There has been alot of confusion about the “Antichrist” and “False Prophet”. Titles are interchangeable. The Beast Out of The Sea / Dajjal is the www/5G/AI in reality, but Hal Lindsey could not have known that. Papacy is not relevant, neither is Obama or .... There is prophecy that the AC has like, an uncle/forerunner/John the Baptist kinda guy to go with him. I wondered for a LONG time who this guy was... Now I know. Robert David Steele Vivas. My proof? read this 

https://www.goodcatholicbooks.org/antichrist.html Now watch his vids 


 He is talking about PAN ASIA, FREE ENERGY... Here is (some of) the other prophecy from Dolores Cannon & Nostradamus


Here is his calculated Birthday



 Here is his real Birthday July 16, 1952 

A description from Conversations With Nostradamus “...He’s kind of short and stocky, but he has a kind face. He resembles Pope John XXIII. He’s built like him but much nicer looking, and he has much kinder eyes. He has good, full and thick Slavic features. He has a smiling, happy-go-lucky type of face, but he’s very serious and determined to help. He’s a very intelligent man, and he knows how to worm his way around things. He’s a charmer, and he means well. He doesn’t have one negative thought or attitude toward others; In fact, he’d sacrifice anything for other people...” 

There is more but for his sake...perhaps he knows, perhaps he does not. If he does, he may be wanting to keep a low profile, God knows my metaphysical side has done no service to my memes. 


 In the Soloviev prophecy, RDSV is the Antichrist, and some FREE ENERGY MESSIAH guy gives him the tech. It could very well be true that his most recent book is the prophesied best-seller, though I doubt it because the books he writes are not nearly as comprehensive or inflammatory as my stuff. Again, confusion. Regardless of titles, he is one of my heros and I hope we get to work together some day. I love how informal he is, how well read, his use of 3, and the idealism and philosophy... The prophesied best-seller is called THE OPEN PATH... Compelling evidence, and I am the only human that sees it.



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