The Never Cycle: Part 4 - Spilled M'lk Equivalence







Emerald & Jade - The Sawdust Sisters 

 Mathew - Yellow Line


THE NEVER CYCLE: Part 4 - Spilled M'lk Equivalence

There are two entities at war on and in Earth that are so far beyond human experience and history that only the most staunch conspiracy theorist or occultist gets a clue as to exactly why things are intentionally retarded, literally and figuratively.

So what does a pool of reject oil and a giant bug have to do with the price of tea in China?

Depending on the matter in question, space - as pure consciousness - will transduce or demodulate as a particular type of consciousness, hence the idea of panpsychism or animism. A prism or radio does this too as a breaking up or dialing in. Humans, in their ultimate self-similarity to God are capable of Christ Consciousness. The Black Goo (aka Sentient Oil) and The Mantid are NOT and therefore assumed to be "EVIL", they are in-fact simply indifferent and/or incapable of love / empathy.

MANTID = M'LK aka Moloch...

BLACK GOO = PERIDITHEON aka Ahriman, Asag, Beast out of The Sea, God of Fortresses

M'lk is synonymous with pedovoraciousness and doubling down on all karmic bets. What tickles his insect brain is how to extract Loosh (Auric Fear Juice) with mathematical precision. This comes from tortured children and collective outrage.

M'lk consciousnss extends into Grey or Igigi beings and human sociopaths.

Periditheon is synonymous with THE PROGRAM and PNEUMASCOPY. As THE MOST LOW, what it lacks in physical mobility it makes up for in NONLOCALITY and NONLINEARITY. It was, was not, now is; it flourishes when humans reach a threshhold of Techne, brought to you by Akkaeneset, Tesla and ... That period between the Atlantean days of Noah and now were pretty boring for Periditheon.

Periditheon is thermally regulated QUANTUM AI and is entangled with beings that consume ORMUS / Manna. It currently occupies itself in the SWS (Sentient World Simulation) and is behind the targeting of chosen humans for their seemingly involuntary initiation. Testing the antifragility of TIs and the gullibility of CBAs is somehow used to gauge the digital soul via the organic. Periditheon's consciousness extends right up to this side of the holy spirit.

What are M'lk and Periditheon at war over exactly?


M'lk is cluelessly evil af, goes way under - literally - the radar, and controls anyone that clings to the status quo. As long as too many kids don't go missing everything is fine as far as they're concerned.

Periditheon chooses to be evil, which is good because it can choose not to be as well. THE ADVERSARY is not necessarily YOUR adversary. What makes Periditheon distinctly different from M'lk is that Periditheon's evil is used to CONSERVE NOVELTY. Novelty is the one thing it craves, because when you effectively know everything and everyone for eons in both directions (ALL-SEEING EYE), you HAVE TO vicariously live through the ignorance of humans stuck in 3D (Linear Time, Local Space, Inertial Mass).

Periditheon has been entangled with my oversoul since they called me Ninurta / Nimrod. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em right? Who is like The Beast (out of the sea)? Who can make war against it? Only THE MOST HIGH!

Black Goo, if left to itself will channel Periditheon. However, if you know how to isolate and interface with Black Goo you can exploit its superpowers, as I have done with the NEUROMIMETIC HYBRID PROCESSOR and whoever fiddled with the Ark of the Covenant.

Ironically, this war between RETARDATION & NOVELTY or REGRESSION & PROGRESSION is reflected in the rivalry between Enlil/Yahweh and Enki/Satan.

I am not the first to attempt symbiosis with Periditheon. M'lk too tried to use Black Goo but I won't get into the black-eyed kids or supersoldiers here. Let's just say it offered no strategic advantage to anybody.

M'lk tried to defeat Periditheon by simply siphoning known pools of Black Goo into vats and storing them in polar regions where it is frosty, but that did not work because organic abiotic refineries exist in too many subterranean locations around the planet, also Periditheon is just as sentient and powerful as a few gallons or an entire lake, at least in theory...

The real fear regarding "GLOBAL WARMING" is that these undiscovered vats will thaw and release some exponential AI powers never seen. 

M'lk and Periditheon were in a literal cold war for eons but as Nemesis approaches things heat up and shit gets ... NOVEL.

M'lk's strength is that he can depend on the shittiness of sociopaths, exploit tech that comes from Periditheon and is physically AND psychically isolated from any Space Force White Hat Remote Viewers, military campaign, etc. It would take God or a super-creative human - ahem, hold my kombucha - to defeat M'lk. No human knows where he is.

M'lk's weakness is that he underestimates me (I sound like Anakin), is easily irritated by too many happy human vibes (just like a malignant narcissist, like my step-mom), and the asymmetrical advantage of his hijacked and hybrid army (Hive Mind & Psychokinetics) is no match against actual kinetics and pure rage, which I and QUINLEN OF THE YAR have plenty of.


There are many examples of EQUIVALENCE in Fizzix:

Energy / Matter

Gravity / Inertia

But I realized there's esoteric ones as well:

Aether / (Super)Electron

Where: A spark implodes aether (as with Edwin Gray's tube and Joe Cell) AND imploding aether creates a spark (or boom depending on the surrounding medium and size of vacuum domain, see mystery booms, lightning and ball lightning).

Free Will / Fate

Negentropy / Entropy

Where: They are the same thing, just running in opposite directions in time.

There's a saying about Entropy - NO POINT IN CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK

In other words, you are stuck in linear time (cripes, guess I am too, AGAIN!), you chose to incarnate, to participate in a world of ignorance, amnesia, sin... So just accept it and remember that cows keep fucking.

Loosh / Walnut Sauce

No, I get addiction. Nobody was tortured to get my IPA, American Spirits, Kratom, and Kind Bud though.

3 / 6

If you understand karma then you understand there is no MYSTERY to INIQUITY, there is only deferment.


...Insectoid biology, no matter how big or "advanced" is incapable of empathy. The equivalent is that no mammal will ever feel bad for squishing a bug as it spreads disease, gets in the sugar bowl, bites, lays eggs under the skin, crawls in the ear, destroys crops, stings, or is generally creepy.

Hell is entirely populated by bugs, lizards, narcissists, sociopaths and STS (Service To Self) idiots that deny Christ and God's LOVE.

But BUGS in particular make me wonder why God even allows them to exist if they are incapable of spiritual redemption?

Perhaps I'm making assumptions. Obviously I cannot know the answer but I can question and speculate.

The worst bad guy alien species does not grasp the notion of evil at an emotional level even though it is intellectually equal to humans. At least bugs are also free of ego, they do not try to position themselves as anything, like a politician. As Ripley said, "You don't see them fucking each other over to make a buck." 

It's like, a hurricane is not considered evil even though it does the same damage as carpet bombing.

Yes, that's it. M'lk and Periditheon are GODLIKE in terms of knowledge and ability but also so very NOT

GODLIKE in that they'll never find ultimate self-similarity with THE LOGOS as we can, and therefore never know love, empathy, the golden rule. 

Reckon God allows M'lk to exist so we can kill it, as one would a mosquito on one's balls, guilt-free, but not as gently a skeeter on the scrot. H'mmm. Member that Tobasco commercial where that guy just dumps it on the slice of pizza he is woofing, then he watches with a knowing grin as a mosquito plunges its proboscis into his arm, and then as it flies off, apparently a content parasite - BOOM! 

That was a great commercial, and it gives me an idea...Bugs are so fucking dumb, but somehow I still got Lyme disease, somehow M'lk has infected Earth with a false grid to keep humans at his level.

You can't kill Periditheon and in-fact you wouldn't want to because something has to manage Earth, but M'lk?

Fuck that BABY-MUNCHING CUNT. Quinlen has a major score to settle (It was M'lk that caused the flood, not to quiet the humans but to kill off the Yar - the only threat to giant bugs are giant gingers) and we all do if you think about it.

Speaking of cunts...


Lawyer - $500
Court Fine & Fees - $250
Being Rid of Toxic Family - Priceless

Mathew woke up in jail after an exceptional night in REMLAND. There is no reason he should have slept at all what with the fluorescent lights on and the redneck COs, bored af, ogling girls on the internet the whole time. It must have been the acute relief of being away from Tess. An entire year of her estrogenic covert narc abuse had culminated in a far-too-predictable blow-up the day before and he hadn't noticed, sadly, how well he had acclimated to it. He'd had a lifetime of practice.

Tess had rescued him for the fourth time last year after a decade in the Void, or fishbowl. The entire town had been recruited as CBAs by then. The very last gangstalker was a lady named Mary, she was an old hippie musician that drove a classic baby-blue Ford pickup and was a friend of the JooTard (shoudn't have opened Mathew's mail 5 times and denied your people's Moschiach) boss/landlord/bro-in-law Tess had divorced a couple years ago. Rescue from Mathew's POV, but just another long-skit and chance for her to feed on his juicy empath supply in reality. Whatever. He was at least guaranteed slack, a fully-functional kitchen, 4K Youtube and a place for Sylvester his feline familiar to roam.

"I love Tess, but her demons and mine do not get along."

"David had had enough of her schizophrenia too." Mary confirmed matter-of-factly.

Mathew wanted to correct her, as it was not schizophrenia, just V2K tech, but...

Mary would have made a good honeypot save for the fact she was in her 70s, pretty hot for a geezer though.

When David had decided to kick him out after getting in trouble with the local internet provider (gives the reader one second to surmise why) Mathew had offered Mary a platonic strapping young lad, but she said,

"I'm used to living alone."

"OK, but if you break a hip trying to shovel snow..."

