GIGI Says:
The Coming Release of 'Free Energy' Devices
The vast majority of people who discuss free energy devices speak about it from a purely materialist perspective. There is no acknowledgement of human consciousness, nor of the spiritual planes. Thus, despite these technologies affecting both human consciousness and interfering with the spiritual planes, it is not fully understood, nor acknowledged by most researchers. In this way it is currently a half-science, or an incomplete examination of the phenomenon.
To be clear, free energy devices magnify the condition of consciousness that humanity has at the time of their use. They also can cause a kind of hypnosis, or entrainment and even paralysis, of the mind if the individuals exposed to the forces released by the technology are not spiritually developed. The effect is that the more prolonged the use of this technology amongst groups that are not yet individuated and spiritually aware, the more difficult it will become for them to think for themselves. In this way the technology may be free and liberating in the most material sense, but potentially devastating for those that are unprepared. In other words, the technology creates a hive-mind within those that are unprepared for it. It confuses and interferes with the individuals connection to their higher-self (The "I").
Many people interested in these devices see their apparent sequestering away from the public as unfair and rooted in greed, or power. It is true that that is part of the reason these technologies are held back in regards to certain groups that have them. However, other moralist groups hold them back for ethical reasons and see their early release as obviously very harmful and ironically regressive for most of humanity. Moralists value the autonomy of the human being and believe that such devices should not be integrated into society until humanity has matured and can at least acknowledge the spiritual reality of such devices. It is unethical and subversive to expose humanity to overwhelming technological forces they do not understand. Such technologies should only be brought forth when their operation, especially their spiritual effect, is grasped.
Further, the technology is not alien, it is entirely earthly stemming back to earlier civilizations on the earth. It is, in fact, united to the core and matter of the earth. The technology was created by humanity for humanity. There is nothing alien about it. It has simply been reworked for the particular forces of our era. All attempts to pass it off as extra-terrestrial are devised to change the human origin story and separate humanity from their own history and future potential. The Ahrimanic-Techno-Religion is a religion that mislabels spiritual beings as extra-terrestrials. As materialists, they do not grasp the reality of the spiritual hierarchy. The release of technology before humanity is prepared is how they seek to enslave humanity.
It should be noted, and noted well, that certain groups who worship technology, and believe that their gods speak through it and even spiritually occupy it, plan to release 'free energy devices' when humanity is at its most low, fearful and chaotic. Understanding the potential spiritually paralyzing effect of this technology, it will be done to attempt to trap humanity in a very low, chaotic and fearful state. It will be brought forth as the answer to people's prayers. It will be presented as the beginning of a much needed new kind of civilization. A technological revolution! It is nothing of the sort, and humanity has been subject to a controlled demolition to create enough desperation to blindly accept it's release. It is nothing more than a well planned trap. It is the definition of the improper use of technology. As we all know, technology can be used positively, or negatively.
In the future, more will be discussed about the true origins of this technology in earlier periods and its direct connection to human consciousness. The details of this future discussion will further support the statements made above. While the release of this technology by groups that seek to subjugate humanity is inevitable. You have the choice whether you will personally support it and engage with it. It should be understood that there is another path for the conscious release and understanding of this technology. And, we can work towards that counter path if we so choose. Two paths will emerge and each individual should strive to be fully educated in regards to which they choose.
Planned EMP Attack to Implement Smart Cities
The release of various home devices will occur first. Moving forward, however, there will be a push towards establishing high surveillance, hyper technological smart cities. Trump has renamed smart cities to 'Freedom Cities' and intends to take portions of National Parks to do this. This is where certain power sources will be integrated, in these 'fresh start' cities. Of course with all the monies going to establishing these New American Cities, the classical American cities will decline in infrastructure. This is to encourage migration into smart cities.
This must be carefully navigated in such a manner that the smart cities do not over-develop at the expense of other cities who choose not to live the image of George Orwell's 1984. The risk here is that the 'freedom cities' become hubs while the other areas turn into various Hunger Game districts. This can be greatly mitigated with mindful legislation and preparation.
