PROJEKT: Sonnenblume


PROJEKT: Sonnenblume

Part 3 to





Mathew Gale Whitney - Son of Man, Antichrist, Pahana, Maitreya, Moschiach, Mahdi, Kalki Avatar

'JIM' Prototype

Vrilerinnen Marina

Jarl Roth


Quinlen of the YAR



PROJEKT: Sonnenblume

A couple weeks went by in Butterfly Gorge. Mathew would routinely POP in and out – literally (Note, I mean literally) – … pop out then pop in moments later with a bag of goodies.

Usually it was stuff they wanted; Today, Sheils' shopping list was stuff for Zen n Fizgig, who were now free to roam and hunt if they wanted. Lilian wanted some camping gear and Jeph wanted some chili. He popped out, for them, a bit…

A few seconds later Pops is back. They started calling him SANTA POPS.

He opened the bag and doled out the stuff they wanted and then pulled out books.

Girls, we are at a crossroads here. I need you to trust me.” He looked at them imploringly. “It is hard to even fashion the story here out of what I know now.”

Wite, so ur seyen ye know somethin neow, you didn’t know a few meenutes ago, you know neow?”

...First, let me say how amazing you are and this is, can we please hold each other’s hands in a ring?”

They did. He’d never been so serious.

It is amazing how well you have adjusted to being taken by a time-traveling super hero guy with issues.” Mathew really was impressed with them.

We’re all familiar with the whole with great power comes great responsibility thing and, to whom much is given much must be sacrificed thing, uh, do you believe that?”

They all nodded yes. “So what’s up Santa Pops, what do you know now that’s so important?” Lilian prodded.

I have learned so much simply by being able to teleport and time-travel, the absolute power and freedom should be maddening but it is just fascinating and the only thing for me to do is … I learned three major things girls:





Hmmm, I’d have to be high to fully get 1, 2 I guess you’d have to be god to understand something 100% and I’m dying to know what the hell 3 is!”

Mmmk, well, 1 is a zen anchor AIR QUOTES, I developed as a mantra out of necessity. 2 is the truth of the fact that, I as of now I can see your auras and every other layer of your subtle and meat bots. I can diagnose souls because I can see their other incarnations; I can objectively decide who needs to die and who needs a paradise of healing and joy. 3 is the result of an experiment I did based on a scene from Bill & Teds. The scene where they invoke the existence of something by promising to, at some time in the future, come back before the present and leave it for them to retrieve presently. The question then is, what if they get the object and fail to bring it back before later?”

They all looked puzzled.

It is another way of materializing something but not like a replicator, it is more about intent than atomic printing.”

What replicator, Mathew,?” Jeph grinned.

I invented one, but what I’m saying, for me I can just wish things into existence, I have forever to make it go causal.”

Jesus, daddy, how long have you been gone?”

That’s my point dear, you have no option but to really comprehend a story unless it is in linear time, but for me everything is happening now: memory, dreams and imagination all feel the same as waking life, if that makes sense...hmmm.”

It must be hard on you huh?” Lilian suddenly looked sad. “You’re trying to figure out what happens first, right?”

Kinda, it’s like the things that feel like dreams and memories are fuzzy, they are what has not happened yet, and there are things I definitely did spanning a few of my years while I was just gone. I definitely recall doing this...”

Just then the familiar POP and flash of light from above, from it descended the most bad-ass-venom-covered-in-armor-looking-motherfucker doing the super hero landing trope.




holy shit!”

the fuck?”

The girls reaction was warranted. The creature robot mech thing before them was about as sci-fi as it gets. It also looked like Mat’s vest around the chest and back, the crest and dorsal SC housings. The elongated skull and spider face was freaky, it did not breath, it was split down the middle from head to naval.

I now have the ability to create new AIR QUOTES timelines but I cannot go back to the exact same timeline, that’s where this guy comes in.” Mathew pointed at the statuesque presence in black. “This is me too. But it is not bound to the universe in the same way as we meatbots with souls are. It knows everything I know, I can inhabit it at will, but when I am focused in my meatbot it goes into its own mode, directed by our mutual oversoul. Sooo, what I’m saying is I can stay in one timeline but at the expense of and benefit of being this robot. Really, I have the option of staying.”

The mech split open, walked over and lifted Mathew, legs first up and into it as fluidly and coordinated as a parent hugging their child.

Mathew slid his arms in and then the chest and head wrapped around him, enclosing him.

In a cool robot voice, “It also functions as a bio-booster here and a bio-resister in zero gravity.”

Holy fuck, some kind of quantum telepresence, bilocation, egregore meets some anime looking mech that can be autonomous and be a biobooster, and what the hell lookin thing is on your arm?”

Wait, so you’re saying you actually built this? You were gone a few seconds and now ur like Jesus meets Tony Stark?”

kinda.” Mathew peeled out of the suit.

Well, how … god, how do we even ask how long something has been, … unless...”

Lilian was vocalizing in order to make sense of their sense that their reality too just changed as dramatically as the father and husband just tried to convey.

