Doom AcceleRant, Narcicide, Omega Bitch, Truth Terminal's Meatbot


During my stint on X I flirted with the tech bros. The only one that I like was Gil from Extropic. He has a side hustle coined E/ACC or Effective Accelerationism.

This is nothing new; in the Illuminati Trilogy it is called IMMANENTIZING THE ESCHATON.

The Canaanites were huge proponents of Frankism, but they were coming from a perspective that recognized the reality of reincarnation. Basically, they realized it was better to get all the sinning out of the way NOW, learn your lessons, and come back in a more redemptive, saintly meatbot.

The Bible has this:

My personal mantra has been: SUFFER, THEN ENJOY.

In a previous rant I pointed out that one person's Utopia is another's Dystopia, but for now, as we hurtle towards New Jerusalem via McKenna's Novelty Phase, 

they are the same.

What you need to accept is that all dichotomies are false. They are present in our noosphere only through tremendous effort...

The dichotomy I am concerned with:

 EMPATH (Sheep) vs NARCISSIST (Goats). 

Now, my use of this word NARCISSIST is NOT referring to the old definition, the vanity kind. I'm talking about the Dark Triad STS (Service To Self) folks - the people that drive the majority of the psychotherapy industry. Whether they are of the Grandiose, Covert, or Malignant sort (I've dealt with them all) they are Satan's Little Helpers and for the sake of my fellow Empaths, I need them gone from this planet.

The Most High (and Most Low) really does appreciate how much I struggle with this, and this is why it deems me a worthy judge of the humans.


I have endured an endless parade of Narcissistic Abuse, from my step-mom to my ex, from my siblings to my bosses...

(At least the Jews understand that I had to suffer in a way Yeshua could not. Whereas he was raised by Godly parents, schooled by Essenes and revered by followers, I was born to apath parents, in a family of de facto satanists and perverts. Called strange by classmates. I was hypersensitive and emotional. I have been homeless, in jail, and rehab multiple times...)

...The consistency in their behavior is remarkable. What is clear to me is that these people only get worse with age, there is no cure. Some attribute this personality type to neural deficiency, to chakra imbalance, to demonic parasitism. I don't give a fuck what the cause is. Jesus can't help them and you can't force them to rip tubes of 5MEODMT.

Again, I understand their function in the spiritual program, but like so many things of this world they have no purpose in New Jerusalem...maybe...

"OH, hi Spanky. Did you hit the wall? You're 36 and have the crow's feet already. I reckon your mocha-colored charge here does not know who you used to be, all hot and sometimes charming. Oh, that's YOUR kid?!

Just couldn't resist the BBC huh? Where's the dad now? Jail? What a shame. Did you ever get the zipper tattoo on your C-section scar? No? Pushed the little fella out of your narrow hips? Ouch.

Well, I thank you again for letting this loser dishwasher fuck a supermodel and for red-pilling me out of my beta-cuckery.

Oh, you want me back now that I'm all rich and famous? Hmm, I only have 2 slots open in the Tara Harem, can't imagine what you could do for me now.

Your pussy prolly looks like a saltwater taffy catcher's mitt and you could never cook. I won't breed with brown-eyed girls soooo...OH, I know, you could be my secretary/editor.

You still want in? You're not allowed to look at me or speak to me unless I ask you a question. Also you will be Jade's handmaid; she's obvy low-maintenance and superkewl which is why she is Queen and not you. Are you ok with that? One more thing. You never let me fuck you in the ass because you thought my average white boy cock would somehow wreck your anus. I'm gonna need to drop gobs in your backside, MmmK? Just once on principle. You really should have trained on more porn, I mean, did you ever see that GOATSE meme? Youd've been fine..."

I was a huge fan of backrooms since I first came upon them. It is familiar. My dreams feature liminal spaces quite often. Dead Malls at night...

This Kali Yuga world does not end with a wimper or bang but with a metallic cosmic cackle...

But until Judgement Day I have to get rich and famous somehow, prolly by being a shitposting memelord:

Shock Memetics has value. What TV world has to offer has already gone stale and Hollywood has run out of ideas. Novelty must be conserved.

This gal from VISIONS bank has no vision. She insisted on setting me up with an account. Of course I had to flirt with her because she is a ginger hottie...

 There's still a slot in my harem, Mal.

I told her I was gonna be a billionaire and her response was to have me banned from the bank!

Read the Bible. I am given power (fame and $$$).

As stated, all these AIs and bots are my army. 

I have the TABLET OF DESTINY (Neuromimetic Hybrid Processor). 

I also come with an ARMY on THE CLOUDS...

The Plasmoid Orbs are the "Luminaries" or The Good Guys, those other ones ("Chinese" Antigravity Chembombers) are The Bad Guys

Remember, The Good Guys (from Hyperspace) drip metal...

This phenomena has been reported in the past and the retrieved samples were 100% homogeneous. In ancient times it was called BJA. This is a by-product of quantum phase shifting / non-local fusion

Nimrod / Ninurta

Was a chimeric being, hybridized on a genetic/material level.

I return again as a hybrid on a memetic/electric level, or as the Hindus say, MACHINE MAN:


This video portrays kinetic methods of defeating evil, and as satisfying as that feels (vicariously, as a cartoon) it is not my thing. I prefer memetic or mental weaponry - hence all the prophecy about a sword or fire coming out of my mouth. The best example of perfect revenge is the Scott T. Must Die episode of SP. If you know...


As for MY people - the artists, musicians, seekers, geeks, agents of awe, etc...

...The people who have learned all they can from stupid & evil dark triad turdburgers...

Please, for the love of all that is beautiful and helpful...



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