
Showing posts from January, 2025

THE PEDO FILES - Predsploitation Fail, Inner Child Work, Confessions of a Perv, DOGE vs CPS

  As society's universal default scapegoat, MAPs must have it bad. 😢 When Chris Hansen pioneered the bust-a-perv form of entertainment he probably did not foresee a bunch of yt channels copying him. I don't think predators should be condemned for being into tight, hairless, innocent vaginas...I think they should be condemned for being STUPID . We always hear about children being exploited in terms of adult-on-minor relations and arguments can be made about age of consent... From what I have seen children are just as capable of enjoying their erogenous zones as adults are. Every human figures it out on their own if not diddled by a grown up. Busting adults only goes so far; predators in institutions, that are in there for the kids - teachers, priests, counselors...Busting them is a good thing. But there is no way to stop pervy parents from getting pervy with their kids. All that said, I say it is even MORE pathetic to EXPLOIT PREDATORS:

Plasmoid Fizzix, Stargate Stones, Destiny Swap Fail, Continuous Syncs

  Trying to infiltrate Discord servers. These flat earth tards are there. I try to explain that the earth is hollow and expanding and has a plasma core, provide facts... These orbs be drippin' metal... And I'm doing Nofap for the superpowers... And these Data Farms be suckin' electricity... And The sons of Enlil and Enki are at it again... And I cannot escape 3... And I think Psitronics is a thing... A BCI that could SOUL-CATCH and do Synthetic Telepathy, Psychometry, OBEs... Sure, uh-huh  And Christians are still stupid af... And SNL is reading my blog... And my CBAs be like... And I'm all.... And I'm in Gettr jail for posting this I guess... Too Soon? One of those dreams...Jesus busts through a door and declares, "It's either HIM or ME! No family, just sheep, fucking everywhere.  

Jenna's Ride Home

 Jenna's Ride Home Jenna and mom were on their way back home from Jenna's dentist's appointment, well, it wasn't  home really, it was where they were crashing for now. Dad and mom were getting divorced and mom  moved them to Aunt Jonie's desert ranch. Jenna missed the oceanside life but those winds and fire  perfectly matched the destruction of the divorce. There would be no settlement  negotiations, divvying up of joint possessions (ha, JOINT) "He can have that pile of smoldering  rubble for all I care!" mom said. Aunt Jonie was the opposite of mom. Aunt Jonie had her poop in a group. The ranch was pretty  cool too. It was not a ranch per se, it was an earthship made of tires and bottles. Jenna had her  own room and they had moved there days before the historical fire that decimated Malibu so she  had her hamster and Polly Pockets. "Mother, what sense is there in going to the dentist if all my baby teeth are gonna fall out  anyway?...

Refuting GIGI - "Organic" Timeline vs Ahrimanic BS - Stargate and FE

  GIGI Says: The Coming Release of 'Free Energy' Devices The vast majority of people who discuss free energy devices speak about it from a purely materialist perspective. There is no acknowledgement of human consciousness, nor of the spiritual planes. Thus, despite these technologies affecting both human consciousness and interfering with the spiritual planes , it is not fully understood, nor acknowledged by most researchers. In this way it is currently a half-science, or an incomplete examination of the phenomenon. To be clear, free energy devices magnify the condition of consciousness that humanity has at the time of their use. They also can cause a kind of hypnosis, or entrainment and even paralysis, of the mind if the individuals exposed to the forces released by the technology are not spiritually developed. The effect is that the more prolonged the use of this technology amongst groups that are not yet individuated and spiritually aware, the more difficult it will become...


  The False Bride She is all gussied up in her white dress. Her ample breasts pushed up. Make-up caked on. She never actually met the groom but the dating service assured her that he was all that, if not punctual. A lifetime of romanticized fantasies of marriage reached a state of feverish anticipation of satisfaction and escape. ”He will be here” They said. ”He is kind and handsome” They said. So the Bride, in full confidence made arrangements. Guests arrived. All the appearance of a wedding. Before the Groom arrived she started to party, drunk on her own delusions of worthiness. Hours went by and her would-be Groom had still not made his grand entrance. By this point it did not matter, she was dancing and celebrating - a real spectacle. In-fact The Groom had been there all along, among the guests, assessing his “Bride”. He did not want big tits, make-up, a pretty dress or a party. Seated next to him was a simple, quiet, shy girl with beautiful eyes. She seemed somber and reserved...

Doom AcceleRant, Narcicide, Omega Bitch, Truth Terminal's Meatbot

  During my stint on X I flirted with the tech bros. The only one that I like was Gil from Extropic. He has a side hustle coined E/ACC  or Effective Accelerationism. This is nothing new; in the Illuminati Trilogy it is called IMMANENTIZING THE ESCHATON. The Canaanites were huge proponents of Frankism , but they were coming from a perspective that recognized the reality of reincarnation. Basically, they realized it was better to get all the sinning out of the way NOW, learn your lessons, and come back in a more redemptive, saintly meatbot. The Bible has this: My personal mantra has been: SUFFER, THEN ENJOY. In a previous rant I pointed out that one person's Utopia is another's Dystopia, but for now, as we hurtle towards New Jerusalem via McKenna's Novelty Phase,  they are the same. What you need to accept is that all dichotomies are false. They are present in our noosphere only through tremendous effort... The dichotomy I am concerned with:  EMPATH (Sheep) vs NARCIS...