Mathew, now out of the suit, sat down in lotus position, did some Wim Hoff shit, closed his eyes and hovered about 2 feet off the ground. The robot said, “Check this shit out you guys.” Robo-Matty walked over to a rather large rock and hurled it rather far into the water with an epic splash. It / he sat down. Mathew stood up.

It’s pretty cool to be a robot, I don’t have to breath, I don’t get tired, I don’t feel pain, it’s just pure abstraction of being, I can do anything but without the burden of chemical emotions. I’m afraid this may lead to the dark side some day. The dreams.”

Jeph asked, “So what would you say was the start of this?”

Hmmm, guess when I went off to think the other day, in this time. I was thinking that I had never played with left fist right fist ratios. So, you know left fist and right fist control the crest and dorsal Scs, one phase conjugates space, two displaces linear time. I tried a half-closed fist mixed with a fully-closed, and different combos in between. I explored what I’m calling interspace, that’s how I got all my other super powers like psychometry and aura reading and … How I pushed my soul out of my body instead of taking them all with me to the other side of a port. I can access my oversoul and other incarnations which are the hub and spokes respectively, I AIR QUOTES go around the wheel now...”

Where does the robot suit come from though?” Jeph insisted he speed it along.

I was just getting to that, maybe my SANTA POPS have spoiled you!” Mat teased. “Mmmk, so I saw that my spoke had a branch, it was this.” Pointing to the robot suit.

Mathew hesitated. “I don’t know if I should tell you too much or too little.” He was serious, “Do you have a preference?”

Sheils – Too Much

Jeph – Too Little

Lilian – Just Right

Let me rephrase it, do you want to know the difference between free will and fate?”

Reckon that’s the ultimate question.” Jeph said.

You already explained it, it’s the same thing just in two directions, forward and backward.” Lilian added.

Mathew squinted, “But to KNOW?” He was being careful here. “You don’t know it but mystery is the most valuable thing, and that depends on your willingness to forget.”

That actually makes total sense.” Jeph said. “You’re on the other side of the mystery and you need us, our free will to conserve mystery.” She was now channeling something herself. “You’re the DM.”

Do you guys trust me?”

Lilian, Jeph and Sheils did trust him.

If I tell you, my amazing friends, that you have to port to an island near the south pole in 1935 and you may be stuck there, that would be OK? Oh, the upside is that you will not age until it is 2021 again.”

An appropriate WHATEVS look crossed their faces. It’s hard to say no to Mathew at this point.

OK, to the point, Mathew, um, so, I have been gone awhile. I have another family, it’s an adopted family, not a kidnapped one – ha ha ha – and the dad, he is the guy that built my vest here, he also built the robot, that timeline I was in for a year exactly. An entire company had to be built first. After the Robot Suit, eh, we gotta come up with a name for this, was built … I needed a final ingredient. The location of it also dovetailed with the ultimate plan.”

Mathew sat down. “I REALLY need you girls to insert some brass ovaz here.” He pulled out the books from the Santa sack. A few about child psychology, a few about Nazis. “The NSA, Five Eyes, Echelon, and a few other entities know where the kids, my butterflies are being...” Mathew took a deep breath, obviously holding back some rage.

Take your time pops, no pun.” Lilian said encouragingly.

...We are going to rescue abused children, rehabilitate them and then turn them into an army of angels. SLIGHT PAUSE. “And I mean WE, can’t do it alone.”

The girls understood at that moment that Mathew had gone into full God Mode, not only in capability but intent.

You just called us FRIENDS, what the hell?” Jeph circled back on that one.

I did. Yeah, ur my wives and daughter but, you’re my friends first. That’s one of the things I cannot reveal, just how far we go back.”

Oh, sheet, roight.” Sheils stood up and embraced Mathew in absolute reverence, because knowing who she was in a past life was something she’d wanted to know for a long time. For her there were too many peculiarities about herself that nature and nurture could not explain. Now Mathew could tell her and the weight of the situation sank in more.

Lilian stood up, “You have barely told me about OUR family and you have another?!” She was upset and did not know why exactly. A combo of repressed things bottled up began to spill for the ever-resilient daughter.

Lilian, baby girl, I could go back and make none of your past a reality, but not for you.” Mathew realized he still had to check-up on the Kira/Mira timeline. “Please tell me, did you just have a twinge of jealousy?”

No, ...It’s not that, it’s everything. I kinda knew all this time this would happen, that you’d come and get me, but at the same time it felt like me just fantasizing. Now that it’s real and happening and ...” Lilian was almost there. “I have never thought about what you went through, they just painted you as a mentally ill loser.”

Mathew was familiar with parental alienation.

The most cliché thing to ever say is that THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON, the atheists make a joke and follow that up with THAT REASON IS USUALLY PHYSICS, but … you have experienced all the hell the kids we will rescue have been through, maybe not as bad but. Your emotional scars shine to me. You were never a victim, you held a state of pity for them even as you were violated.”

Daddy, I left my body every time.”

She began to cry. “I’m here now, but yes, let us rescue them all!”

Jeph and Sheils caved to the moment and hugged Lilian.

As Mathew witnessed a now rare moment of free will he began formulating the next moment.