We should be particularly wary of EMP attacks in the coming years. The EMP attack will not be from an enemy, but rather staged, or done by forces in our own government, to destroy the existing grid system. This will encourage the forms of energy production that I am speaking about in my original post. It will also create a deeper technocratic monopoly than we presently have.
As a side. The pulse may be blamed on the sun, or intense solar activity, and also result in operations to block the sun, or solar 'shades' in cities. This, again, is false, it is a lie to block the sun similar to Bill Gate's operations. The sun is the external emanation of the Christ and humanity needs to be exposed to it in order to evolve properly.
The reason why tech overlords act with such arrogance and impunity is because plans such as these are in place. Plans that give them such global control that when implemented there is little any one person can do to regain what is lost. They will be embedded in humanity's survival, and that is by design. They do not feel that you have any power to stop this kind of social engineering, as they have the technology. Again, this can be greatly mitigated if people can begin to unite and truly focus on the scenarios that are the most threatening to our way of life. The misuse of technology presents the greatest potential loss of freedom for humanity. It should be addressed as such by politicians and social activists.
I greatly appreciate her perspective here and remarkably accurate insight. Besides myself
I didn't think anyone out there had a clue.
I can't think of anything more "LOW VIBE", REGRESSIVE, or MISUSED than the covering of Earth with a 60hz EMF-spewing web powered by burnt biomass and radiation-heated water which people are then forced to slave away for for the privilege of being tethered to it.
What is interesting is that GIGI assumes the FE tech in question is of the Aether related type, as opposed to a magnet motor or LENR or HHO type.
I think she must be confusing the LIGHTNING EATER which RECTIFIES Aether, with the:
Which is the original Wardenclyffe, which projected, which was the original MIND CONTROL tech invented by Akkaeneset.
For the scoop on Akkaeneset (my incarnation before Tesla) see:
This alarmist poo pooing reminds me of the tired and fear-based notion put forward here:
I guess the take-away here is that there really needs to be an informed consensus. The public or USELESS EATERS did not really have a choice in participating in a centralized grid paradigm beyond incarnating, so maybe they will at least have a heads up between my work and hers.
GIGI says, regarding Stargate:
Project Stargate
The Spiritual Roots of Disease
You cannot cure a disease through purely physical means, especially with the experimental technology here. This is because disease stems from the spiritual world, from disturbances within the mind and spiritual consciousness of the human being. Over time, if these issues are not dealt, with they can begin to make their way into the physical body. The physical body is actually the last place that disease manifests. This is obviously a simplified explanation as there are many factors that play into this dynamic, however, the overall reality remains: illness is not a purely physical cause and can therefore not be solved by purely physical means. Human beings are not robots who can be engineered.
Diseases Magnify
It should be noted here that if one is to try to use genetic engineering to remove disease, or certain conditions, they will not disappear from the human genome, nor the individual. This is because the physical world is not the cause of disease. In fact, the physical world is not the causal plane, at all. The physical world is the plane where Spirit, for a brief period, manifests itself to overcome death. If humanity is to try to attempt to remove disease, or unwanted conditions, through genetic engineering the diseases and conditions they are trying prevent will come back within three generations 10 fold. They will come back as much worse than how they originally affected Man. This is because the the disease was not transmuted, it was not mentally and spiritually understood and overcome. Therefore a vacuum will be created and such conditions will worsen for Man. Diseases in this way are entities. They are astral beings that must be faced and overcome. We must glean spiritual insight into ourselves and the world from them. They are teachers. This process cannot be avoided, nor prevented.
In short, this kind of technology will never work because it does not acknowledge the spiritual reality of the human being. The focus of humanity must now be to turn inward and harmonize with Spirit, and the natural world. This will be a tough lesson for many to endure as the desire for control must be surrendered. Individuals who support this ideology crave control, not God.
Going Deeper
This is a front for, among many things: eugenics. The eugenicists from the 1940's did not go away. They did not change their ideology. They realized that it was not received well and went underground and began to focus on establishing technological dominance. They understand that they will not win the ideological war, but that they can manipulate people into participating if they present the same ideologies through the glamour of advanced technology. Further, materialists and atheists often turn to both eugenics and technology as the mechanism for evolution as their limited perception naturally places them as god. To the materialist, technology becomes the logical means to assert themselves as gods. Thus, you don't have to be in a secret society to align with this ideology. It occurs naturally when an individual does not recognize Spirit.
