The Legal Kidnapping of Lilian


 In 2006 I, my daughter Lilian and her mother Amy were watching a movie in our apartment overlooking Seneca Lake in Lodi NY when we got a knock on the door - it was CPS, claiming we were endangering Lilian with cannabis. I admitted (out of pride and defiance) to using cannabis.  I was very angry and confused because everybody that knew us knew we were good parents and nobody had ever raised concern about our cannabis use. After an investigation it was proven that Lilian was neither neglected or endangered. The court in Seneca County however insisted on drug counseling and parenting class requirements which we were logistically unable to comply with. Simultaneously we were on the verge of becoming homeless. Amy's sister Becky, in San Diego, enthusiastically offered to take Lilian until we were on our feet again, she said Lilian would be returned when we were. We reluctantly sent Lilian to her aunt. Shortly thereafter we were pressured to grant guardianship to Becky, again we were assured we could get Lilian back. After a year we were stable again and Becky refused to return our precious Lilian, we were told there would be a battle - "But this was a voluntary guardianship, what battle could there be?" we thought... 

 So we petitioned San Diego family court, and our telephonic hearing went badly. The judge said we had not provided a good reason for her return and cited KASSANDRA H - which basically states that, despite the definition of "best interest", it is TOO stressful for the child and guardian to allow reunion. We continued with appeal, not knowing anything about KASSANDRA H (or that it was spelled with a K) and the court kept returning our paperwork saying it was not stapled properly and such nonsense...

This went on until Becky decided it was time to ADOPT Lilian. The San Diego family court actually scheduled an adoption hearing 2 days BEFORE the termination of guardianship hearing! Amy went to California and I attended telephonically. The appointed attorneys pressured Amy to sign away her parental rights in exchange for quarterly reports, and she did. The hearing then continued on my behalf. It was clear my appointed attorney was equally useless, he had not even presented the stack of arguments I made showing we were fit and that KASSANDRA H didn't apply and was inherently based on inflammatory assumptions. During the proceedings it was revealed that my own father and step-mother had conspired with Becky to use CPS, he lied, saying that he had called CPS in response to this video which was obviously made after the CPS visit! the adoption hearing I learned of probate code 1516.5. It basically states that the petitioner does not have to prove the parents unfit, instead it is an EXPIRATION DATE on parental rights. Because the court had, ahem, dicked us around for so long our 2 years was up. My attorney said he'd send me the paperwork for appeal but never did and he stopped communicating with me... Becky works in child welfare, she is barren, a polygamist, an atheist, vegan and has dyslexia (qualities and values I don't care for), she is affluent and looks down on the very same people she is supposed to be serving. Vindictive, self-righteous family that exploits CPS and/or can't differentiate a pothead from an alcoholic are also part of the problem. I have not seen my daughter in over 13 years and they don't allow me to communicate with her. I now suffer from nightmares about her constantly.

 ...Insult to injury, a recently (2014) forwarded email between Amy and Becky (Amy's sister who adopted Lilian) revealed that Lilian exhibited sexual behavior when she arrived in San Diego. Becky stated that Lilian groped her breasts and crotch and this behavior lasted for a year. We found out after the fact that Lilian did not go straight to San Diego but stayed with Nana and Papa (my dad and step-mom, who conspired with Becky to steal my daughter) for two weeks first. Nana is a vindictive woman who has my father henpecked, my father has been accused of sexual harassment and they both got off on showing me pornography when I was 6 years old. Now, why did Becky not send Lilian straight to a counselor, why did Amy and I find out about this long after the fact? I think it's time these people got a visit from CPS. I would like to at least know Lilian is OK, as in my letters and gifts were received, a recent pic of her. It is not my fault my appointed attorney never sent me appeal paperwork, it is not my fault San Diego Court scheduled the termination of guardianship hearing AFTER the adoption hearing. I still have ALL the legal legwork on this case, including the attempt to avoid croneyism by having an out-of-county investigation of Amy and I (Since Becky works in child welfare it would be a conflict of interest) that failed miserably in its most I'd like for someone to get sued, charges against the court, and my daughter back with propitiation for my emotional damage. 

Have you heard of NANCY SCHAEFER?


 Yeah, she was murdered because she tried to expose what happened to me.

My dad and stepmom got away with molesting my daughter, Intelligence Agencies use girls like my Lilian to jailbait / blackmail politicians


 by turning them into beta kittens

And gangstalkers go around calling me pedo. Trying to shed light on all this on fb got me banned

Thankfully RDSV has spearheaded ...


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