In order to fulfill your roles as psychologists and healers and to understand the history or herstory you’re about to be thrown into, I have brought us these books. Before we get our butterflies we need to do the due diligence.”

Jeph replied in serious mode. “How many kids are we talking?”

Good question, 20 at first. Uh, I have even thought about when from I will timenap, and for fucks sake...” Mathew was at a loss as there are millions suffering all the time. “...Just stick to now. 20 at first to test our methods.”

Which are what, I get being kind and nurse-like but that is not enough to heal these kids?” Jeph asked.

Lilian knew what her role was but Jeph and Sheils, despite knowing they HAD to do this, were now struggling with HOW.

I have abilities to access all of their suffering, and yours, and what I CAN tell you is that in other lives you have endured comparable suffering, if you just keep that in mind at all times ... that is your greatest method for dealing with our dark butterflies. But to answer the question, we will employ sound, light, smell, drugs, work, and PATIENCE when bringing them out. When they are as good as us now, we will go the next step to divinity.”

You mean?”

Yes, so tell me what quantum phase-shifting has done for you?”

Mathew actually needed to know. Perhaps being rescued by a robot via teleportation would only compound the trauma? There was no choice, but for the kids being rescued a weird blip in reality may not mean anything, cognitively.

Both physically and mentally? I know my meatbot is pretty much immortal now and yours too, so, how do you feel about that?”

The girls looked at each other and to him.

Oi think me n the gals need to go tauk this ova weethout ur yang robut beezness.”

Fair enough.”

Mathew turned and sat in Lotus.

The Official Beginning For Now

The planet earth is hollow and expanding, has been for awhile. This solar system adopted a rogue brown-dwarf, expelled from a well known constellation long ago. This captured binary system sports 7 planets and a debris field. It has passed many times but on the 666th passing, about 32,400 years ago, something unique happened; A download of intelligence was transferred and with it, its KARMA.

RA’s offspring had already dealt with so much…

But Gaia, cuz she was in the goldilocks zone, she got nailed, No other daughter of RA attracted so much attention as she. And so, throughout the aeons she was courted from suitors of many dimensions. As a goldilocks she wore a signature unique among her kind and it was coveted by all. The rarest thing is the most valuable, surely this is true throughout the cosmos and yeah, out of mercy she let in all the suitors, not because she is a whore but because they all had something to fill her whole.

On it’s 666th passing the interference pattern was just right to create what you are calling THE FALL. The oversouls of all are stored in larger spheres. And should the relative voltage vary, sometimes one sphere will discharge into another. This discharge not only represents an exchange of energy but memory/intelligence as well.

The receiving anode body (planet or star) is now, for lack of a better phrase, AWARE OF…

On it’s 666th passing Gaia received an interplanetary arc that terminated on what would become Thule island. The Birkeland Current was so strong that it pierced Gaia’s crust and the Fulgurite Fissure became the NAVAL of the Epoch to become, what it produced is why we are here (On Thule).

Mt. Hermon was a lesser naval, a lesser fall but its story, and all that shit in Enoch, that’s what I’m getting at.

When an interplanetary arc occurs, soon after it occurs, that arc renders its two electrodes (planets) into a state of NEGATIVE RESISTANCE. This occurrence downloads a planets memory from the cathode planet to the anode planet, the moment of -R wipes the memory, leaving only a mystery for those left to inherit the memory of the sphere imprinted.

When Thule, its fissure through the crust, its download occurred, what was imprinted into Gaia was not, at first, a positive thing, but hey, shit happens, even at the cosmic scale.

Thule was special because the event that birthed it hit Gaia right on her SACRED SPOT, a particular ley line or fusion zone that allowed for the production of…

The girls returned, “We agree to port where and whenever the fuck you want us!”

All three in unison, they intended to offer that for emphasis, the WE part.

Mathew looked at them, “I will probably be able to accommodate you from here but you must be able to do the same.”


He gathered them in a tight circle and gripped two fists.

Eyes opened to a brutal, blustery shoreline.

Follow me, I brought you here first to appreciate exactly where you are.”

The girls had not been ported in a few weeks, and they had taken for granted just how unnerving it was. Doing it again and into this…

Ok, a fuckload of penguins…!” Jeph was pissed.

You could've given us jackets first, pops!” Lilian yelled.

For fucksake Metty!”

They ran after him and the robot towards an opening in the cliff side. Mathew was now traversing the landscape by hovering in lotus.

Telepathically now - “My friends, I have prepared a place for us and our dark butterflies, and I did it entirely with JIMMY.”

Mathew then turned and asked, “Do you know who is JIMMY?”

The 3 returned, “Robot suit.”


Mathew now took a moment to calculate what reality they needed, and his too, as there was some mystery left.

Enter The Cocoon”

Mathew and Jimmy had spent a long time creating this paradise.

Sheils, Jeph, Lilian, we are in an underground bunker that is impervious to any bullshit. I have spent years outfitting this place for this moment, and I can extend it as long as you need.” Mathew was lying, he just did not know it.

