THE PEDO FILES – Kid’s POV, Double Standards, CP vs. Murder Porn


This, the fourth installment concludes with, as suspected, the local ISP flagging my activity and my internet going away – for good.

Porn Addiction aside, I can honestly say that the gonzo journalism method is legit. Nobody else is willing and able to write about the world of CP/Pedophilia: I reasoned that since my reputation was already destroyed via The Program protocol I might as well lean into it.

I still have some unanswered questions:

Was the Wack-A-Lolita-Website phenomena due to ME being tracked or do the authorities actually pay someone to go down the CP hole as a job?



Does said taken down website pop back up a few days later under a new name because it is actually a sting operation or are the CP Peddlers prepared for the occasional take down ?

How are all the self-shot videos procured ?

Are servers and ISPs complicit ?

Had I gone the TOR / Onion / VPN route would I be able to watch / download CP indefinitely?

I have explored every angle (there is a spiritual angle but let’s process the basics first) to this subject as objectively as possible, both from a societal and personal POV. As the pervy old guy I can say that watching a 13 yo Russian girl happily and publicly masturbate is a turn on. You can go ahead and judge me but I can also say that watching a toddler get raped is pretty wood-chipper-worthy. I can say that we are all a little pedo. Don’t believe me? Would you rather fuck a 17 yo or a 71 yo ? IMHO, the market for GMILF Porn is the truly deviant and sad fetish. At least being into teen girls has some biological hard-wiring to explain it. You can’t really explain why a man would be turned on by a saggy, wrinkly, hunched over blue hair that smells like baked ham, or a baby for that matter.

The CP Hole is like a box of chocolates, the layers baffling:

1 – Youtube Softcore – Morning Routine, Yoga Challenge, Gymnastics

2 – Non-Nude – Girls in sexy outfitls, Beauty Pagents, High School Yoga Pants, Candid

3 – File-Sharing Forums – Studio, Selfie Pics and Vids, exhibitionist webcam sites

4 – Redirects & Clickbait Games – Increasingly Hardcore

5 – GIF Land – Snippets of nasty stuff

6 – Hell – This ONE site with ever changing temp names, download for free Dark Web level images.

One thing I made a mental note of is the ratios of the girl’s attitude if not self-shot. One girl stood out. She goes by Cherish. With most girls you can see that they were groomed or coerced but they don’t seem distraught or uncomfortable. Some were obviously uncomfortable, but Cherish … She has photos out there from the age of 7 to 17. She always has a cute smile but it is fake, because if you look in her eyes she is DEAD inside.

As for the self-shot vids and pics, the girls are 100% into it, exploring themselves and male gaze. Without a doubt self-shot CP is the only porn where context is part of it. The most popular vid I ever came across was of a 13 yo redhead – LSR – in her bedroom just talking about herself for the first hour. 


 The last ten minutes of the vid is where you can clearly see her struggling as to whether or not she should cave to the dares. She does. The hour of tension, her struggling and finally dancing in a short skirt with no panties and just barely showing her naughty bits, well ... 


 They know they have power

Sometimes these self-shot vids are humorous because a dog or cat will bomb the session, a parent will barge in or the girl just does not know what she is supposed to be doing. There are dares from her audience. It has the same feel of innocence like when you were a kid and “PLAYED DOCTOR” or “TOOK PICTURES.” Do these girls know that they are being ogled and cajoled by adults? Do they care?


Since The Pedo Files started with a Netflix product that was super controversial it will end with one that is not – BIG MOUTH.

Season 5 kicks off with the 12-13 yo gang trying to stick to NO NUT NOVEMBER with a nod to Seinfeld’s Master of Your Domain episode.

This show is at least as explicit as my blogs here, but since it is a cartoon by a major company and not some lone creep in his apt they don’t get shamed, oh wait, they do. Must be because BIG MOUTH is a cartoon nobody cares.

Anyhoo, of note in this episode is how the two girls masturbate to an image of and a shirt of, adult men.


I recall being 10 and tossing to adult women – via the Playboy Magazine.

The other double standard nobody talks about much is the women predators. I already pointed the finger at bad moms for allowing their kids to be molested…. But there are women out there that get off on fucking kids too. South Park addressed this and nobody pitied Kyle’s little bro Ike 




for getting raped by his teacher


Have you seen the vid of that actress making out with a boy



Now pharmie companies wanna fuck your kids, with little pointy cocks that impregnate them with a gene altering witch’s brew. Kid’s have strokes too! Be an organ donor! Clinical Trial Heroes! When the kids start dying maybe they’ll make it into a series on OXYGEN network:

“MY DAUGHTER, THEIR GUINEA PIG” - Premieres Next Month !!!



They were prolly just gonna grow up to be porn stars anyway

Which brings me to my final thought.

What does society tolerate and why?

Nobody would give anybody shit for owning a copy of:

THE BEGUILED – Clint Eastwood makes out with a 12 yo and fucks a 16 yo.




PRETTY BABY – Brooke Shields is pimped out to and seduces adult men.




BLUE LAGOON – Toddlers and Teens running & swimming around naked for 2 hours.

LOLITA – A decent man caves to his hearts desire despite it being taboo.

My mom is among millions of folks addicted to INFORMATIVE MURDER PORN.

Imagine being so dark, so depraved, that you ENJOY reenactments of actual murders / true crime!?



What is wrong with these people? Is it not enough that violence pervades reality in entertainment and the news? Oh, they’ll say they watch IMP because they like a mystery or to sometimes see justice but REALLY they are just looking for pointers. THAAAATTTTTs RIGHT! These “people” are obsessed with wood chippers! They fantasize about murdering people ALL DAY and to look at people KILLING people is the only way to manage their sick, deviant desires.

We should jail them and demonize them ALL before they go out and kill people.




This rant is dedicated to my last living hero - RDSV



And a thanks to LSR, who had the ovas to share with the world.




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