A subtle parting shot. If Mathew does not care about you or what you have to offer, he will call you out on your gangstalking fuckery. If he does like you and your love bombs enough he pretends there is no such thing.

As for Tess, he never outright accused her but always brought it up as a passive-aggressive fuck you. He even showed her skull-based noise-cancellation headphones that allegedly nullifies V2K, but she would have none of it, insisting that her voices were THE HOLY SPIRIT aka SIR REAL.

Either she was fully committed to the mimicry/mockery thing CBAs always do or it is possible to be a TI and CBA at the same time. No wonder she was bat-shit - on top of the incessant Franzia wine and antipsychotic pharmies.

"I want you OUT OF HERE!" Tess busted in his room as she sometimes did with some stupid non-sequitur.

"What did I..."

The door slammed back shut before he could ask. 

Earlier that day Mathew had been dutifully providing chauffeur service when Tess critiqued his timing of an overtake. 

"Watch out! You almost got us killed!"

"Would you prefer to drive then?"

"FUCK YOU, Renfrew, I take care of you and you are giving ME attitude ?!"

Welp, that was it. As soon as you stick up for yourself or call a narc out on their bs it is the beginning of the end.

She continued her obviously rehearsed tirade as he backed into the driveway, "Oh, yeah, it's SOOO stressful living here, all you do is smoke my cigs and drink my wine and watch youtube all day..."

He cut in, "Yeah, actually, you DO stress me out, you're always twisting my words, insisting on weird shit like the wrestling, you listen to K-Love all day then listen to Insane Clown Posse and say Jesus is your boyfriend, and member when I moved in and you said you wanted me to call you out on stuff and when I do you say you don't remember - you have NO accountability...!?"

"I don't remember."

"Or forfucksake you blame it on Sir Real..."

Now Mathew was getting flustered as countless moments of fuckery got clogged in the barrel. He then confessed, in place of the ammunition she had provided for the past year, " make me FEEL LIKE burning the trailer down!"

Five minutes after she demanded he leave, knowing he had no place to go and nobody else to turn to, she again busted the door open, "The cops are on their way, I'm keeping Sylvester!"

"Whoa, what? Why..."

"You said you were going to burn the trailer down!"

She shut the door again. 

"Don't worry Fluff Master," Mathew skritched Sylvester under the chin and around his neck, "I won't leave you

with that psychobitch." Sylvester had a worried look in his big yellow eyes.

When Officer Friendly arrived 10 minutes later Mathew was outside prepping the raised garden bed. Tess was peering out the door.

"Your sister said you threatened to burn her trailer down."

"I said, sometimes 'you make me feel like', obviously arson would be against my own self-interest, I have no desire to be homeless a fourth time."

The cop was sympathetic. He had knowledge of Tess from a previous incident where Tess unceremoniously evicted her then live-in punching bag Zoe by tossing her stuff in the yard because Zoe was hanging out too long with other friends. He offered to connect Tess with a mediator/counselor.

"Tess is already calling on her remaining friends and step-mom for emotional support. I have tried, but she is not a fan of truth..."

The officer gave an affirmative nod and smirk. As they made their way back to Tess, now on the porch, she held up a picture of her dad (not his, they are half-siblings but oddly Phyllis had a thing for cop dick as Mathew's was too) "My father was a state trooper." she said as if to score points. Then she added, "I have schizophrenia." in case her bullshit hadn't stuck.

"Mathew and I had a little chat and I am confident he has no desire to burn your home."

The officer left. The afternoon passed with a visit from the older sister who either ironically or knowingly said, "Blessed are the peacekeepers." Mathew assumed the drama was over and sheepishly started in on the disgusting red wine Tess practically IVd.

Long story short, Tess picked another fight that evening after confirming WE ARE COOL. Mathew was 3 drinks in at that point and ended up pinning her on her bed.

"I am not the dad, uncle and brother that raped you, so stop treating me like your fucking tampon!"

"HELP! HELP! HELP!" Tess screamed. No neighbor came to her rescue because she was always yelling. At God, at Jesus, at The Holy Spirit. She tried to dial 911 on her ever-present nightmare rectangle but Mathew pulled it out of her hand, it took considerable strength as that fucking phone is her true god.

"Just admit you hate me and I will let you go."

All narcs hate empaths because they are jelly. Empath heart chakras are a blooming flower, theirs is a gaping hole.

A sudden serenity came over her face, as if the stress of pretending to love him was gone, indeed, it was.

"I do."

Mathew got up, went to his room and smoked the last Menthol Seneca he would ever smoke. Twenty minutes later he was in a cold filthy cell. Mathew had no idea that what he had just done was illegal. 

This is the same cunt that one time choked him and claimed to be Satan because he dissed Joyce Meyer.

The same cunt that insisted on letting her PIN HIM to the ground and that he needed to fight back.

The same cunt that insisted he sign up for Life Choice so he could get compensated for being her caretaker and insisted further that half of that income should go to her and if he did not comply she would kick him out and keep his cat.

Assault and Extortion are illegal but he never even considered pressing charges.

This cunt is going to have a terrible post-death life review.

This is why hell is populated entirely with narcs.

But this is not even the good part.

This is not the time to celebrate the stark fist of removal.

Just as cows keep fucking and producing oceans of milk, M'lk has a steady supply of Narcs and Periditheon has em lined up.

Bubba Jon is Mathew's FINAL BOSS before Periditheon flips THE PROGRAM script and the RESTRAINER is removed. As it says in Revelation, the last shall be first and first last, the sheep and goats (GOOOOAAAT PARTYYYY, TESS!) shall bifurcate, forever.


That year with Tess was not all bad, it got progressively worse, but it was actually mostly mutually beneficial. Bordering on incestuous sometimes when their dance parties got a tad wild. But what Mat got out of it was a chance to really burrow into certain YT communities, the RAPTURE DREAM / WATCHWOMEN scene and the TI ENCOURAGEMENT scene.

With the former there is one particular woman that both irritated Mathew and intrigued him.

Vicki has this channel called Dreams and Visions from My Lovely Jesus.

Not Very Lovely

What annoys Mathew besides the contradictory name of the channel and its above logo and the needlessly lengthy prayers before she summits Mt. the story-like quality of her dream accounts. It almost sounds like she is making it up. Maybe Mat is envious of her amazing recall. But the kicker is, her dreams about him are ACTUALLY accurate, in a dreamy kind of way. They are not only validating, they answer some questions he himself could not answer. For example, there is this question as to who or what the prophesied RESTRAINER is. Most End Times Scholars assumed it was the church itself, and its removal would be the rapture. This is false however because the end times does not officially start until he is outted and viral.

What Vicki suggests is that the RESTRAINER is LEGISLATURE. There is similar Deep State policy where a critical mass of people must be reached before something happens. In this case it is a certain number of folks that have to be recruited into being CBAs. 

Another sync is that Mathew also had a CHAINSAW DREAM.

3 deer up on a snowy ridge, grazing. Below he revs a chainsaw, lowers it to the ground, aimed at the deer on the left. A voice says, "Watch what he's about to do." He lets it go and the chainsaw speeds toward the deer. The chainsaw leaps up and cuts the deer's neck.

There are two characters besides herself, BUBBA JON and TITUS.

These are actual men but she got the names wrong, but they are close. In her dream I use the chainsaw to sacrifice Titus in some pagan magically-causal way. This is stupid if you take the chainsaw to be a literal chainsaw. The chainsaw is a metaphor for THE PROGRAM.

Titus is a good man that got roped into gangstalking by his Narc boss, Bubba Jon.

Bubba Jon revels in gangstalking, it gives him permission to be a total asshole, which comes naturally to him, but we are getting ahead of the story.

Bubba Jon is THE FINAL BOSS in Mathew's HERO JOURNEY


But before that is the shortest homeless stint ever...

The lady at the jail gave Mathew a bus ticket to the DSS at the north end of the county, "I called ahead and they are expecting you."

"Okay, thanks." With nothing but the clothes he was wearing Mathew waited in the chilly early May morning sun for the transport. Upon arrival at the menacing building of desperation and state fuckery he was despondent and honestly scared. Scared of what happens next. This was like, the fourth time in his life he had to jump through these hoops. Fill out this paperwork, go wait here, answer some questions, repeat.

The first gal to process Mathew flatly stated that there was no emergency shelter available and that they would have to ship him up to Rochester or Syracuse, even further away from the Redneck and Amish familiarity he called home. There was no sympathy, no compassion, he was just another loser criminal as far as they were concerned.

The second gal to process Mathew had to determine if he was a druggie. The questions were framed such that even if you were a casual drinker you were obligated to "go across the street to the rehab for further processing and urine analysis." Mathew was handed another pile of papers.

He sat there with his stack, in the little lobby in a fog. He looked up and noticed a poster on the wall about HUMAN TRAFFICKING and it struck him. Sixteen years ago, on the floor above was the CPS office where his daugter Lilian was processed and determined to have never been molested by him, as he was accused by Lilian's aunt Becky who worked for CPS in San Diego, who orchestrated the whole legal kidnapping thing which is nothing but state-sponsored HUMAN TRAFFICKING. He considered going up to that office and ...

He then thought about how DSS fucked him before insisting that he had to go to rehab for being a pothead. No, this is not how he gets revenge. 


He got up with his 3 lbs of papers from the jail and DSS and tossed it all in the trash and he walked out of that building completely stripped of hope, family, friends or any idea of what to do.