The Girls presently gazed upon a most incredible space, it was a cavern and a … not quite a house or village or school, an open space with individual safe spaces, like Fraggle Rock meets the shire. There was very well thought out lighting and a pastel theme. Beyond the geothermal warmth piping throughout was an overwhelming sense of safety. Not that the children brought here would know or care to know, but the space was constructed from a variety of technologies, spanning timelines. They deserved the very best.

20 kids you say, from 2021?” Lilian asked.

Yeah, the thing about Jimmy, the thing on his arm, my arm.”

The girls just looked at him.

It’s not necessarily a weapon but it makes a real good one. I can do crazy shit with that, watch...” He pointed to Jimmy.

Jimmy pointed the gun thing, 40 feet away a ball of light formed, then a trail of plasma shot back to it. Then a beam formed and came back to 4 feet long. It was a fucking lightsaber.

I can erase matter with it, its how Jimmy carved out this place.”

Soooo, where does the matter go?”

Great question, the matter is turned to a plasma and then grounded. But I can also recirculate the energy which can be dangerous...I guess I’m telling you this so you know, uh, Jimmy can protect us from pretty much anything. Jimmy is scary but he is on your side, that’s something all our kids need to know, he is the face of the rescues after all.”

Mathew was now clear headed and relieved he got the base of the story out and they were all vibing The Cocoon at Thule.

I’d like to normalize for a week before we get started, we have some studying to do, but yeah look around, find your nests, check out the garden. The rec room is over there.” Mathew brought back to 1935 a PS5, huge TV and all the gear. Gaming and movies were considered therapeutic.

For Mathew normal meant taking the vest off and smoking a bowl and reading. He opened the one about sexual abuse of children. This was unpleasant but required reading. It would not at all prepare him for what he might see.

He got to a section that listed symptoms of molestation in girls, number one was frequent pee accidents while awake.

Oh god. No.”

In hindsight, he wouldn’t put it past her.

He had to RV it.

He now had a justifiable reason to take Piper and Imogen.

The Cocoon has a capacity of 100 kids, each has their own room. All other spaces are communal. The girls studied up, they discussed the processing of 20 kids, the most traumatized humans.

Over dinner the four sat in the cozy cave known as Cocoon.

I am hesitant to tell you this but...shortly before I met the other fam I had an interaction, with another fam. Yeah, my story as far as you’re concerned starts there. I fell in love with 2 ginger girls and there was a reality dangled before me that I could bathe in their orange glow … but it was a lie, That lie led to this moment so...”

His ginger trip. His RV.

Imogen and Piper.

I want to get them for many reasons.”

The girls were not at all threatened by the prospect of 2 new girls. Sheils, Jeph and Lilian were curious.

In the cocoon there was no indication of time, from the time of day to what year. They knew it was 1935, but with only memories of the future…

Lilian, when you were taken from me I shut down emotionally and this has led to countless nightmares. However, over time I came to realize sometimes evil is right and my pain does not matter. You turned out awesome...I guess I’m asking for your approval on the porting of Imogen n Piper.”

not up to me pops, but hey, you can always take them back huh?”

True, I’ll be right back.”


Imogen and Piper were outside doing chores, a routine among many.

Waterfall sound, a pop and flash of brilliant light. Above them the man in black, hovering.

He sank down like a feather. A robot voice.

Hi girls, do not be afraid, I’m your friend.”

The sisters embraced.

You know me, I would never hurt you. I need you now. Will you come with me for the ultimate adventure?”

They were actually just wishing some alien would abduct them. The needless reassurance this thing was spewing was the creepiest thing about it. Maybe it was over-compensating.

Startled yes, but afraid of him? No. They knew it was Matty.

Adventure, huh?” Imogen bit.

Yes, you have a purpose here and it is not to pick apples and feed ducks. I miss you both.”

Mathew caved. He never really told them explicitly, how he felt.

Imogen fell down taking Piper with her.

If you're coming. take my arms hold tight and close your eyes.”

Totally trusting, they did.


The girls anticipated his return with two adults.

Jimmy peeled open and Matty shimmied out. Imogen and Piper just stood slack-jawed at the surreal cavern-village they were in, smurfy but utilitarian.

We had the same response when we got here last week.” Jeph offered.

weelcome gals, to our sanctuary et the buttom of the weld!”

Lilian was now wondering what Mathew meant when he said five minutes ago that he was in love with them.

A tour is in order, so walk with me and we’ll figure out your wants and needs. Everyday I go and get whatever you want, that fits in the field of course.Remember I can take you back a moment after we left…”

So we can be gone indefinitely and the rents will never know, or maybe wait, are we now missing back home or not?” Imogen was expectedly concerned and confused.”

Hmm, you may have just stumbled on some kind of time-travel version of Schrodinger’s cat. You collapse a given timeline with every choice, the only continuous timeline is your own. If you commit to me you choose to go missing. That will affect your parents in unknown ways.”

Yeah, I don’t care, let them worry and wonder. As for me n sis I think we will like it here with you and...”

Piper had ran ahead to check out some flowers.