The title 'stargate' doesn't make sense for the project they are describing, however, it does flow with the apparent theme of this year, which is advanced technology, space and aliens. The drones with strange characteristics, the cries for Mars colonization and the silly orphic 'egg' craft, all happening within a few weeks, should tell anyone that a narrative is being built up here.
The technocratic elite must, in the next two years, introduce the advanced technology they have quietly developed in black projects. The technology that could have been brought forth in a manner in which all could participate, learn and contribute was instead hoarded away by a select few for power. They seek to attempt to introduce it now to control humanity in a new Golden Dawn, ahem, pardon me: Golden Age. A technological renaissance where all problems are solved by incredible technologies.
Early Humanity Was Advanced
These technologies are repeatedly said to be of 'alien' origin. They are not. They originated in the earlier period of humanity known in occult science as the Atlantean Epoch. This technology was made by early humanity itself. No amount of poorly produced crash recovery videos, nor testimony of misguided 'whistleblowers', will disguise that reality as this truth lives within the heart of every human being. The technology is human and its discovery will lead humanity not to aliens, but back to themselves. Back to an earlier time where we had such abilities.
It's a Genetic Modification Cult
Keep in mind here that the concept of eugenics goes a lot deeper than the last 100 years. It is part of the Alien Creator God Religion, a New Age-Ufology religion that is rapidly growing in popularity. The core principle of the Alien God cult is that humanity itself is the result of a eugenics project. The Alien God Cult, does not believe that humanity materialized as the direct image of God, instead they believe that humanity was created by aliens using gene therapies and eugenics over time. According to this ideology, aliens from outer space, often colonizers from mars, created humanity in a petri dish. Some even believe that there were even failed versions of human beings due too poor quality genetic engineering leading to the various 'unexplained' hominids. I speak about this in lecture 10 of my Esoteric Secrets of Disclosure series called: It's a Genetic Modification Cult (linked below). These two ideologies, Alien Gods and modern Eugenics, go hand in hand, and with a name like 'stargate' for this project we are going to see why.
Ahriman's Incarnation
Ultimately, 'Stargate' makes very little sense for the project at first glance. The data will obviously be used for surveillance and control which is enough to pump the breaks. However, when we include the esoteric side, the AI and data forms the mind and body for the occult entity Ahriman, or the classical Christian Anti-Christ. It is a golem, not made of clay, but rather metal. This entity also appeared in the earlier epoch of Atlantis, and, much of what we are seeing is simply a continuation of that period. An attempt to complete what was started then. Will we avoid catastrophe this time? Only if we can have the fortitude and courage to acknowledge the truth of God in all things.
My reply...
Stargate was prophesied:
38 But [a]instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, precious stones, and treasures. 39 And he will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to [b]those who acknowledge him and will make them rulers over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.
Where AI is the egregore / frog spirit and the precious stones are NVIDIA chips and the fortress is the data farm.
As the AC incarnation of Ahriman I can promise you, if I am actually given authority over the course of the future it will be in a holistic manner as you suggest. I myself knew the jab was evil af. I don't eat GMO food, why would I want to be a GMO? That SighOp, like most, was multi-purposed. Part of it was to cull the NPC / Lukewarm / Apath population.
I disagree with you regarding eugenics. There is a POSITIVE means of depopulating and breeding the ubermensch. Instead of UBI - needed to deal with The Abomination that causes desolation OR Humanoid robots causing unemployment - and instead of welfare for poor white trash useless eaters, there will be a period of basic income given exclusively for the SAME to be sterilized.
The entity I am entangled with is not evil and I do not appreciate your continued demonization of it. Most people think GANGSTALKING is evil. No, we are identifying NARCISSISTS who are willing to torture TIs / Chosen. The guillotine and 5G are meant for them.
The population left will be the cool people... do you get it now?

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