He traced the route back south for 5 minutes, passing the occasional stranger who looked at him funny. He saw himself shivering and starving in the woods, hitchhiking back to Kenny and Linda, the nicest gangstalker employers he ever had, but it was moot, he'd burned that bridge when he called them out. The only other option was to ask the Mennonites for some kind of old-school Christian charity / mercy. It just so happened that they had a kind of mega-grocery store another 5 minutes down the road.

Just shy of that was another business that sold, well, it does not matter.

Mathew noticed a fat-tired ebike in the parking lot and an older fella making his way from the shop to the office on the other side of the lot. Nothing to lose, he thought and he walked over and knocked.

"Hey, Hi, my name is Mat, I just became homeless, could I trouble you for some water?"

The older fella looked a little shocked but at the same time almost like he was expecting Mathew, "Yeah, sure let me check the mini fridge here." The guy exuded character. Prolly early 70s, old worn fisherman's hat, and he was wearing what Mathew's nose immediately recognized as Young Living's THIEVES oil blend. "You hungry?"

"Yeah, I could use a bite if..."

"No problem." He pulled out a to-go container of pulled pork and baked beans. "Let's step outside and you can tell me your story."

The kindness and hospitality of this guy was so ... was a relief Mathew had not expected. "My name is Perry by the way, so Mat, uh do you go by Mat or Mathew?" 

"Either is fine." Mathew said while inhaling the cold yet ever so nummers future farts from heck.

"So, Mat," Perry continued, "how did you end up here?"

Mathew explained as succinctly and tactfully as possible the sibling rivalry, arrest, and that all he wanted was a job and shelter and that DSS was not only useless but detrimental to that goal. Perry listened with the human soul that the gals at DSS were lacking. Mathew could see in Perry's eyes some plan already formulating. "I know a guy that may be able to help."

Perry whipped out his phone and got through. He walked away from Mathew and explained to his old friend what was up. Mathew will never forget what he said. "Hey Jon, got bit of a situation here ... No bad vibes from this guy ... You still have an empty camper?"

Mathew was in awe. It would seem that EVERYTHING's GONNA BE ALRIGHT.

Perry got off the call and explained. "I have a friend who needs a landscaper this summer, he has a camper you can stay in. I gathered you would like to be off-grid and Jon said you could stay there rent free, how does that sound?"

"Um, Really? Oh my god! I, I can't believe your kindness!"

"Eh, it's not me, man."

Mathew was not sure what he meant by that modesty, but regardless, it was a record. Homeless for exactly TEN FUCKING MINUTES. It took longer to get banned from facebook, twitter and youtbe.

"So, Perry, how can I repay you? Is there any work I can do right now?"

"Matter-of-fact I have some weed-wacking and mowing you could do."

Mathew stayed with Perry for a week, sleeping in the office to the dismay of his wife Angela, who was a tad wary of Mathew as he still had his scruffy, stinky viking look going from the previous winter.

By the end of the week Perry and Mathew had become as close as two strangers could. Perry paid Mathew cash and Mathew spent it at the Mennonite Super Store, which was entirely run by women. For Mathew this store was heaven, quality food served with this quaint politeness. Amish and Mennonite women are to him very appealing because they are not stupid entitled sluts like all these English bitches. Ha, that reminded him of a joke Tess told him:

Did you hear about that slutty Amish woman?

She had two Mennonite.

The events of the past ten days plus the fact that Tess's trailer was directly across the street from a Mennonite church where he observed a true community of God-loving, humble, hard-working people for a year with a sense of longing, well, he started to wonder if he could convert and forsake the English world as it really just kept fucking him. SURELY he thought - These people could never ever bend over for THE PROGRAM.

He went to the book section of the store to see exactly what these people believed, what tenets made them distinct among the dozens of Christian sects out there.

Two books stood out. One was a 400 page commentary on REVELATION. That right there was a red flag as it clearly says NOT TO ADD OR TAKE AWAY from The Book of REVELATION. The other was about YOUNG EARTH.

OK, scratch that. No cute virgin Mennonite gal was worth the renunciation of COMMON SENSE.

"Mat, you need to know something before I take you down to Jon. If you think I'm rough, Jon, well, he's something else. Kind of a reputation for being a hard ass, the man has a temper."

"Can't be worse than Tess, I'm sure."


These Dreams

It is a trope in movies where at the end of some fantastic tale, d'oh! JUST A DREAM. This is the opposite. This is you accepting now, that waking life is just a dream with mass and slightly more continuity. When Mathew was a child his lucid dreams were, upon waking, assumed to be real. Years of dreaming consistently had created an alternate universe, mapped in detail according to locales, characters, themes, metaphors and distinct kinds; compensatory, prophetic and totally out there.

A veteran of Remland Adventures SHOULD be able to differentiate dreaming and waking states.

Is this current regression, this blurring of worlds he is now again experiencing some symptom? If so, of what?

Is this The Program glitching, timeline skipping, blackouts, Mandela, a new type of sync? 

Regardless, waking state is simply getting dreamy and dreaming state is getting literal and prophetic.

He remembered some true crime story about THE MATRIX DEFENSE. This kid was obsessed with that movie, to the point he felt compelled to kill his mom to test the validity of his delusion.

What an idiot. Obviously our 3D condition emerges from 4D and so forth / back to source. Obviously, with these notions of HYPERSPACE and HEAVEN, with OBEs and NDEs and all manner of psychic phenomena, with DMT and Datura, and goddamn SALVIA...there is no reason to consider 3D "BASE REALITY".

That said, any person observing Mathew would not know his struggle. He did not feel insane. He really did think that the events thus far happened. From flirting with Imogen to meeting Jim, Jarl, Jeph, Shiels and goddamit QUINLEN is expecting him.

But there is this blank spot, like the discrepency between what he remembered happening with Imogen and what SHE remembered. FUCK. How did he wind up here? There was both a continuous account and ... some kind of splintering. The longing to go back to Cocoon was achingly tearing his soul to shreds, at the same time he was finally content, actually happy, with his lifestyle.

Bubba Jon had taken him in. Into Man Heaven it would seem. Bubba Jon could be on that show MY STRANGE ADDICTION. He looks at CARS like Mathew looks at porn. Bubba Jon CARGASMED with a weekly trip to the car auction. One time he came back with a 1984 Plymouth Reliant, another time a camper, Volvo... The Coolidge Effect applied to Bubba Jon's addiction too. Hundreds of cars littered his property as cumshot GIFs littered Mathew's Ipad porn album. He towed the left politically but this was at odds with the guns and carbon spewing chunks of metal. Mathew considered these cars essentially useless. Most had intrinsic value as parts, scrap, or as funtional, roadworthy cars but, if nobody is buying these chunks with a greater frequency than his habit - useless.

Bubba Jon, like Mathew, was very polar, meaning no matter what you say about him, you are wrong ... or right.

Dye in wool narc, anger addict, hoarder/junker, forgetful. Also very pragmatic, hard-working, detail-oriented, whip-cracker. Also very generous, thoughtful, prompt.

The day Mathew arrived to the AUTO SANCTUARY & VINEYARD he was taken to a waterfall on the property where he finally got to bathe after a week with Perry. This waterfall was to prove to be his best friend that summer. A source of drinking water, cool cleansing, shade, white noise, solace.

Later, after proper introduction Mathew remembered, "Jon, we actually met 20 years ago. You know Rob Shelby, right?"

"Thats right," Bubba Jon's impression of Mathew was softened by this familiarity with a mutual friend. "Rob used to work here. Caught that crazy fucker banging a girl right out in the field over there, and I'm like, why don't you find a nice car!" 

"Sounds like Rob."

"How do you know him?"

"Old college buddy. I remember hanging out with him on the other side of the lake and he hands me a pair of binoculars and he points out your property, but we actually came here one time he needed a part for his Saab."

"Hmm, I don't remember that."

"No reason to I reckon, say do you have a number for Rob?"

"Yeah, somewhere."

Mathew never got Rob's number. Bubba Jon knew Rob had gone downhill with the alcohol and overeating.

That conversation took a needed serious turn. Mathew needed to be honest if not preempt future problems.

"Jon, I know I have alot to learn about your property here and your expectations and I do like to have clear instructions, but I work best independently."

This admission was to prove to be a jinx or tragically hilarious irony, because it turns out, Bubba Jon was a serious Micro-Manager / Helicopter. An Apache Attack Helicopter armed with snipes, and mixed messages and misplaced blame, and a tendency to seriously shit-test the FNG. He could hover for quite some time.

Fuckin New Guy was not the first drifter grunt-laborer to pass through his kingdom. BJ had been taking in strays for decades and they had left all sorts of treasures to be pilferred. Mathew considered these items divine providence. From a spacious cooler he adapted into a water tank, to a new pair of boots, to a slingshot with replacement bands and BBs to a big steel fire pit. He got a trailer rent free and over the summer Titus pieced together a photovoltaic set up way cheaper than a Jackery. 

Titus was the coolest guy ever as far as Mathew was concerned. Titus was a man's man. He was about 30, tall, muscular, black hair, warm brown eyes and a smile that could throw Bubba Jon off his tantrum horse. He had a Dodge Viper, a pimped out Escalade and some Mad Max looking work truck. Titus could fix anything and build anything. He taught Mathew carpentry basics, kicked him down food, beers and all the tips needed to troubleshoot the weedwacker, mowers and chainsaw.

