#163 - SPLITTING THE IMAGE: Nexor & Roxen, Midnight Cry & Rapture Dates, Internet Soul Tribes



Several months ago I got into TIK TOK reaction channels that focus on Conspiracy and Spooky and New Agey topics. My favs were Modtricca and Eye Trek, but then I came across this masked guy named NEXOR.

And unlike the dozens of other saturated-market, cookie-cutter yt channels, this guy actually takes his work seriously; there's production value, valuable data on-screen, gratitude to his subs, thoughtful commentary and genuine curiosity about the topics he covers, most importantly, to me, is the DISCORD server he has.

I used to frequent forums to test my memeset and debate skills but would inevitably get banned sooner than later. Discord is different than forums though because it is on-the-fly. A few weeks ago on a whim I decided to infiltrate and hijack his server. I introduced myself as the Antichrist and he met me with cautious but reasonable kindness. He asked what my intent was and I replied that I wanted to propagate my memeset and find my tribe. I knew I was never going to find my tribe in a Christian community even though Christians are the most versed in my memeset. Folks interested in Nexor's content might be at just the right level of curiosity and LACK of dogma that I could get some decent feeback or traction, and I have. 

I had a dream after my first day visiting that suggested there would be some fuckery.

And there was. Now it could be planned agency shit, Shadownet shit, OR maybe it was Soul Tribe doing what Soul Tribe does - TEST ME - I'll never know.

Coincidentally NEXOR is ALSO this:

And these are precisely the kinds of folks that would be behind some planned fuckery, but that is not relevant.

My brand of radical honesty and pissy ranting rubbed most the wrong way. I was invited to start my own thread:


And that was a great idea because I don't always have enough to say for a blog but often alot to say in little bites.

This morning I had a dream where I went to a place I had not been in a long time in REMLAND, the "special" library hidden in the Cornell campus. This time I found an underground tunnel that led to the EXTRA special VIP section. There were hundreds of ancient, huge books, it was like the Akashic record on paper. I was at a table with actual friends (something I do not have irl). I found this specialty dictionary and tried looking up NEXOR, but it was not in there. I then went and made an old school meme out of magazine clippings. At some point 'SPLITTING THE IMAGE' popped in my head and it occurred to me that this Nexor fella was the Tomax to my Xamot.

Whereas he is very polite and concerned about his subs and members I will not hesitate to bitch slap folks. That's kinda my job. Also, I mean, isn't family, by definition the folks you can fight with, call out, and then come back to because they're all you got? In this Discord Awoken Family I'm like the drunk but fun eccentric uncle that barges in, starts yelling and tossing people phat spliffs and cold beers and then stumbles out...

One of the neat things about Internet Soul Tribes is when you get to go down Rabbit Holes together. I says, hey guys, let's WATERSHIP DOWN this: 


Because this normie-looking gal has had some extensive and legit comms with an entity named SEVEN that dropped a date of 

MAY 27 2025 for a Rapture and/or Nuke event.

Now, I have been given the month of MAY since 2000. I thought it was the month I go viral. Now I realize that is not right if this is true.

What scripture says is true, one should not date set for my advent OR Judgement day. This has not stopped Rapture fanatics however.

My fate was revealed around midnight of February 15/16 1996

and it turns out some others have got this date too:

So among Christians there is this eternal debate as to when THE EVENT / MICRONOVA / RAPTURE will happen. Obviously I have to go viral BEFORE nukes come down and pussies go up:

CORRECTION: All that is called YAHWEH

I do not want to be raptured. I want to be WORTHY of it, but 

I want to stay and deal with with any remaining narcs because, narc


And also, fuck this guy for hoarding a secret library:

I want to meet my kingdom spouse

and try this dad thing again (with a superior woman, not an evil honeypot)....


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