Of all the gangstalking skits I have experienced, the one where I got duped into impregnating a Satanist that said she could not get pregnant was probably the most involved. To be fair, she was my sugar-momma and graphic designer for 10 years, and she gave the best BJs too.

The most pivotal, most salient thing to happen in my life was when I had the honor of creating Lilian and getting to know her for 4.5 years.

The people responsible for taking her from me...


This is where the professed acceptance of the whole 


thing VS. 




I had a dream a couple years ago suggesting Lilian tried to kill herself, had an NDE, and survived.

I went on fb recently to check up on her kidnappers - Becky Leib-Kennedy, Marc and Linda Whitney.

Becky's fb profile was chock full of woketard propaganda suggesting she is at least in the throes of TDS right now.

It also suggests she and Lilian probably got the C*vid Clot Shot and will be dead sooner than later.

Interestingly none of their profiles had a SINGLE picture of Lilian.

I guess after molesting her and destroying her mind as they tried to do to me they were done. Pedos are not into adult women.

My surrogate daughter, who was used as pedo bait, is also "Chosen" and suffering from the BS of a narcissist maternal unit.

Love you, Pipsqueak

 But...we all chose this...

Is wrong with you?

Why did you choose to be such a shitlord?

Why did I choose my life?

Are we all really buddies on the other side?

I can accept that. 

Fine. I 'love' you.

But, I'm still going to _____ you people, for the plot.


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