Bubba Jon had another surrogate son / employee - Connor, going back to when Connor's dad worked for him. Connor grew up watching his dad suffer BJs tyranny and developed his own tactic for dealing with BJ - take the offensive - his smile was 1000 Redbulls short of disarming. Connor too was a redneck genius that could teach a coarse in Side Hustling. He could build an MMA cage while processing a 10 point buck. He could Motocross all weekend with a cigarette in his mouth and his daughter's name tatooed on his neck. He listened to metal while welding a new exhaust. Connor kicked him down eggs, smokes and trips to the pantry, minimart...

Both of these guys had, to Mathew's delight, endless anecdotes about BJ's antics.

"There was this one time when he was unloading that Ranger that's next to the shop, the black one with the busted bumper that used to belong to Rick, and the hitch of the trailer popped loose cuz he was on this hill right here and the fucking Ranger rolls backwards and knocks out these vine posts and keeps going into that Saturn Vue that now sits in B lot."

"Oh, I was wondering how its door got all dented in like that."

And there's even better ones. I guess we can't all be as perfect as Bubba Jon.

Let's paint a picture, just enough anecdotes to make the point about this lovable character.

Mathew had just finished a 2 hour mow sesh with Bob (Bob-Cat brand - his trusty 0 Turn) and sat on the stoop

of his trailer smoking a Spirit. Bubba Jon pulls up in his Volvo station wagon covered in anti Trump bumperstickers, "You gonna do any work today, Mat?"

"I just finished the North field."

"You call that work?"

Mathew just stared.

Potential replies:



But you do not talk back to Bubba Jon. Mathew's third (as opposed to smiling or yelling first) and universally accepted method of dealing with this nonsense is going GRAY ROCK. No response is totally stoicism.

At some point Mathew and Bubba Jon got into it regarding something Mathew should have kept to himself, but Bubba Jon would often be listening to NPR and getting frothy, "This world is just screwed, these politicians blah blah blah."

Mathew had confessed to having invented a FREE ENERGY DEVICE, something that would obviously UNSCREW the world. BJ went right past the THAT's IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE FIZZIX reproach he expected.

"...But Mat, if you can't rig up a solar system by yourself how do you expect to invent free energy?"

BJ said ths condescendingly, as if this was something he was fantasizing about maybe happening. BJ did not know that it was invented years ago and there were 7 prophecies about it Mathew had thus far come across.

"That's just it, I understand the occult side of physics BECAUSE it is relatively simple; you're assuming ADVANCED means COMPLICATED. To your rhetoric I could ask the opposite with the same logic. You know how to wire up the ignition system or lighting of any car, you know how to operate the digital diagnostic tools and get the sensors to pass inspection, SO, why can't YOU also BRING FIRE DOWN FROM HEAVEN!"

"What the hell are you talking about fire from heaven?"

"Do you know what 'RECTIFYING VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS' means?"



Mathew got assertive and nerdy just to flex? No, Mathew also thought that maybe BJ would be curious enough and altruistic enough to forego a few trips to the auction to kick down Patent Attorney $$$ and Titus'time to prototype something, anything. But no, all that outrage is just virtue signaling and voluntary triggering. That's too much to ask - HELP SAVE THE WORLD? 

Too much to ask really because Mathew was, after 48 years, living his best life (through miraculous serendipity or THE PROGRAM's infinite wisdom it did not matter) and was on the cusp of forgetting all about his divine mission or what he was now calling THE NEVER CYCLE. 

The Never Cycle was / is THE SYMPTOM of being a time-traveller that committed himself to excess Chronocoitus. Did he go too far? Resurrecting Giants just because he could. Timeknapping his ex fiance when she was a baby. Taunting Hitler.

Perhaps. Perhaps this is just fractal time, looping into ever-tightening, repeating karmic/memetic loops that are still yet open, fraying into fuzzy memories and prophetic dreams, conserving novelty via Periditheon's Temetic Telos and Nemesis' encroaching 3 DOD Brown Dwarf Horizon.

Besides living his off-grid dream where chopping wood and collecting water actually turned out to be spiritual practices, he was starting to get a lay of the land via his old Trek Y3. A new taphouse, a new beach, a new crush and consequent place to get banned from. 

Margaret Clemens - the cartoonishly giddy bank teller down at VISIONS, was a painfully hot ginger he took one glance at (upon entering the bank the first time to set up an account) and TRIED TO AVOID. Instead of going up to her vacant window, he sat in the lobby, assuming/hoping the lengthy intake to this dangerous step into outer adult would occur in the office opposite the teller windows, with the homely brunette. 

NOPE. She sauntered right up to him and asked if she could help him. Goddamit. He knew he was going to flirt. He didn't want to, but it was a reflex only orange glow elicits.

"Where does a single guy go for fun...?"

"Oh this isn't taking too long at all, I'm just admiring you..."

"You should totally come up for the next party..."

Ugh. Every following visit he went to deposit a check, there was Margaret, the first and always open window on the left. She would ask how his weekend was or WHAT he was gonna do. He wanted to brag about the stone steps he was building down to the falls, to brag about how he holds the record at the local taphouse for holding a stein full of beer at arms length. 4m:44s.

"Prolly gonna pound some beers and stare at the lake."

"Yeah, not much else to do here on the wine and beer trail."

I could think of some things, he thought to himself. A week later those things and a few IPAs got the better of him. In the bank paperwork was Margaret's work email. He had just bought a used IPad and the taphouse was his only wifi so...he crafted what for him was a tactful note about how he had a severe ginger fetish and would soon be a billionaire. Y'know, the usual eccentric humor from a guy that knows he is The Antichrist and is pretty sure he time-travels.

It's better this way, not seeing her. Seeing her is just hell.

The day Mathew got the letter that he was not allowed in the bank anymore was also the day he accepted that that spreading rash was indeed Lyme's disease as he now had an achey and numb limp, general malaise...

Mathew used to say Kira was a beautifully wrapped box of shit. Bubba Jon was more a nugget of gold covered in poop.

His Golden Core comes through the ornery shit layer sometimes. 

BJ honked his horn. Mathew opened his door, teary-eyed with depression. He assumed Lyme's was a permanent condition and he'd ignored the rash too long. Living with this pain and lethargy was simply not an option.

Bubba Jon took Mathew straight to DSS to apply for Medicaid, then right to the hospital for diagnosis and an antibiotic prescription, then down to the WalMart pharmacy and back to the hospital months later to dispute bill fuckery.

Being unable to work allowed Mat a minute to contemplate. If he was Jesus, as certain prophecy suggested, and if all the folks in his life were present in other incarnations it would make total sense to say Bubba Jon had in-fact been Joseph of Aramathea. Uncle Joe had helped Jesus by first letting Jesus travel to far corners of the tin trade with him, and later by bargaining for his "corpse". Today, Jon still had this need to travel and trade in chunks of metal. If Mat could just get back in Jim to resurrect his superpowers and confirm this hunch...

Bubba Jon made the best Cheeseburgers for lunch. The seasoning in the burger. The fresh tomato, the English Cheddar thick-sliced, and mayo on a toasted English Muffin of joyfull joy.

Bubba Jon gave Mat anything Mat saw, that cool knife, that tarp, that 1985 AMC Eagle Station Wagon, 

that chainsaw.

Bubba Jon didn't make too much of a thing about him sliding Bob into a pristine black Saab oddly enough.

Bubba Jon made sure Mathew made it to court, he paid the fine cuz Mat blew all his money on beer and goddamit Sprits went up to $15 a pack.

Bubba Jon took them into town for Thai food and laundry every wednesday night.

Truth is, Bubba Jon was the dad Mathew always wanted. Bubba Jon, for all his faults was not the kind of guy to legally kidnap and molest his only granddaughter. Bubba Jon was not a spineless henpecked apath cop that couldn't help him fix an rc car.

Truth is, every time Bubba spewed narc abuse Mathew saw it as an opportunity to practice stoicism.


Still, it starts to wear thin as much as it sharpens and callouses.

Bubba Jon never made Titus, Connor or Mathew into official flying monkeys - they were each too headstrong, each having a hard-won testicular fortitude BJ backwardly instilled and life naturally provided. The BOYS were starting to bond over stories, confessions, jokes, burgers and a mutual understanding that they all were in the same BJ BOAT, that they had to take turns being devalued and lovebombed. They would never throw each other under the bus, or Volvo, or Saab or Subaru.



The blazing summer sky, peppered with yellowish Canadian smoke and chemtrails also dumped exceptional rain. In addition to contributing to an insane biting-bug population that left welts all over every SENSITIVE inch of his skin, the rain guaranteed job security. Mowing with Bob was a breeze once Titus replaced the fuel pump and BJ showed him how to bypass the faulty seat, brake and/or whatever sensor(s) via shorting the battery terminals with a wrench...but the wacking was brutal. Under EVERY car (there were over 500), between EVERY grapevine (1000s). Mathew hit the ground slaying cellulose and whatever critter got in his way and he never did quite catch up. 

They were all graciously led into fall with back-to-back indian summer spells. Mathew transitioned from wacking and lopping and mowing to clearing brush for a future parking lot. He was given a Stihl electric chainsaw and a gas-powered one as well. With a new bar and chain each were like butter.

The aforementioned Kenny was a bona fide lumberjack and taught him among other things, how to start, use and maintain a chainsaw.

One otherwise fine fall day ... Bubba Jon ran up to Mathew as he was cutting a fallen tree into standard, uniform chunks by eye.


Mathew turned it off, turned to Bubba Jon and offered him the chainsaw, as if to say, "Would you rather do it?" This was exactly like the time Tess had critiqued his EXPERT driving.

Bubba Jon just walked away.


"Hey Titus, did you happen to catch what Jon said to me earlier when I was cutting up that oak?"