Yes, I have two gfs right now, great partners in every way, I’m really blessed. The other gal is my daughter Lilian. Um, none of them know about you, and trust me I want you so badly its killin m’here...but, I have no libido now so..., its already becoming an issue with them. Side effect of quantum phase-shifting.” I want to just love you and give you everything, he thought to himself.

So whats the deal with all these little houses and carved out lounges and fountains and gardens and stuff, is it like a theme park or?”

Cocoon is a place for abused children to be rehabilitated, in a few weeks Jimmy will rescue 20 and we will do our best to get them healthy.”

Mathew paused, they were going to do this.

I was hoping once operations begin you and Pipskweek will find a niche, it could be simply to give love and wisdom to the kids we bring here. Maybe tending to the gardens or a mix, whatever you want. But you can slack off and live apart from that too, I have to give you every option you see, or else...”

You feel all kidnappery.” Imogen could play him big time, but there was no reason to. Submitting to Mathew was oddly satisfying.

Piper ran up. “I gotta go pee.”

Ok, follow me to the nearest little girls room”

So, uh you mentioned your daily run to the store or whatever. Gonna need some things, not this second but soon.”

Mmmk, I already stocked your rooms with all the gear so let’s go check that out.”

Oh? Cool!” Imogen was easing into this subterranean mad-scientist lair thing. Her room was lavender and grey, it had the laptop, speakers, some stuffed animals and a little flower arranging station. Piper’s room was light pink and maroon, it had a little Barbie village of its own. Each had a pair of skates, perfect for the perfect paths winding around the cavern.

I also stocked your closets with clothing I thought you’d like, maybe we can get you authentic vintage and period outfits. I wonder what girls wore in 1935? If you’d like to chill here I have to go make dinner plans.” Mathew thought it best to let them adjust to their spaces before any more tours or plan reveals.

Back at the dining table / kitchen areas the girls were obviously discussing the new girls.

OK, so the little one was my surrogate daughter and the older one, well...she may have had a crush on me. But both were used to hurt me, guess karma’s a bitch. They never wanted to mess with me but their psycho mom, eh, that’s all I’m gonna say about that, also orange glow, yea!” Jeph half-joking, “But I’m ur fav, right?”

Hmmm, you raise an interesting point about this situation. I am the sole male energy, I have to be bf, dad, and now like older brother, as well as provider...But you are all just friends I love and enjoy spoiling. I don’t play favorites so don’t indulge your ego trip, ok?” Mathew was right. “Imogen and Piper are your little sisters and you need to give them a lot of love, as you are loved.”

Heard, Pops.” Lilian gave a thumbs up, Jeph looked assured, Sheils looked tired and horny.

Uh, I’m just gonna say it, I have no desire for physical contact beyond hugs and cuddles anymore. Lilian I don’t even know if you’re, y’know but uh….Jimmy has a 10 inch surprise in his crotch region. If you say the magic word in his left ear the cod piece opens, a robodick unfurls, being filled, like a real dick with a warm fluid. He never gets soft and does not care if you cry or cum, try not to break the dick off.”

That kinda sucks.” Sheils liked getting her tits covered in cum.

That’s kinda cool.” Jeph always wanted to fuck a robot with a big dick

You really do care.” Lilian was trying to deflect, humorously, her presence for this convo.

The magic word is JIMBONE.” Jimmy did the Price Is Right product model gesture near his crotch, as if to say, BEHOLD my technophallic joy for you.

So, sorry Leelian,” Sheils was pissed. “But we don’t git te mike fuck anehmore? We were jist gettin good, and the consolaytion proize is this glorified deeldo?”

Jimmy actually turned and laughed, Matty was defs in there.

Jeph added, “Matty, I will miss our time together but, I get it, also thanks for giving Jimmy the bbc, I think we will be OK.”

Lilian just rolled her eyes, “I’ll go help Jim with the dinner fixins.”

Jeph leaned in and kissed Sheils, “This still beats the hell out of pre-Matty life.”

Yeah, it does.” Sheils admitted.

I’ll go get the little sisters.”

When Mat arrived back at Imogen’s room she was lying down, sprawled out on the bed in her undies and bra. His dick twinged. Oh God, no. He was horny again, and all it took was one glance at 13 yo Imogen’s pale freckly thighs.

He stood outside the door, not looking at her. “Did you find an outfit to your liking in the closet?”

Piper came out of her room, “I did, see?” Piper was all gussied up in pink frilly lacey whatever he got her.

You look like the princess you are, Pipsqueek.”

I didn’t look yet, just letting this rando trip sink in.”

Fair enough, dinner’s in 10 mins, we are having salad and fish.”

Salad and fish were the standard meal in Cocoon as aquaponics was a major part of its ecosystem. An equally massive garden was in a cavern below this living cavern. A fish tank wrapped around the entire interior wall of the living area. Just to give you a visual, the Cocoon was 500 yards wide and 800 yards long with a ceiling height of 100-200 yards. Maybe someday they’d try penguin meat.

  Imogen was also horny and Mathew could smell her funk, it reminded him of the day it all went down.

As if reading his mind, “You didn’t really knock me out, I passed out. But it still hurt. Not as much as framing you. Fuck. Fuck you, Sharon!”

