Rites of The Perfecti or RITORI
"They" finally let me in. I didn't really know I was an initiate until now. One assumes the incessant fuckery was meant for more than some elite's sadistic pleasure, but the very nature of said fuckery is meant to prevent assumptions, so...
When you consider the absurd amount of effort and planning and attention paid to oneself, well, it is easy to let it all go to your head.
Whether one deserves entry or not is not a factor. They always knew. Well, SHE did.
I would never belong to a club that would have me as a member. The secret societies always struck me as a bit pretentious. Whatever stupid rituals or "secret" knowledge they claim to have did not interest me.
That I was balls deep in it already never occurred to me, I'm just trying to get through the day. For me that not only meant good drugs and food, it meant satiating the child-like curiosity and trying not to beat the nearest narc. Any yogi or monk can renounce the world and meditate all day and that may yield results, like superpowers.
The way I see it is, I could hunt down DMT, I could pound ORMUS, but I ALREADY have basic superpowers. My default REMland adventures are far trippier than any 15 minute pseudo-death experience. Endogenous DMT is a thing. Meditation is a luxury for folks whose brains are already half-asleep. Fuck that. I will dream. HARD. I will be the best dreamer EVER. And going lucid is not something to pursue either. I just grope the nearest hottie. Better to just be semi-lucid; I know I am dreaming but just enough to appreciate the fact, not enough to control anything. PERFECT.
I knew my waking state had attained the paradoxical, Abraxian, Grey Jedi state, time to apply it to REMland. No longer is there the question of where a given dream "comes from". Shit, Christians still do that, so right there... "From the enemy, from the lord..." What-the-fuck-ever.
I have mastered the language of my subconscious. Even things I cannot figure out have meaning, eventually. That's the nature of living in a 5D reality, it is non-linear.
Ithaca NY.
Is DRIPPING in psychic juices. There's something in the water too. LSD from Cornell, Lead from the ole gun factory. A history of occult stuff...Ithaca was "woke" before that was a thing. If I am hanging out at GIMME COFFEE and say the word BLACK, some uppity twatwaffle will get in my grill and call me racist. "...But, I was talking about the color of my lungs, Sir." OOPS.
The REMland counterpart is as solid as the 3D. It is a little bigger. The hills are a little steeper, Cayuga lake is a bit more blue. Cornell and IC campuses a bit more labyrinthine. I go there a few times a week. It seems to be stuck in the early 90s. This was the peak of what makes Ithaca, ITHACA. Before all the development, before The Commons became boring. When Cyberpunk and Hippie overlapped.
This morning I went to a new place. Invitation only. The fella I was with was not particularly ... suspect. He leads me through a bathroom, pushes a false wall back. We go through. Two more false walls and then a tiny shower stall / elevator. We descend a few floors. I have no idea why I'm following him. He gets comms, rejected. I was not upset as I was not anticipating anything to begin with.
We try again the next day, accepted. A door opens to a rundown garage type area. It seems to be a kind of enclave for kids in the club. They all seem busy - having fun. Mostly males. My eye is drawn to a chunky redhead gal. She seems to be the leader. She welcomes me and explains the rejection yesterday was a final test. She explains my whole life was a test. They threw everything at me and I never broke.
She explains that I now have access to The Book of Black Rules and I now have to contribute. It is a kind of dictionary. What makes members of this club, called RITORI, special or worthy is that each one has something ORIGINAL to add. This gets progressively more difficult.
This chunky redhead seems familiar. Her name is RANTHA. I take the book from her and flip through it.
"We weren't sure if you'd ever get EVIL enough, Mathew. There was a meeting about this very issue. Some said you actually had to go kinetic, like actually hurt or molest... But others said that your mere capacity for, and consistent use of fantasy was sufficient."
"Rantha, I'm assuming RITORI is behind the..."
"Yes, and your interaction with NERF and SLOT the other day was how we we determined it was time."
"Yeah, I couldn't imagine what more BS you could do."
"You probably didn't expect this unveiling to happen here, in REMland as you call it."
"No, but it makes sense that an actual 'Secret Society' would operate in 5D, that alone vets initiates." Continues flipping through book..
"I'm not sure what to contribute to this book, seems like every occult thing ever is right here."
"Don't overthink it, it may actually be better to do something random."
I took The Book of Black Rules to a nook over there and thought about it all.
I wondered if the fuckery would continue, just then I flipped to an entry by CHIRPS - "What isn't your teacher?"
Of course, that was something I'd already figured out.
Fuckery. Is that too harsh? In hindsight it is a beautiful blessing.
Like a woman.
I remember Kira. She was in a dream an hour earlier. The bus was waiting for more passengers. I saw her in back. She had a herpes sore on her lip and her butt was thicker, but damn she is still the smokeshow. She suggested once that she was Mary Magdelene, and this was before I knew about The Program, when I was mad about my Twin Flame. I got two books about Jesus and Mary. "Channeled" accounts of their relationship.
In one, Mary was more of a dicktease and cheater. Like, she friendzones Jesus and fucks Judas. OK.
In the other Mary and Jesus are in love and fucking like bunnies everywhere because tantra.
In each very opposite role Mary served a vital function - teacher.
Who could possibly teach The Christ? And what? Life here isn't all about being virtuous or making money. The most mundane, petty things one experiences in a meatbot can have huge lessons for a soul.
I kept flipping through the book. I came to a hand-drawn picture of Rantha from her youth. I pulled out an orange pencil and added a few strands of hair.
That is poetic, now for the practical.
Mathew's Entry:
SATAN aka THE ADVERSARY is not LOYAL to Evil. SATAN is a UNIVERSAL adversary; SATAN will help "GOOD" causes as well as "EVIL".
So a day will come when I go from Overt TI activity to being brought into the club. Will any part of my divine mission need to be compromised in order to attain the NECESSARY wealth and fame? Will I actually be given power or will I just become another asset?
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