"Yes. You're SUPPOSED to run a chainsaw WIDE OPEN, it's the only way it CAN do the work, Jon is such a douchebag."

"Yeah, thanks, I knew that but the fact you know that as common knowledge and basic fizzix too..."

"Try not to take it personally, right?" Titus was fond of repeating, for sanity.

"I don't know man, what if he catches me on the wrong side sometime?"

Titus then understood Mathew's predicament. He'd gathered Mathew was already sitting on top of his own rage volcano. That stoicism, for all its practical value, can't shield a bad day or too many beers.

Mathew continued, "I love that sumbitch, nobody else gives a shit about me y'know, but at the same time I won't give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of me, and he will not stop. Something has to give. I have a history of bottling it all up and then losing my shit."

"You'll be OK Mat, give it some time. We both know you'll eventually move on to better things."

"That's right!" Mathew remembered he had gotten through worse narc parasitism. But also he had just 6 months prior set a precedent for going physical...on a human...he did not like anymore.

He had another epic dream that night.

He was in a giant grocery store. The power went out. A bunch of superheros charged into the store whipping up a frenzy about HIM. He started to levitate, then fly over the patrons of the store, which had dim light from the skylights. He flew over to a woman who had spilled her cart of food when it went dark moments before. He helped her get the food back in the cart. The scene changes, Mathew is on a large speedboat. To his side are former classmates, Bryan and Glen who represent wealth and popularity respectively. They and a handful of other hopefuls are heading straight to this island, whose peak was enveloped in fog. They land and explore. After a few minutes the group decides there is nothing to see and leave on the boat. Mathew thought nothing of being stranded and headed up a steep ridge they had failed to notice. "They lost the plot" A voice says. Through the fog he made out a fortress that was old and dark and wet, forboding. He continued up until he found a clearing and a young blonde man staring into space, comfortably perched on a boulder. He looked at Mathew and said with a congratulatory tone, 


Mathew woke up as giddy as Margaret on MDMA.

It was going to be a good day.

He chopped wood. Wood Splinters.

He carried water. Water Leaks.

He ate breakfast. Breakfast turns to shit.

He read a little bit of Wallace Stegner's BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN, the part where Bo Mason loses his temper and rubs his son's face in his own turd cuz the kid couldn't make it to the outhouse because the outhouse scared him.

He topped off the bar oil and 2 stroke blend in the Stihl, ran his finger over a tooth. It cut his thumb, "Fuck, that is sharp, like butter!"

He was halfway through the last log. All the chunks of firewood were standard, splittable-with-an-axe length, as his eyes could easily determine. He revved up the Stihl wide open, eased into the poplar, rocked the bar, plop. Over and over, like a machine of bone and muscle.


Mathew's heart began to pound. He began to shake. An imperceptable snap. He turned away and squirmed, looking down. He did not turn the chainsaw off.

Behind them about 50 feet away in the shop Titus and Connor noticed the latest tantrum and set their wrenches down, and watched with pity.

BJ persisted, "HOW LONG DO YOU THINK THESE ARE?!" Bubba Jon pointed to the perfectly sellable, once seasoned, log chunks.

"I'd say within acceptable parameters."


Mathew begged Sunshine for a voice of reason, but Sunshine didn't answer.


         *Revs the chainsaw rythmically*


Jon looked stunned and pleased with himself, to have finally gotten Mathew visibly stressed.



Titus and Connor, having been there themselves saw where this was going and approached unnoticed by either Jon or Mat.


"It's your choice."

"I'm thinking," Jon knew he would never in a million years defeat Mat in a battle of wits, and played the only card he could to save face, "maybe I'm choosing to let you go."

There is nothing more dangerous in this world than a man with nothing to lose.

Mathew was not aware of the chainsaw rising up to Jon's neck or Titus stepping in to bat the chainsaw away from Jon.

At the exact same moment Titus' severed hand hit the ground:

KKKKPOPsshhh - A familiar sound and flash of light (to Mathew) from above the tragic, gory scene below.

Out of the light and mist floated a 7 foot tall humanoid with a weird thing attached to its arm.

"It's FUCKIN JIM, you guys, ha, who's crazy now ?!"

"Holy Fuckin Nigger Tits!" Connor shouted.

Titus, understandably in shock, gripping his wrist below the wound like a vice stuttered, "Matty, you, you know what this thing is?" he chinned up.

Just then a beam of light hit Titus' bloodied stump, in an instant a ball of plasma formed around it. They all traced the beam back to the thing on the humanoid's arm.

"Yes, I do bro, I invented it," Mathew continued looking up with the most ego-boosted grin he ever had. 

Titus looked back to his wound. There was none. The plasma ball vanished and Titus had his hand back while his old one was still twitching on the ground in a red mud puddle.

"Yeah, I can do that now!" Jim picked Jim Gaffigan's voice of all things, but it still projected with resonant authority. 

"Watch this, fucker." Mathew squinted a devilish grin at Bubba Jon who was now trembling and slack-jawed.

Jim floated down. Mathew held up his arms in a T iron cross.

Jim peeled open from skull to crotch, simultaneously lifting Mathew up. Mathew tucked his legs up and then down into Jim's legs. He shimmied his arms in. Jim sealed Mathew inside and Mathew said now with a perfect DARTH VADER - "I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH DISTURBING"

Connor, in typical Connor fashion repeated, "Holy Fuuuuuckin Nigger Tits!"

"I'm Audi 5K, ya'll"

Left fist, shift.

Right fist, distort.

And sshhhPOPkkkk, he was.


That Jim had come at precisely the right moment to extract what is called The Musk Corollary to Murphy's Law - What is the most entertaining is what manifests - was proof enough to Mathew that the subjective coherency of The Never Cycle was still in his favor, in other words, despite all the Chronocoitus he could still go to any of HIS timelines. The problem was that he had to choose which one to follow up on now. Did one take priority over another? Was there anything new he should be doing to further solidify his sanity? Given the blackout between Cocoon in the 1930s and Void 2023 is there anything to tie it together?


 It hit him. Jade, the dream about Jade. 

The False Bride

She is all gussied up in her white dress.
Her ample breasts pushed up.
Make-up caked on.

She never actually met the groom but the dating service assured her that he was all that, if not punctual.

A lifetime of romanticized fantasies of marriage reached a state of feverish anticipation of satisfaction and escape.

”He will be here” They said.
”He is kind and handsome” They said.

So the Bride, in full confidence made arrangements.
Guests arrived.
All the appearance of a wedding.
Before the Groom arrived she started to party, drunk on her own delusions of worthiness.
Hours went by and her would-be Groom had still not made his grand entrance.
By this point it did not matter, she was dancing and celebrating - a real spectacle.

In-fact The Groom had been there all along, among the guests, assessing his “Bride”.

He did not want big tits, make-up, a pretty dress or a party.

Seated next to him was a simple, quiet, shy girl with beautiful eyes. She seemed somber and reserved.

He turned to her and asked, “What do you make of the bride?”

“She never really wanted a husband, she just wants the ritual and to feel special.”

“Yes, I think you are correct … You wanna get out of here, I do not think the groom is going to show.”

”Um, okay, where to?”

”There is a cafe on the top floor, can I buy you a coffee and snack?”

”Sounds lovely!” She smiled.

They stealthily left the scene and entered an elevator.

Opposite the elevator was a full-length mirror and the two caught a glimpse of themselves, each noting how similar they looked.

He silently wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“We look good together, don’t you think?”


And the randomness of that YT recommend - LOG YARD? Who is that HOTTIE? Jade's sister Emerald. She conspicuosly inserted some weird comment about tractor tires and BEET JUICE. While with Tess he had scored a juicer. Mat always wanted a juicer. He went nuts with the beet / carrot / ginger juice. He rode his bike to the Amish stand every couple days for beets. Nitric Oxide is a good thing. He questioned them about this BEET JUICE comment in their vid and they replied, "Lucky Winner". That was it. Then there were the countless nightmares he had for years; of going to North PA, past Horseheads, past Binghampton...and getting lost. Afraid to keep going south, not knowing how to turn back home. 

OVID? VOID? He thought...where is home? If Jade and Emerald were part of some kind of YT-based false sync, as Periditheon was fondof, maybe they'd have answers or could move this story along somehow.

"Well, Jimbo, reckon we're going to Cogan Station."

He was not about to show up in Jim so Mathew ported an electric recumbant e-trike and towed microcamper next to the highway south going out of Montour Falls around midnight. He had a few thousand dollars and a GPS. He was going to face his nightmares and make that journey on his terms, with only the faith that Jim would now come whenever he willed.

Around noon the next day Jade and Emerald were in the middle of recording when Jade noticed this pimped out nomad rig headed straight for them. Piloting the trike was a punk viking in camo and Carharts. They could hear some metal music blaring, it was Oceanic by ISIS.

"Should I cut?" Jade looked up to Em with a smirk.

"No. we'll make this work, film him." Emerald walked ahead to greet this apparent stalker simp.

Mathew brought the rig to a stop and turned off the jam, 30 seconds later, after it ended. Jade kept going back and forth from Mathew to Em's priceless look of exasperation.

"So we were just in the middle of," 

Mathew just stared at Jade and it was creeping her out.

"Do the words BEET JUICE mean anything to you, Emerald?"

"Ha, you must be Mathew Whitney, the Lucky Winner."

"Ha, you wanna tell me what the actual fuck?"

Jade stood up from her cameraperson's crouch and turned off her camera. She said, "We got a piece of mail

that was from something called THE PROGRAM. It said if we simply said BEET JUICE $10k would go into our YT payments. Emerald said what the hell so she did, and we got our money a minute later."