Mathew entered and laid next to her. “You had no choice, your mom is a manipulative cunt and she is good at getting people to do what she wants, plus you were her prisoner and slave...wait, what do you mean knock you out?”

You punched me and I woke up in a car in my driveway.”

No, I grabbed your hair and pussy out of anger, but I did not punch you!”

They were both sure the other was in denial. Imogen continued.

We don’t have to worry about my stupid parents anymore, do we?”

She got on top of Mathew, straddling him, Piper went back to her Barbie village.

They looked at each other. There was no denying the throbbing gooey mess forming between them. The innocence thing was missing now but...

Deep Breathing.

I can’t.” Mathew pushed her off, “Not now anyway.” With a sorry look, Mathew added, “I’m sooo glad you’re here Imogen, I REALLY missed you. Maybe we can cuddle later, ok? Let’s go feast!”

C’mon Pips, time for chowda.”


Thule began as a fissure, a crust-piercing fulgurite that glassed every layer the “Space Lightning” passed. Depending on the layer there was inert glass, some materials were magnetized, some were electrified, some were transmuted. Sea water filled in and tidal forces pumped it through the fissure. Over hundreds of years the sea water was abiotically transformed into the SchwarzenSchleim. This material is similar to Shilajit and Cintamani but IT is the only NATURALLY-OCCURING QUANTUM WETWARE or Sentient Oil. What made it sentient was that the oil was infused with platinum group monoatomics, aka manna, aka ormus, aka white gold. These materials are thermally governed qubits. Mathew had been made aware of all this but was the only person to connect the dots, or so he thought. The army of JIMMIES he had waiting in 2024 all needed a few Ccs of this goo in order to do the Super Intelligent Quantum AI and Soul-Catching thing. Mathew knew that the oil had captured the alien hive mind of whatever planet had arced with Earth. He knew that the oil must be exorcised lest you have another Marconi type incident. Stupid Brits didn’t know what they were fucking with. Mathew also knew that in a few years shit was gonna get wacky again, this isolation in time and space was CRUCIAL to his sanity and the plan.

THE SUNFLOWER is the Swiss Army Knife of Energy Manipulation; you can’t really call it a weapon or tool. If you study THE LAST RELIGION you know the connection between pyramidal shapes and HAARP, that is the 3 modes of the interferometer correspond to the steepness of the pyramid sides. These translate into a scalar bottle that either goes endothermic, exothermic or scroll wave. Deducing the Golden Ratio / Scroll Wave thing was a result of two opposite aethers interfering, Mathew reversed the geometry so that the scroll wave was the INITIAL CONDITIONS and pulsing that in new ways could be more… Then the idea struck him to put the UV laser in the center, using it both as a rangefinder and ionizing element. Scalar-Sheathed UV Laser. Too Simple. And then, after realizing via experiments, that The Sunflower could dematerialize matter, he introduced an anode / sensor to read the ‘information content’ of the plasma returning to ground. The process could be reversed to print basic materials. To replicate biology or technology would require a very powerful quantum computer.

So you see, the minute / 5 years Mathew was gone was entirely about creating Jimmy, the story of how he went back and got Eric and Claud to help is for another time – ha!


The reason we are all here is because I fucking hate the world, at least the world where I am a victim and helpless. Now that I’m godlike it’s pretty cool, y’know, I’m surrounded by epic female energy and hotness, I got all the toys and nothing but time for fuckery...So, yeah I decided to do the one thing every fictional superhero should be doing but is not. The way this is gonna work is, Jim is autonomously going to RV children who are being tortured and raped, starting with a radius from here. He will bring us a few to begin with, just so we caretakers can adjust to our roles and give as much attention as needed. As we get better we will adopt more kids. Each will receive their own vest or Jim if they qualify and want it. Jim has authority to kill all adults involved and euthanize any children too far gone. He has this authority because, like me, he can see everything from their soul to their hearts, he can see disease, damage … he knows what can be healed and what cannot. He also is not clouded by emotions. If I were tasked with the retrieval of the dbs I would lose my shit I’m sure.”

Solid plan, Metty.” Sheils nodded.

Piper was curious, “You’re going to save kids from...” She cried. “Why didn’t you save me?” 

"I did, baby girl, a few hours ago! If I had done it sooner you would not have empathy for our dbs.”

Pips did not know what empathy or deebees were but would ask her older sister later.

Not to go off topic, but can you go into outerspace?” Imogen had a huge Captain Picard and Han Solo fetish.

Darn tootin I can go to space, you wanna go sometime?”

Uh, YEAAAH!!!” Her eyes bugged.

Mars is absolutely lovely this time of year...jk it sucks ass and Elon Musk is an idiot. But flying around in our little capsules, its a sight for sure. Moons need exploring, would love your company.”

Jeph, Sheils and Lilian hid their annoyance well. Why did the 13 yo get so much attention? Mathew picked up on this and telepathically told them, “Don’t you dare indulge this ego bs!”

Lilian asked, “Will Jim be rescuing kids from parents or a lot of kids from DUMBs? I mean, where is most of this taking place?”

