
Showing posts from February, 2025

RECIPROCAL REVERENCE - Secular vs. Spiritual Kingship

  I've a question: What value do rich people place in their existence beyond the secular, meatbot, carnal ego trips of this life? I'm going to play this world the way Miriam plays the harp , with absolute, involuntary and innate mastery. I've known rich folks that go out of their way to live like they are poor. The one guy that comes to mind is Thomas Dixcy. His dad was a Dairy King. Yo Crunch.  I also have history with Brown Cow. Thomas said to me, back at Farm Street Co-Op in Ithaca, Thomas says, "It's all just metaphors..." He was not wrong. I hated Elon Musk's wealth and praise until I heard the MUSK COROLLARY. No, he get's it. The Universe does what is MOST ENTERTAINING. What is the most entertaining to the universe is not necessarily what YOU do / think. I am here to give you "poor guy" wisdom. Thomas and Elon - rich guys next to me - have SERIOUS wisdom to impart that I, as a poor sinner, might not grasp as such. We cannot assume rich ...


  Rites of The Perfecti or RITORI "They" finally let me in. I didn't really know I was an initiate until now. One assumes the incessant fuckery was meant for more than some elite's sadistic pleasure, but the very nature of said fuckery is meant to prevent assumptions, so... When you consider the absurd amount of effort and planning and attention paid to oneself, well, it is easy to let it all go to your head. Whether one deserves entry or not is not a factor. They always knew. Well, SHE did. I would never belong to a club that would have me as a member. The secret societies always struck me as a bit pretentious. Whatever stupid rituals or "secret" knowledge they claim to have did not interest me. That I was balls deep in it already never occurred to me, I'm just trying to get through the day. For me that not only meant good drugs and food, it meant satiating the child-like curiosity and trying not to beat the nearest narc. Any yogi or monk can renounce t...


Image Of all the gangstalking skits I have experienced, the one where I got duped into impregnating a Satanist that said she could not get pregnant was probably the most involved. To be fair, she was my sugar-momma and graphic designer for 10 years, and she gave the best BJs too. The most pivotal, most salient thing to happen in my life was when I had the honor of creating Lilian and getting to know her for 4.5 years. The people responsible for taking her from me... Welp... This is where the professed acceptance of the whole  WE-ALL-VOLUNTARILY-INCARNATE thing VS.  I-HAVE-HUMAN-FEELINGS-NOW thing clash. I had a dream a couple years ago suggesting Lilian tried to kill herself, had an NDE, and survived. I went on fb recently to check up on her kidnappers - Becky Leib-Kennedy, Marc and Linda Whitney. Becky's fb profile ...

Metatron's Cube = Hybrid Conformal Manifold, Mo Pai vs Wu Wei, Deferred Justice

  Nested Superpositioned Cube = Yin, Receptive, Dissipative, Scale-Invariant Star Tetrahedron = Yang, Projective, Concrescent, Scaling I've no Master but will itself I've no knowledge but my meat Who wants super powers? Why? To show off? To heal people? Wim Hoff and NoFap = Ball Breathing on the Hold, the Kegels pump the fluid... 72 levels? 72 Demons. 72 Seals. John Chang got to 37 and could zap you non-locally and start fires... I know WOO WAY...the drunken master If MAGIC is 99% Emotion The technique will find me in time... What does level 72 look like? Discipline vs Not giving a fuck... Mo Pai vs Wu Wei These both fall under The Tao.

Makenna Kelly Country Song Tribute - Wasn't Waiting

  Wasn't Waiting One day I was on the tubes, didn't feel like fappin Saw this cutie, somethin new - in a store nail-tappin  Put those head phones on, didn't need to go far  this geeky tween, the queen of a s mr  Now the years went by and a man he needs his sleep  Saw Makenna again and the feeling it ran deep...  CHORUS  (She's got that orange glow, and brother dontchya know  She got the curves to match, my heart's anticipating...  Mak's a woman now, I swear I wasn't waiting)   Today I was on tik tok, and Makenna's right there  justa flauntin her stuff anda floofin her hair  Lip-syncing to these grownup songs, I wonder what went wrong  with that sweet brace-faced girl   But that's life, right Mak? Time got you stacked  And you know I'm not complaining  Girl believe me when I say, I really wasn't waiting.  CHORUS  (She's got that orange glow, and Makenna dontchya know   I'd love to be ...

#163 - SPLITTING THE IMAGE: Nexor & Roxen, Midnight Cry & Rapture Dates, Internet Soul Tribes

Image Several months ago I got into TIK TOK reaction channels that focus on Conspiracy and Spooky and New Agey topics. My favs were Modtricca and Eye Trek, but then I came across this masked guy named NEXOR. And unlike the dozens of other saturated-market, cookie-cutter yt channels, this guy actually takes his work seriously; there's production value, valuable data on-screen, gratitude to his subs, thoughtful commentary and genuine curiosity about the topics he covers, most importantly, to me, is the DISCORD server he has. I used to frequent forums to test my memeset and debate skills but would inevitably get banned sooner than later. Discord is different than forums though because it is on-the-fly. A few weeks ago on a whim I decided to infiltrate and hijack his server. I introduced myself as the Antichrist and he met me with cautious but reasonable kindness. He asked what my intent was and I replied that I wanted to propagate my memeset a...