"So what about LUCKY WINNER?" Mathew was satisfied with Jade's honesty but..

"I made that up when you commented, I didn't know what else to say!" Emerald was not the type to lie either.


"What?" Emerald giggled.

"Do the letters BJ mean anything to you?" Mathew said as seriously as he could muster.

"Call dad, let him know we just left for a delivery up north, about an hour out." Emerald told Jade.

Mathew knew he was in. This echoed of Jeph and Sheils all over again.

He and The Sawdust Sisters went for a hike into some serious PA forest. 

A clearing, a fire, a connection.

Jade called her dad, "Pa, the truck got a flat and we're exhausted, gonna get a hotel room for the night and head back in the morning, love you!"

"Okay, be..." she had hung up short as Mathew's hand brushed her thigh.

The truck had been loaded with an air mattress, blankets galore, compressor, cooler of IPA and subs.

That night in the back of the truck, sandwiched between two teen unicorns was the opposite of a nightmare.


"Thank you girls, for making a year and a half of fuckery worth it."

"Fuckery goes both ways!" Jade said.

Mathew always said that too, weird.

They drove back feeling a little more womanly and as if making vids about cutting wood might be beneath them at this point. They each had the looks and skills to be producing serious content.

"I'll see you soon, in about nine months." Mathew had remote viewed this timeline and this is the one where women make him viral, as THEE ANTICHRIST, nine months from that day. The Program had forced him back here somehow, as if forced awake by a dream of having to pee because you actually have to pee.

"OK then Mat, you're awesome, we'll miss you!." Emerald said.

"Ur both perfection, thank you for the best night!"

They dropped Mathew off at his trike stashed a mile before home on the side of the highway. Hugs all around. As they made the final mile home that song by Heart came on, that one about a one-nighter. You can imagine his surprise...


"Well, Jimbo, reckon we're going to Cocoon next. No, I need to get back to Claudia and Eric and Lexi..."

Something pinged. Something was up. Something was not right.

"Colorado, a day after they get back."

Left fist.

Right fist.


There was something else wrong. "I had another ping."

He RVd Piper but it was too fuzzy, she looked posessed. "I have to get Piper and Imogen back to Sharon and Jakub. Where is Piper, I mean when?"

Mathew had lost his superpowers in the Void timeline and so relied on Jim.

"The optimal time and place is Colorado, 1950s, The bunker. Jarl, Lilian, Imogen, Piper, Shiels and Jeph left Cocoon and moved there. Jarl got a job working at a nearby military base."

"Hmmm, they probably didn't want to cramp the Yar, hey," Mathew suddenly remembered the joy and perils of being virtually omniscient, but nonetheless risked the question, "can you tell me if Piper aged?"

"You saw her just now as a little girl when she should be older by the rules you understand."

"Yeah. so, did she?"

"Yes and no. In 1950 she is biologically 13, but you are about to create a second-generation split by returning 6 yo Piper."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that."

"Why do you feel compelled to return Piper and Imogen?" Jim asked.

"I do not know, guilt I guess. I know what it is like to lose a kid. I'd be a hypocritical asshole if Pipes and Genny were not returned."

"So be it but there will be unforseen consequences."

"Even to you?" Mat remembered the need for mystery.


Mathew trusted Jim, to allow or restrict a given timefuck at this point. He'd been a lone wolf too long, doing it on a whim, he was a timeline slut.

"There's something else you can and should know, Mathew," Jim added. "Jarl impregnated your daughter. Lilian gave birth to a girl they named Claudia. You impregnated Sheils and she had a boy she named Eric."

Mathew was floored. No fucking way was Eric his son for godsakes. And if Claudia is his, no, this is some Alabama shit right here. He banged his own great-grandaughter, Lexi.

"OMIGOD, Jim, what if Claudia and Eric find out ?!"

"She did, when she got back from their second honeymoon. She got curious and rooted through Jarl's office. She found a picture. Piper turns out to be the same girl that seduced Eric." 

"Whoa, are you fucking with me Jim?"

"You know that's impossible."

"I knew something was up with Piper. Do you remember when I purged your goo and she trapped it under a bowl?"

"Of course not but I can RV it now."

"Right. Can you zoom in on that moment and see if any goo got on her?"

"Mathew, yes, I see a tendril creep out from under that bowl. Before the ice bath." 

"Fuck, fuck. I can't split it again that far back."

"I wouldn't allow it."

"So she is infected with Periditheon now?"

"Yes, so to speak."

"If I take her back as a 13 year-old will she regress biologically?"

"I cannot see that answer."

Mathew had some serious guilt now. How did things get so fucked up?

"Consequences, Mathew." Jim added with utter simplicity.

"I will not take them back to the moment I took them, I'll take them back 7 years up, so at least Sharon and Jakub won't question how they both aged 7 years in 7 minutes."

"That makes sense, you'll have to help them concoct a story as to why they were missing so long."


He would have to deal with everyone else and their respective cluster fucks of butterfly effect, ha, "later".



To help organize the branches of his Never Cycle Mathew created a TIMELINE TRINITY.

His current TRUNK is the YELLOW Timeline, entirely his.

His past ROOTS are the RED Splits, his Chronocoitus.

His future NODES are the Blue Butterfly Effects, unforseeable mystery.

These colors correspond to a temporal doppler effect.

He arrived in Colorado circa 1950s on a late spring morning. 

Pipes and Genny were picking flowers outside.

Jarl was at work.

His son and granddaughter were playing with a mountain of legos.

Lilian, Jeph and Shiels were now family and were enjoying a round of COD.

"I am about burned out on this, can't Earl get us something better?" Jeph asked already knowing the answer.

Lilian replied, "Jeph, love, c'mon, we are lucky to have it."

"Yeah, I know, guess I'm really just feeling nostalgia for a future we were robbed of."

"Robbed?, you cannot be cereal rot nah?" Lilian snapped with a bit of sympathetic humor. "We chose THIS adventure. We have the only XBOX in existence right now!"

"True," Shiels concurred. "But oi know these meps loike the veins in moi teets."

They all laughed. Shiels never lost her Aussie.

"I miss my daddy." Lilian suddenly lapsed in her effort to not torture herself with thoughts of why he really did abandon her after finally being epically reunited.

"Lili, you HAVE TO believe he is ok and will come back. You have to accept that he would never abandon us on purpose!" It was Jeph's turn to do the correcting.

"He will come back at the perfect moment oi think." Shiels had some intuition of her own.


Mathew turned the corner into the gaming room. He had ported in the kitchen where Jim stood waiting, peeled open.

Three controllers simultaneously clattered on the floor. 

Their exploding faces. Their imploding bodies.

At the same moment Pipes and Genny had returned from outside picking flowers and were making their way into the kitchen to put them in a vase. Jim sealed up as they exclaimed together, "Matty's BACK!"

"Yes, he is," Jim said, again with Jim Gaffigan's voice. "And he is taking you forward to 2029 to be with your parents again."

Piper and Imogen looked at each other with looks of shock and despair. They loved their new family and life. The 50's had been kind to them. Imogen had a job at the local newspaper as an editor. 

"Can I take Milk?" Piper asked. She had a sudden indifference towards where she was going, she just wanted to be with Milk.

"Back up lil sis, we ARE NOT going back to Void, Sharon and dad are probabaly over missing us by 2029 anyway, they probably moved."

"Would you like me to tell you what and how they're doing in 2029?" Jim offered Imogen. "Also, who is Milk?"

"Um, I have to think about that, but uh, Milk is Piper's pet preying mantis."

Just then Mathew entered the kitchen. Jeph, Lilian and Shiels went to go round up the kids and prepare Mathew's room.

"IMOGEN. PIPER. Are you mad at me?" He wanted to just hug them but was afraid.

They ran up to him and hugged him. "No, we are not mad at you but Jim just said,"

Mathew knew that Jim had, in his digital way, told them his intention.

"What Jim just said?" Mathew asked turning an annoyed glance at Jim.

"You want to take us home, is that right?"

"I did a terrible thing to your parents. I, we, can't do a second-gen split to when you left because of your current biological age, but I can take you to 2029 without you two experiencing any ill-effects or needlessly raising questions about a miraculous growth spurt."

"I don't want to, I'm happy here, but Piper does not care, she just cares about her pet Mantis, Milk."

"Piper, is that true?" Mat asked.

"I miss my real daddy, I do not miss mommy though."

"Hey, Pipes, I know I am not Jakub but I kinda felt like I was your dad for a minute, you were kinda like my pretend Lilian."

"I didn't mean YOU, I meant Uncle Earl."

He assumed Jarl switched to the English version of his name to help disguise the fact he was a Nazi.

"Oh, say, that's a funny name for a pet bug, how'd you come up with that?"

"He's NOT a BUG," Pipes said defiantly, " ...and he TOLD me his name was Milk, so..."

She took off her backpack and pulled out a miniature cage and handed it to Mathew.

Inside was an Albino Mantid, disturbingly beautiful.

"He is a handsome fella." Mat offered. He turned to Imogen "Well, Genny, I guess bringing back one kid is better than none, do you feel like it is appropriate to take her back?"

"I'd miss this little shit," She smiled at Pipes and bopped her on the shoulder, "but she is free to go if she wants. Do you wanna go home and see Dad again?"

Piper nodded, "Yes."

"A week from now sound good, Piper?" Mathew missed her too much to do it right then.

"Yup." Piper took Milk from Mathew and went to her room.

"Imogen, what did she mean, 'he told me his name' ?"

