RECIPROCAL REVERENCE - Secular vs. Spiritual Kingship

I've a question: What value do rich people place in their existence beyond the secular, meatbot, carnal ego trips of this life? I'm going to play this world the way Miriam plays the harp , with absolute, involuntary and innate mastery. I've known rich folks that go out of their way to live like they are poor. The one guy that comes to mind is Thomas Dixcy. His dad was a Dairy King. Yo Crunch. I also have history with Brown Cow. Thomas said to me, back at Farm Street Co-Op in Ithaca, Thomas says, "It's all just metaphors..." He was not wrong. I hated Elon Musk's wealth and praise until I heard the MUSK COROLLARY. No, he get's it. The Universe does what is MOST ENTERTAINING. What is the most entertaining to the universe is not necessarily what YOU do / think. I am here to give you "poor guy" wisdom. Thomas and Elon - rich guys next to me - have SERIOUS wisdom to impart that I, as a poor sinner, might not grasp as such. We cannot assume rich ...