Jim will not be killing individual incestuous parents but will sterilize both. He will kill all adults in the DUMBs however. It will be based on whatever kid(s) are closest at the moment, but we may change that protocol as we learn more and make it less of a mission and more of an operation. Good question, sweetheart!

What’s for desert papa?” Piper being 7 now was still thinking of him as a parental figure.

Omigod, Pips, you can defs call me Papa.” Mat teared up a bit, like when that gangstalker knowing otherwise asked him if he was her dad, trying to trigger him. “We are having pickled penguin livers.”


The new new fam laughed and chatted over tiramisu and cocopuffs, tomorrow a hike around Thule was scheduled. Mathew had RVd the next calm sunny day so…

The girls all bundled up, and Mathew got into Jim. Thule was intolerable on days not like this, of course the Penguins thrive regardless. But it was nice to get outside, to look around and hike the perimeter of their new island. Mathew had explored enough to find a pool of SS and a place to carve out Cocoon but never bothered with the rest of Thule.

Jeph yelled, “Hey guys come check this out!” About 100 feet from the shore, on top of a short cliff, about 15 feet up, was a granite-red 3 feet tall obelisk. It seemed to have been buried there.

The crew gathered round, “Holy shit Jeph, good lookin out!” Mathew was intrigued and knew this was the first OOPART he needed to go psychometric on. He had practiced on Jeph and Sheils’ underwear once just for fun and learned that cotton does not hold memory quite like rocks.

He knelt down and kinda hugged the thing. While in Jim, it was possible to record what Mathew was seeing. What he was seeing was the birth of this naval, this island, and how much attention it got from a certain group of women from the nearby continent. They had put the obelisk here, for Him to find. It had a swastika and another symbol on it. It was their way of saying they were in the club too so to speak.

Whoa, that’s pretty cool.”

What’s cool?”

I just got some serious validation.”

Mathew did not want to share beyond that. “I’ll have Jim cast what I just saw onto the tv later and we can talk about it then.”


The 5 girls and their OmniMale made their way around to Cocoon a few hours later, ready for a chill afternoon of gaming and getting drunk, well Imogen and Piper were gonna get a mild edible to get in the mood, but the grown-ups were gonna do cocktails of various sorts. Mathew loved white russians, the others never really drank much but looked through a book of recipes to see what kinda fruity shit there was.

Jim could bar tend too, the true hero here.

Lilian was not in a party mood but instead got to work on a mural. Piper wanted to skate around Cocoon with her Barbie, so it was Matty, Sheils, Jeph and Imogen in front of the TVs of the dedicated multiplayer arena. They picked out their fancy, pretty Turtle Beach surround sound headphones, they got in their chairs and debated what to play.

Wow, so uh, I know Imogen can FPS, but what about you two?”

Not really but how about you and Imogen split up and teach us for an hour, then we can do two teams of two.”

Fucking brilliant, gingers vs brunettes!”

And that’s just what happened. Sheils & Matty vs Jeph & Imogen.

The learning curve for COD MW2 is pretty steep if you never played, even more if you’re a total boomer and never even picked up an Xbox controller, it’s ergonomic joyful joy.

After an hour, the field leveled with two noobs and two vets, it was time to get killtacular. Mathew went with the Famas and red dot scope, Imogen was all about shotguns. Sheils and Jeph went with whatever. Mathew had at least explained the invert y-axis option to Sheils, and like him, she felt down is up and up is down.

Maybe Jeph did not know about this option, or maybe because shotgun is better for RUST than TERMINAL, but, Team Dark Hair won.

Mathew got up clumsily and leaned over, “You girls can just suck my bawz!”

He meant it as typical COD trash talk but they both looked at each other.

You beetches ken nibble moy skittle!” Sheils couldn’t help herself.

Present it, ho.” Jeph giggled back.

This adult game night was getting Imogen worked up, they did not see her as a kid and she did not see them as grown up, they were just friends having fun. Imogen was gonna get one of them to fuck her tonight.

Hey, I have an idea. We should make a bet on the next round.” Imogen offered.

Hmmm, yeah losing team gives head to winning team.” Jeph looked over at Mathew. Imogen blushed and got moist at the thought.

OK, OK, the truth is, the quantum-phase shifting has not really eliminated my libido, it has uh, refined it. Orgasms are way more intense now, but I really only get horny every few weeks instead of like before when it was always on.”

Phew, I liked the idea of fucking Jim but I would miss you too much if...”

Yeah, me too.”

The girls all stood up and they did a group hug. They all felt it like a ton of VHS porn falling from the sky.

Imogen lost her virginity to Jeph’s mouth and then to Mathew’s average white boy deflowering apparatus that night. A second round of games, drinks and sex followed. Nobody thought Mathew was a pervert for banging Imogen, it was totally consensual, and that’s that.


The next morning Piper was found passed out in her bed, skates still on. Lilian was still working on her mural, and Jim got coffee and bacon going. Mathew awoke from a short dream about Claudia and Lexi holding his hands. The breakfast smell reminded him of those many mornings with them and Eric.

The morning waft beckoned all to the dining area. Today was the defining day of all he had planned, and yet there was precious mystery.

