Pike's Peak, No Chic Illuminaughty, NWO = News Without Opinion


I've read



and I still can't figure out if these guys are geniuses or idiots, and I conclude that is the point, because adherence to duality is kinda their thing; reckon 3 is emergent from that heuristic maxim. But what really impresses me beyond the foresight of mimicking nature to immanentize the eschaton is how I reached the same understanding all these occultists and secret society folks did independently and without formal rites n such.

Been banned from twitter, fb, yt but found GAB recently - https://gab.com/Rantichrist - a more laidback, one-sided version of fb and it seems to be the safe space for the political right.

What frustrates me about the GAB folk is that they still cling to this silly notion of 'Merica which is prophesied to be destroyed.

Imagine if your job was to merely offer your opinion about this destruction or chaos?

Good thing ur a hottie!

Men actually have to think about stuff

Sometimes we take alot of cough syrup to brainstorm or cope with our patriarchal toxicity.

But it can backfire and make this world entertaining.

Imagine if all the men just died leaving only women. Would there still be wars and news and bipartisan polyticks and assorted BS?

This show suggests YES.

Which I think is bullshit. Firstly society would just collapse, secondly they'd be too busy crafting dildos and becoming witches.

If all the women were to disappear, same thing, but society would get better, because the vagina-carrot ....

By better I mean peaceful and robotic BJ devices.

Anyhoo, before you get all hating on Masons, Jesuits, The Program...member The Matrix and know that the humans need a modicum of fuckery; it may suck for your body and ego but your soul be like


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