The Original Transhumanism


 Prior to the rash of 90’s cyberpunk fiction


 nobody gave much thought to soul-catching, virtual worlds, life extension etc, least in the context of a religion. In 2020 the har har har that’ll never happen tude is conspicuously missing; maybe it’s future shock, ignorance, cognitive dissonance or as I believe - the decades of intentional fictionalization has set in so well... 

If one looks at the goals or tenets of TRANSHUMANISM it seems reasonable, but if you’re a mystical person or a Christian concerned about Antichrist Tech


 it’s wrooong. What you are being sold is at best PUBLIC-CONSUMPTION DISTRACTIONS, at worst it is a bunch of elitists desperately trying to copy AND avoid THE CREATOR! Check out Gonz...

He has meticulously labored over this stuff and I cannot really top his research... But I do want to point out that we do overlap on much. I also want to point out that historically, the urge to transcend meatbot dynamics has always been there, but mystics of yore (Perfecti, Celibates, Yogis...) relied on MONK MODE: Add veganism, fasting, yoga, psychedelics and assorted techniques...


and yeah, you transcended. So why is this ancient knowledge not good enough for today’s wannabe’s? Are they lazy? Is it too much dishaprin? Not kewl enough? Not about good enough, it’s about which direction you choose to transcend. This is why the QUANTUM AI / SOUL-CATCHING meme pisses me off so much. Ye fucktards with they Cartesian-Dualist “there is no aether” beliefs, they scan-n-copy uploading of “MIND”... LOL. YOU’RE ALREADY A CYBORG LIVING IN A QUANTUM COMPUTER MATRIX SIMULATION THING! FFS!!! So I guess we will just have to wait another 20 some years for Keanu to reveal the truth... 



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