The False Bride

She is all gussied up in her white dress.
Her ample breasts pushed up.
Make-up caked on.

She never actually met the groom but the dating service assured her that he was all that, if not punctual.

A lifetime of romanticized fantasies of marriage reached a state of feverish anticipation of satisfaction and escape.

”He will be here” They said.
”He is kind and handsome” They said.

So the Bride, in full confidence made arrangements.
Guests arrived.

All the appearance of a wedding.
Before the Groom arrived she started to party, drunk on her own delusions of worthiness.

Hours went by and her would-be Groom had still not made his grand entrance.

By this point it did not matter, she was dancing and celebrating - a real spectacle.

In-fact The Groom had been there all along, among the guests, assessing his “Bride”.

He did not want big tits, make-up, a pretty dress or a party.

Seated next to him was a simple, quiet, shy girl with beautiful eyes. She seemed somber and reserved.

 Not the face of a toxic woman

He turned to her and asked, “What do you make of the bride?”

“She never really wanted a husband, she just wants the ritual and to feel special.”
“Yes, I think you are correct … You wanna get out of here, I do not think the groom is going to show.”
”Um, okay, where to?”
”There is a cafe on the top floor, can I buy you a coffee and snack?”
”Sounds lovely!” She smiled.
They stealthily left the scene and entered an elevator.
Opposite the elevator was a full-length mirror and the two caught a glimpse of themselves, each noting how similar they looked.
He silently wrapped his arms around her from behind.
“We look good together, don’t you think?”

This allegory is based on an actual dream I had. The False Bride was represented by a sorta-gf from highschool who was really my first experience with a toxic narc jezebel type, the demure sweetness I really want was Jade.

There's a bit in Lugal-E where Ninurta is evaluating the loyalty & utility of his "stones"... This is comparable to the first rant in my sophomoric book

Where I recount all the folks who SHOULD be supporting me but don't. FFS, some reject me simply because I say FUCK all the time.

"Jesus would NEVER do / say ______!!!"

My recent self-promotion tirade included emails to over 100 different Rabbis. My favs are Efraim Palvanov, Tovia Singer and Manis Friedman. They each seem to have some insight on THE MASHIACH so I was hopeful that they may help me. NOPE. I watched this vid from Efraim. He lists 5 things I HAVE TO DO to be THEIR GUY. Fuck it. They didn't accept Love Burger Yeshua, why should they accept FLIPPIN TABLES Matityahu? 

I've had enough. Of Christian Watchmen, of Rabbis, of New Agers...

FUCK, the only person THAT DOES get me wants nothing to do with me. I still love this guy:

What is really cool though is how much I keep getting syncs. 37 keeps showing up.

I woke up yesterday to a yt vid:

Never read 2 Baruk before. Watched vid, it mentions Mashiach several times.

Then I watch this guy:

And as part of his reading style he quotes some scripture - he quotes 2 Baruk!

 As a matter-of-fact this whole week he has been channeling my entire situation, right down to the demon chow I am now forced to reside with 😈 I absolutely love this guy. He even offered to promote me / the collective.

I had a dream that Dick Allgire (Remote Viewer Guy whose FFG came across me without realizing it) took the bait so to speak...

I went into MONK MODE 2 weeks ago. I refuse to DIM TO FIT IN. No alcohol, cigs, weed, or fapping & a wellness routine. I have gained 5 lbs of muscle, regular morning wood, insane energy and flow state, glow up, aching TI Teeth...

And the Demon Chow hates it. Keeps twacking the Lion's Balls. She asked me to rub her decaying feet, and as a dutiful bro I helped her. Seconds later I had the ITCHLESS RASH and CLAW MARKS up my forearm.

LOL. The Ancestors are gathered, watching in silent anticipation. I Watch yt vids and cuddle with the cat.


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