THE PEDO FILES: Depths of Hell

This rant was brought to you by RUSSIA, WWW, EDITH's WIFI

The reason I don't get caught up in the culture wars is because there are sick assholes in EVERY culture, group and nation.

If you have read my previous installment

It may seem like I am defending pedos. This is not true, I am merely trying to unpack and process what I have experienced.

When people hear about it, the reaction of disgust is warranted.

But as I said, there is some gray area regarding biology

Both in the minor being exploited

and the perp getting off. Some 14 yos have huge boobs, some men get their daddy and dick wires crossed, neurologically speaking.

The reaction is based on mostly the imagination of the adult whose sexual fantasies are still in the realm of Penthouse letters, and because I just recently ventured down the kitty pron hole all the way, I can tell you it is worse than you imagine, so I get this ( I was not promoting rape, but apparently anything beyond the CUTIES is not worthy of discussion )


I saw a gif of a baby getting shit on with the caption EAT PEDO SHIT YOU CUNT, babies of both genders getting penetrated and ejeculated on, a girl giving head to a dog, a little girl getting tasered as a naughty slave, an incest orgy, children covered in welts, a newborn with umbilical still connected getting a cock in the mouth ... I can't UNSEE this. So you see, this outrage over CUTIES is kind of a joke.

Putting a bullet in my head is not going to stop this.

Nuking Russia would only take out 60% of it.

Two of my shows recently went there


 My point is, do not concern yourself with racism or a guy jerking off in his apt.

Systemic Torture of The Innocent, Demon Possession ... that is something to get worked up about.

This meme is trending now it seems; Debbie can finally drop Franny off at school again...

Chris is back...


Is this all some kind of soft disclosure?

Who can both expose AND mediate the issue without completely dehumanizing? Who can actually differentiate between a predator and a porn addict?

Let's say I'm 14 right now and my 14 yo gf sends me nudes, let's say I hang on to these pics until I'm an adult and let's say I am still turned on by those pics. Do I deserve to go to prison?

Why has Chris and his colleagues not gone after CPS for trafficking kids?

If the whole pedo thing were a diseased tree it's like those tasked with combating it are pruning leaves when they should be chopping the trunk.

Maybe the Q whitehat patriots are biding time...

Maybe sick assholes will always get away with it as long as it is taboo blackmail currency...


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