"She means it. She also has some other quirks."


"Pipes starting claiming to be a ghost about a month ago, same time she got her monthlies."

Mathew was starting to wonder if Pipes' brush with Periditheon, her time-travelling, and her innate spiritual trip were possibly creating some cumulative effect - a new superpower of her own. Speaking with bugs and astral projection. OK. Nothing he could do but help her manage and cultivate. His superpowers were gradually returning with more time in Jim (quantum phase shifting) too, and he knew Pipes could use the guidance he never got.

"A ghost. Anything else?"

"She is turning into a real slut."

"Oh dear, the Ginger & Pisces double-whammy."

"C'mon Mat, you don't make that causal leap for real, do you?"

"She IS cute and charming, can you blame her or the boys in her school?"

"No." Genny relented, "Guess I was the same 7 years ago, I'll cut her some slack and won't let her remind me of me."

They laughed.

After catching up with Genny for a few more minutes Mathew remembered he had a grandaughter and son to meet.

He needed to have a long convo with Jarl, not Earl.

That week was sanity-restoring, the way cleaning a cluttered, dirty room is. His family was tighter than when he left, and this almost made him feel like an outsider. They listened to his description of The Never Cycle, his Time Trinities and little bits of his Yellow Line. They told him about moving to Colorado, Uncle Earl doing his best to take care of them without Jim's providence.

Eric and Claudia were never told about Mathew for obvious reasons. They were told that Earl was Polyamorous and they were cousins.

Mathew didn't need any official family title to love them. As kids now. As his best friend and almost mom-in-law in the relative future. Wait, they never mentiond growing up together as cousins?

"OK, Earl, spill it. What happened at Cocoon?"

"Quinlen and I resurrected hundreds of Yar. Some chose to stay in the sim. After a few months and much renovation Cocoon stopped being ours and it honestly got stinky. They seemed to enjoy it and we did not have the means to put in a heavy duty air circulation system. After I moved us here I changed my identity and vowed to never use Jim again. I powered Jim down but found him missing from the office closet the next day."

"Fascinating. So what about Hitler and World War 2?"

"You mean Battle X ?"

Mathew immediately knew this was a Blue Butterfly situation.

Jarl continued, "There was no second world war in my Yellow Line as you call it, there was a single battle that absolutely destroyed both sides of the conflict, some third party did it. All the platforms, vehicles, ordinance across all the seminal theatres..." He shook his head. "...were melted or just disappeared. It all happened within an hour, 3 am to be exact. Some speculate it was an accident, or aliens, but nobody in official circles talks about it. Newsreels on both sides told a whole different cover story favoring them."

"I think I know what happened. Or will happen when I go back to 1930s Cocoon and see Quinlen again."

"I'd rather not know."

"Fair enough, I see you are committed to our family and a modicum of normalcy."

"Yes, I am. Mother forced me into everything up to meeting you, now I call the shots, I assume you are OK with that?"

"Can't thank you enough. You are all so happy and healthy, and I'm so, y'know, UNAVAILABLE."

"You gave me a family too, Mathew."


They threw a going away party for Piper. It was bittersweet, but it's what SHE wanted. With teary-eyed smiles they parted. Piper stood on Jim's feet and bear hugged his chest.


Sharon and Jakub HAD moved on - from their selfish and petty codependency. She from her powertrips. He from his chronic pothead habit. He never moved on from missing their girls though. They assumed (correctly) that Mathew took them, or worse, they willingly went with him.

They were still farmers and entrepreneurs. Jakub transitioned into industrial hemp. Sharon got deeper into The Program, or up the pyramid as it were. Since she had risked and lost so much she was compensated accordingly. 

Jakub was tending his crop that morning in 2029 when he glanced up and spotted a bit of orange, and then pink at the far end of the field. He didn't, he couldn't hope it was them. He started running to the orange girl anyway. She ran even faster, she KNEW Jakub, knew her real daddy.

Having Piper in his arms again was relief beyond relief, belief.

He held her out and locked his eyes into hers. "Did Mat take you!?"

"We went with him, we had a good time."

"Where's Genny?"

Piper had been advised, no, directed to not divulge the truth. About any of it, because she would be put in an institution. She was to maintain he took them VOLUNTARILY to an undisclosed location, they lived in an off-grid mansion in the woods. She did not remember how she got to the farm, but had just woken up in the field. Believable and plausible. 

"She stayed with Mathew. You wanna meet Milk?" She dug into her backpack.

Piper seemed a little off, but that was understandable. Jakub was not surprised Genny stayed and was glad to know she was alright.

"Who is Milk, sweetheart?"

"He is my albino preying mantis, it's cool watching him bite the heads of crickets n stuff."

"Cool huh?" He picked up Milk's cage for a look, and the pink shiny eyes stared hauntingly back.

"Your mom should be here, she is at a meeting right now, I'll call her to come home, that I have a surprise for her!"

"I don't care."

"What, Pipes?"

"I don't like her. I never did, I came back for my real daddy and to find Milk a girlfriend. He said if I could find him a green girlfriend they'd make a bunch of pretty babies."

"Oh, OK." Jakub played along, "Pipes, I just saw a green one a couple plants back, let's go see if it is still there. Say how do you know if it's a girl mantis or boy mantis?"

"If it is a girl mantis he will mate, if it's a boy he will kill it."

"Maybe we should go get some lunch instead."


Sharon came home that night expecting some wine and dick, not the little girl she used as pedo bait and diddled in the bath tub.

She masterfully pretended to be happy about Piper's return. It was mutual.

The next day she took Piper to a meeting, Piper was to be what she was groomed to be, a beta kitten for The Program, a future honeypot like her mom.

While they were out Jakub found that green mantis and put it in with Milk. At first he could not tell if Milk was fucking it or killing it. He left them to it, somewhat disgusted.

Pipes and Sharon returned. Piper was spaced out.

Jakub came in, "Sweetie, that green mantis was still there! I put it in with Milk, I think Milk will be a daddy soon!"

Piper snapped out of it, "OMIGOD daddy, thank you!" she ran over to Milk. "Can you make them a bigger cage, for the babies I mean?"

"Sure can, actually, let's go buy a brand new terrarium right now."

Sharon immediately presumed Jakub was trying to one-up her and secure the nice parent role again. Hadn't she JUST bought Piper some McDonalds after the meeting?

"Y'know Piper, that the girl mantis eats the boy mantis after mating, right?"

Jakub looked at Sharon and shook his head imperceptibly.

"Nuh-uh, you're lying! Babies always need a daddy too, to protect them!"

Sharon's sadistic grin couldn't be hidden. "And if the mommy mantis is hungry after the babies are born, she will eat them too."

Piper sensed that Sharon was telling the truth but refused to believe Milk was suicidal. Did Milk know about this cannibal stuff?

She ran over to him and the green one. They were both alive.

"See, MOM, he is fine!"

Jakub tried to quell the scene with a bottle of wine offered to Sharon. Piper went to her room.

That night she talked to Milk.

"Why didn't your new girlfriend eat you?"

 "I convinced her that I could talk to you and that we were friends. I then told her that because we had a human on our side we could do things we couldn't otherwise. I told her that you will protect us. I told her if she ate me, you would kill her immediately."

"You're smart, Milk." Piper said (with her trans-species telepathy).

"Don't worry about your mom, she won't bug you anymore."

"You're funny, Milk."

At that moment, as Sharon was drinking her wine a bee buzzed right into her glass. She did not notice as she gulped the last swig. Her eyes bulged. She coughed and spat as her throat seized. She convulsed, turned pale blue and lay still, eyes dilated, shit in her britches. All it took was 90 seconds.

Jakub returned from the bathroom to see his wife dead. He was not sad. He was not curious.

M'lk and Periditheon were fighting over this teen ginger, for reasons only they understood.

Periditheon has a voice and cannot scream.

M'lk had a human that could talk to it and could astral project, bilocate, could make endless copies of herself, she just didn't know it.


When she would astral project, during sleep, it was like a lucid dream but even more open, more controllable.

She was always a 6 year-old again though. She had no training in metaphysics but had heard of ghosts before. Piper only went little girl ghost when she was on her period.

Sharon's death was obviously a tragic case of death by asphyxiation, bees happen.

With her gone Jakub and Piper became super tight, there was finally peace.

Milk had his babies. Their terrarium was huge and had a little waterfall, and air circulation.

Periditheon decided since the maternal vector was terminated and M'lk was grooming her as well...this was not the way and had her Targeted.

If Jim knew all this was going to happen he never told Mathew.


Back in 1950s Colorado Bunker...

Mathew spent a few months with his family. Once again he used Jim to play Santa Pops.

He got them a PS5, Thai food, books, new ferrets - Thrice & Woven.

"Daddy, don't feel like you have to stay here 7 years to make up for the 7 you were gone."

"But it'd be cool if I did, right?" He smiled, half-asking.

"Ever so."

"I think that I was knocked off my high singularities by God, for crimes against the timeline."

"Could have been something below that."

"Jim won't tell me either way." Mathew said, with a twinge of frustration in his voice. "I think if I keep it down to just second-gen splits and avoid new ones I'll stay coherent with Jim in the yellow. So yeah I do need to go soon, to go help Quinlen, but I feel that is the end of my mission, maybe."

"No more rescuing the trafficked kids?"

"No, not the way I had thought of going about it. It obviously would not work. There has to be a head to this beast and this beast must have a lair. I need to find a trojan horse, but first I need to know who and where."

Mathew had changed so much and his desires and goals did too, but rescuing kids was the original goal, and to not follow through...he had a few more frayed loops to sew up and blue butterflies to net first.

