being harassed. Of all the culture wars, gender war is the only one that matters, and it begins and ends with the fact ALL adults are just broken children in big meatbots. Until this issue of pedophilia is resolved we are all fucked.
Note: Hunter Biden is fucked and the poster boy for SRA dupe scumbags.
Ok, that bit above about hurting pedos as punishment, I was not serious, I wrote that to reflect the current mentality. WWJD ?
To punish KP producers is fucking stupid because, based on my research, the majority of KP comes from preteen girls themselves, what with their smartphones and social media.
Even pedovore SRA adults need mercy. Imagine being SOOOO depraved, SOOOO sociopathic and demon-possessed that the only way you can feel good is to hold power over sweet, innocent children?
Imagine being so power-hungry that you'll agree to torture children to get what you want in this SICK SAD WORLD?
I have determined that I am not a pedo, at worst a porn addict.
If a mom has pics of her 4 yo daughter in the tub, is THAT Porn?
If I see a little girl half naked irl 3D, is that Porn?
There is this scene in a movie High Life, a movie that you could see in a theatre or watch via a streaming service
baby labia majora - nobody considers this porn, because it is a baby you are looking at. So I wanna know EXACTLY at what age this little meatbot is suddenly considered offensive or taboo.
If Trump and the white hats are successful, we all gonna be faced with atrocities that will kill your notion of HUMAN. Prolly cuz this is all rooted in ... and also a backwards view
Porn does not cause sexual thoughts, there ARE sexual thoughts, HENCE ...
...After the 3rd round of fb outrage the NYSP computer forensics team showed up in four menacing black cars. They assumed my laptop was loaded with kiddie pron, but I assured them it only had a bit of yt softcore. I was escorted upstairs to retrieve the laptop to make sure I didn’t kill myself.
A month later I was permanently banned, but fb did allow me to download all my rants, including the 3 PEDO FILES.
Shortly before this however, a KP "watchdog" group got ahold of THE LOLITA CHALLENGE. I scrolled down to see what else they were flagging. Well then, the rabbit hole goes deeper.
I hadn’t intended to look for hardcore KP but I had to know and see more, for “research” purposes.
Is it possible the watchdog group was ACTUALLY an advertisement? They lead me to JAILBAIT FORUMS … Turns out you DON’T need a dark web browser to access the hard stuff.
I have not been that thrilled with porn since I was 12, opening my first HUSTLER. Not that I’m turned on by flat and hairless, it’s just, … it is TABOO. And the Coolidge effect. I dabbled, I collected, I tossed, I deleted, I got bored, I repeated. No black cars.
My hero, BILL HICKS, a self-admitted porn addict must have stumbled upon the KP too. He made a crude yet accurate joke -
“There’s NOTHING between her legs, it’s like a paper cut framed by a wisp of cotton candy.”
There actually is some validity to the research excuse. There seems to be two brands of KP, at least within what I found – the studio-based, and the selfie-based. I also needed to verify for myself if I AM TRULY a pedo or not, like my dad, grampa...
In both cases – photos & vids - virtually none of the girls seem under duress, in-fact they seem to enjoy it, the posing and the diddling with pens and toothbrushes. They don't ALL look thrilled but most seem ok.
Still I wonder why a parent would allow it. How is this an industry if not with parental involvement? Are Russians THAT poor?
Now the question is, will I get another visit? Or will the gangstalker investment in me also protect me from further prosecution? I am using the library wifi to look at, ahem, research, hardcore KP ffs.
I also learned, from researching the history of LS Studios, that the FBI had created their own KP site just to nail perverts. Wow! That’ll help the thousands of trafficked kids who are raped 15 times a day and tortured for adrenachrome and god knows what else.
Just to underscore the gray ...
What did you notice first on this THIRTEEN YEAR-OLD?
Why was it ok for ELEVEN YEAR-OLD Brooke to star topless in Pretty Baby?
The conclusion to my experiment:
My slip into the world of kp was both induced and voluntary.
The guy in the vid above says pedos are born that way.
I don't think it is inherent or chosen, I think PEDOS (at least male) are created.
Combine a neurological predilection with a lifetime of abuse by ADULT women and a bit of neoteny and a mid-life crisis...
From the above vid I learned there is a term: VIRTUOUS PEDOPHILE
I agree with this, some adults DO NOT act on their pervy fantasies.
There are PREDATORS and there are FETISHISTS (With a Moral Compass)
As for myself, I eventually found images of fathers trying to penetrate their toddler daughters. I saw a photo set of the former exploited child as an adult all, happy as if to justify what had been done to her.
Sydney and Shoe can say they risked ... But I went there.
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