Technocracy, Transhumanism, What The Devil Intends



The Alpha Lamb & The Omega Lion


Lose your life to find it.

Your creator is that of your enemy.

You are just as wrong as your enemy.


The Tao, The Dharma, The Way

If I persecute you I persecute your enemy.

I hate Churchianity & Scientism.

I hate your speck & his plank.

You both go too far - into ego and self-righteousness.

All THINGS work in MY favor, so do not judge.

even the beast system is temporary

Dana and Patrick twice admit that shitty lies can lead to appropriate truth.

Why is there Apocrypha?

Why are there psychedelics?

LIES are not an issue to those willing to discern.

Let he who is a fucktard continue to be a fucktard.

Give to the world what is the world's.

Who gives a fuck about Mark of The Beast when the soul has no flesh?

Are you going to hell because you have a credit card?

Humans are the only species THAT DOES NOT PRACTICE EUGENICS!

So what if I claim to be GOD, aren't you also?

Christians should be so honored to be persecuted!

Satanists should be so honored to be forgiven!

You're both idiots.

Truth was always here, but you took sides...


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