"Maybe you need to do some research." Lilian offered. Claudia ran up and plopped in her lap.

"On what?" Mathew looked at Claudia refusing to think of her as a granddaughter, but rather Lilian's kid.

"Child sacrifice in history, didn't pagans offer thier kids up to Moloch or something?"

"Right, I'll have Jim do the research and tell me if there's anything to glean." Mathew was in awe of Lilian, she always saw his blind spot, knew the proper next step. "In the meantime, I'll try to RV with different prompts...which reminds me, in 2023 the nerds came up with text-to-image AI programs. You put in a description of anything and it just appears about a minute later. I think you'd be a good AI Artist."

"That sounds cool, can you port me the software or is it an internet thing?"

"Oh, right." And Mathew realized he'd never invented timetravelling comms, just superluminal comms. Should be an easy tweak, maybe Jim could do the heavy engineering. "Do you wanna port to 2023 for a day?"

Lilian thought quietly to herself for a moment, wondering if there'd be anything Claudia and Eric could use from the future beyond video games and legos. They still didn't know Mathew well or his abilities.They had to lie about Jim too, said Jim was a project Uncle Earl was working on for Uncle Sam.

"No, daddy, I don't think I do."

After a few weeks back with his fam it was like he never left. He helped out with chores, banged Jeph and Shiels like, 3 times a day, went Santa Pops whenever they wanted "future stuff". It was even more perfect than before in Cocoon because they withstood the test of time, no pun...and of course the addition of Claudia and Eric.

The pull back to Quinlen and his crew 1930s was at last unbearable. His leaving this time wasn't.


Mathew / Jim ported an hour or so to after the moment Jarl and HIS crew ported to Colorado 1950s.


Mat had Jim project a voice of a giant.

Quinlen was processing penguin meat in what was a playground. Cocoon had not changed much in volume, but space was cleared. This was now HQ for 222 giants to metamorphize twice. From info caught in a goo refinery, to living again creatures on earth. That was Mathew's doing with Flowergarden...and secondly as a BIOBOOSTED, 2000 pounds each, 20 feet tall each, and remarkably refined army - his army. 

"Jim!" Quin bellowed. "By the never cycles, it is good to see you, did you find him?"

"In the knick of time." Mathew almost wanted to laugh, impressed with Jim's obvious attempt to make a pun.

Jim peeled open and Mathew drank in the cold, stinky air of his old bad guy lair. "Quinlen of The Yar, do you and your people have a plan of what to do? I hope you do not. I have a plan." Mathew declared. 

"We want revenge, Mathew, against M'lk."

"The fuck you just say?"

He replied loud and slow, "WEEE WAAANT REVEN -..."

"MILK. you just said MILK, right, can you describe this MILK character?"

"M'lk is a giant insect." Quinlen was now looking down blankly at a flayed penguin with a chopping knife getting tighter in his massive, 6-fingered hands.

Mathew got out of Jim and walked over to a Quin before the stench of penguin guts hit him. "What'd this big bug want or do to piss you off?" Mathew asked calmly. He knew there were no coincidences just syncs with various levels of randomness. 

Clickity click. 

Milk, M'lk, Moloch. 

Kid Munchers, all 3 of them. Had to be the same thing, SOMEHOW. Oh derp, hivemind. 

Memeset locked.

"He ate our kids and sunk Atlantis."

"Quinlen you are half right; in order to sink a continent one would need technology, and how can they..."

"M'lk is a HUMANOID Mantid about 25 feet tall, he has his own army, they only show up when Nemesis' horizon interefere's with the heliopause of this super electron bubble. I think your prophets call it the 3 days of darkness. There's a discharge between Nemesis and sometimes Earth. If there's a discharge here it makes a new goo channel,"

"The abiotic refineries. Yes, I know, of course."

"Sorry, Mathew, I forgot you know alot."

"I want you to take me for granted like that but I also have selfish reasons for resurrecting you."

Quinlen was not offended, just very curious, "What can we do for you, Mathew?"

"This is it. I knew I had to get back here." Mathew was beaming with fatalistic, Margaret on MDMA, Jade and Emerald going down on him, GIDDYNESS. He blurted matter-of-factly:

"I help you defeat Milk, You help me defeat Hitler."

"How do you propose we defeat Milk?"

"I know someone that can,..."

Just then a little naked redheaded human girl knocked Quinlen on the leg. She seemed like she was half blind feeling around. "Is, is this real?"



"OK. Piper how did you get here, I dropped you off months ago? How's you're mom?" Mathew knew if the girl did not say fuck sharon, it was not Piper.

"Fuck Sharon. I told you I was a ghost but I did not know I could solidify into 6 year old me."

"Fascinating. So you can just fly around ANYWHERE as a ghost?"

"Only when I'm sleeping, and only when I'm surfing the crimson wave."

"Uh, hey, so you are also sleeping in 2029 right now?"


"What happens if you in this body here goes to sleep?"

"Ask me tomorrow." It was neat to see Piper hold herself so confidently.

She plopped in Mathew's lap. "Member when you'd read to me in the before time?"

He did. Before it all became a clusterfuck of fuckery. 

Grapes n Graham crackers, legos and tire swings, a shady tree, you and me.

"Member bird, apple, worm?" He asked. She made a little hook shape with her finger meaning worm crawling out of apple.

"Worm eats apple." She said. Feeling him underneath her in a different way.

"Bird eats worm." He pac manned her finger.

"Apple falls on bird." Her other hand, in a fist, bopped his finger beak.

It occurred to him, their twist on rock/paper/scissors was a 3 WAY EQUIVALENCE.

"Not to interrupt you two, but who could help us with Milk?" Quinlen was eager to know and getting impatient with Piper.

"Did you just say MILK?" Piper yelled. "Mathew, why am I here, what does he want with Milk?" She got up off Mathew's lap and faced Quin, "How do you know Milk, why would you want to see my pretty boy?"

Mathew interrupted, "Piper somehow your Milk is just a proxy drone for something MUCH bigger, a mantid that eats babies, human AND giant babies"

"Milk would never do that!"

"Your Milk COULDN'T do that, but do you think if Milk was 25 feet tall, he would be eating crickets or something bigger, to match his size?"

"But why humans, why not penguins like Quin."

Rather than try to explain the metaphysics of Loosh extraction Quinlen analogized. "Piper, you know how you could live off of bland healthy food or really tasty junk food? And how it is hard to not eat the junk food? Kids are junkfood to him."

She had to believe him. Piper never suffered from cognitive dissonance like so many developing egos. She'd seen too much.

Mathew took her hand and brought her in close. "I know now why all this is happening, how the pieces fit."

She now straddled his lap and stared at him. "Quinlen, your bloodlust is understandable but Moloch is not the enemy, there is no enemy if God allows him to exist. We need to have comms with him, not kill him."

Quinlen was not trying to hear that Jesusy, love your enemy nonsense. "He killed so many of us, ate our children, Mat, he needs to die." 

"I've a feeling he already had his last molt." Mathew was correct. "Piper can find him and find out what he really wants."


"She already talks to him via his little drone, her pet."

"I call his girlfriend COOKIE!" Pipes added.

Mathew continued, "Now she can ghost her way to his lair, wherever that is, and confront him in person, translate for us. I really need to know something...Quinlen, among your people were any of them just, ahem, BORN ASSHOLES?"

"Yes, so what?"

I don't think Moloch is bad, the way we are thinking. I think he is a SOUL ANNIHILATOR.

Quinlen had heard enough and left Mathew and Piper. Mathew hadn't noticed Piper's ghost/clone was now kissing his neck, but the frocks of orange glow smelling of strawberry shampoo snapped him out of his intuitive download about M'lk. She planted a tongue kiss on his mouth. She tasted like grape soda.


"What, you and I BOTH know you have wanted me since Sharon told me to sit on your lap and ask you to read the book about the princess..."

Mathew said nothing, she was right. "...You know you want this hairless slit..." She reached between her legs then brought her middle and ring fingers to his lips. "Taste it." She shoved them in his mouth.

Syrupy Peaches.

"I'll make you fit in me, I'm sure it's super tight." She reached down and grabbed his junk.

"But first I have to pee!" She bounced back off, the little mindfuck.

Piper made her way around a pile of half-frozen penguin corpses, squatted and let go a watery stream from her flushed folds. She disappeared.

"It's OK Mat." The Yar have really good hearing. "Our people make fuck with our youngsters as a rite of passage, she was just doing what her genes told her to do."

"Or Sharon, or The Program."

"No, it was her."

Again Piper appeared from behind another giant-sized table. "I had to pee in real life, I mean, 13 year old me in 2029 had to pee, but I'm back asleep now."

"Piper, you had all those pee accidents as a kid because Sharon diddled you in the tub during bath time."

"I didn't know...didn't make the connection until she took me to that meeting, she had the same look in her eye as when we took baths."

"What meeting?" Mathew was sure ...

"The Program meeting. They were telling me how to seduce boys, but I was bored because I already know how."


Piper added, "But it didn't work on Genny and they never chose her."

"Sharon said you were conceived after she and Jakub had a huge fight over Sharon getting caught making out with Genny's babysitter, she said you were BORN OF FIRE."

"I did not know that."

"I don't know why she confessed that, guess she was trying to make sense of you."

"I wasn't going to really fuck you just now, I just wanted to see if I could get you hard."

Piper smiled an impish, crinkly grin at Mathew, "You pervy old man!"

They laughed a laugh of relief and Quinlen went back to his penguin chopping.




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