Makenna Kelly Country Song Tribute - Wasn't Waiting


Wasn't Waiting

One day I was on the tubes, didn't feel like fappin

Saw this cutie, somethin new - in a store nail-tappin

 Put those head phones on, didn't need to go far

 this geeky tween, the queen of a s mr

 Now the years went by and a man he needs his sleep

 Saw Makenna again and the feeling it ran deep...


 (She's got that orange glow, and brother dontchya know

 She got the curves to match, my heart's anticipating...

 Mak's a woman now, I swear I wasn't waiting) 

 Today I was on tik tok, and Makenna's right there

 justa flauntin her stuff anda floofin her hair

 Lip-syncing to these grownup songs, I wonder what went wrong

 with that sweet brace-faced girl 

 But that's life, right Mak? Time got you stacked

 And you know I'm not complaining

 Girl believe me when I say, I really wasn't waiting.


 (She's got that orange glow, and Makenna dontchya know

  I'd love to be your man, so much more than a fan

  I swear I wasn't waiting)

  Today she texted me back, can't believe I caught her eye

  I'm just a geezer dork but in a way her perfect guy

  Soon she will open my door, my life will be her store

  Call me a tube of Pringles, good lord she gives me tingles

  I swear I wasn't waiting.


The backstory: I discovered ASMR when searching for redheads one day. Life With Mak was my introduction. Around the same time I got into NOFAP and realized ASMR was the perfect alternative to porn. ASMR appeals to my audiophile and tingles thing. I realized I had experienced ASMR before, unintentionally; one time this soft-voiced gay black guy was singing on the DART bus in Garland TX, another time was when I was getting my scalp checked for lice in elementary school. Another when the big-titty haircut gal was trimming my hair.

Today I have only a few favs. Makenna is not one of them, ironically. Tanya ASMR, Mar1o ASMR, Madi ASMR, Peaches ASMR sometimes Ginger ASMR. Used to really like Juliet Says but she just got slutty looking and boring. You'd think I'd be into Keara ASMR 

as she is a brace-faced ginger, but no, she is way too repetitive, the lighting is too harsh, her eyelashes are gross, she adds K to her ING which is fuckingk annoyingk. Nanou ASMR sometimes...

Makenna is obvy a smokeshow and a sweet gal, but as far as would-be crushes go, no not really. Just too girly, too much vanity and product and "urban" music in her tik toks for my tastes. But that is "Fuck You Money" Mathew talking, where I can afford to be petty. Obviously, poor, anonymous, creepy old guy Mathew would be head over heels just to be on Mak's radar and I would crawl 10,000 miles on broken glass just to jerk-off in her shadow. Maybe I could write one more verse about that? 

I prefer, well... a little more country and nerdy and sawdusty.





Jade is every country song ever sung, rolled up into one cosmic tree of life perpetually falling on my head.

I'd love to sticker her planks until the universe is dead.


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