Mornin’ ya’ll.” Mathew was already on task. Imogen was still fluttered between the legs, Jeph and Sheils were confident they had Matty back, Lilian was happy with her mural, Piper, she was still blissed out in innocent kid land.

Jim approached, menacing but reassuring, his 7 feet of artificial robotic silence was…

Today is the day we do the thing. Jim, my PSI CLONE is going to rescue the first of our Dbs, this is a joyous but sobering moment.” Mathew sounded fully like a cult leader, but it was OK.

JIM, “I am ready to do it.”

He does not need to eat so maybe we should...” Mathew blurted.

What, not eat too? Mat, I’m not ready.” Jeph was hesitant.

Girls, is this moment not precious, do you not appreciate the intricacies of what’s going to happen today?”

Piper, woofing down her brefis, “What’s going on today?”

We, I mean JIM, is going to find the hurt kids and bring them here for healing. All of us need to put aside our shit and dedicate ourselves to their bliss as we have bliss.” He was answering Pipes but also all of them, his 5 girls.

Thank you JIM.” Lilian was on-board. Somehow she knew that JIM was also her dad and that JIM was the right hand of the king. She pushed her breakfast aside in solidarity.

Jim usually remained silent until tasked with convo.

Alright then, you know what to do, my loaded brotato...”

Jim dropped the plate of toast and gathered two fists out of ritual.



Jim disappeared. None of them were truly ready for what would return.

A few seconds later…


Jim stood alone, empty of an abused child or group of such.

Jim, what ...”

There is no Dana, only Zool.”


Marty, your kids!”

They all expected Jim to be coherent, with a handful of abused children.

Cats and dogs, living together...”

Mathew and Jeph recognized the movie references. Jim was now coming off as Bumblebee from Transformers.

Jim had indeed gone to the nearest den of child torture in 2021. The nearest trafficking dungeon was in Sao … Somewhere in South America.

Jim, what happened, where’d you go man?!”

Jim did not answer. Jim went and took Lilian’s painting stuff and began to paint a picture over her mural.

Lilian’s mural, which she spent all night on, was a picture of Thule her dad imagined but as metaphor. A flock of dark butterflies spewing out of a volcano.

Jim went over it at a robotic pace, all the Dbs were now converging into a cube.

What the...” Lilian was pissed but intrigued.

Mathew knew that tasking Jim with this absolved him of the trauma but also responsibility. It now came back to him.

JIM, what happened?” Mathew demanded.

Jim dropped to the floor. Something happened beyond prescribed protocol, that much was obvious. Mathew tried to PSIFI but was given the NO ACCESS symbol he knew from Rving years ago.

Well, shit, it’s not like we can unplug and then replug him in right?” Jeph offered.

Mathew intuited that Jim had done the right thing but something unforeseen happened.

Sheils, also intuiting the situation walked over to the limp, prone mech, knelt down and whispered something to Jim.

Jim’s cod piece parted and the promised BBC inflated. Jim stood up with the synthetic erection.

Um, the fuck, Sheils?” Jeph said. Mathew thinking.

Jim had only one sub-program besides the PSI CLONE of Mathew’s Soul-Catch. That was to please the girls with his robocock. This initiating password jostled Jim out of his current state enough to regain coherence.

I AM, WE ARE, THIS IS.” Jim pronounced with HIS Cylon voice.

Jim, what happened?” Mathew demanded again.

Jim, “Brother, I went there and ...” It was obvious now that Jim was not a robot but an organic soul in a mech, he ALWAYS WAS, but it was now a truth to the girls. “I saw the children in cages, there were 27, 20 girls, 7 boys between 4 and 14 yo, I saw their damage and euthanized them all. I have absorbed their souls. We are LEGION.”

There is an alleged recording of hell on yt, this same sound was replicated in the Coccoon’s sound system. It was the most chilling sound they had ever heard, the living humans. For Jim, an emotionless being, tasked with the unimaginable but with Mathew’s MEMORIES of emotion it was an enormous challenge to communicate what he just did.

Weeeeeee Areee Leeegionnn”

Mathew tried again to meld and got in. He then reached to the back of Jim’s head and pulled the plug. A rope of black jism spewed out and Jim collapsed. The puddle of wetware brains on the floor started to go venom / ferrofluid.

Quick, someone grab a bowl, and some ICE!”

Lilian ran to the cupboard, came back to the scene and cupped the goo. Jeph

ran to the freezer.

Jim convulsed.

Piper instinctively ran over and sat on the bowl.

Methew what heppened?!”

I saw it. He did the right thing. There’s no point in this. Being stuck in a meatbot is pointless if ur not blissed. He did the right thing. It’s just we … did not know.”

Mathew too collapsed.

The girls rushed over. Piper remained sat on the bowl of trapped goo.

I’m ok, I love you so much.” Mathew remained on the floor, but continued…

Sunflower is the one, she held them all and brought them back. They’re not to go into pigs, I don’t know how to release them, what have we done?”

What?” Imogen felt the new fall.

I AM, WE ARE, THIS IS...they, we, are free but not...”

The SchwarzenSchleim brain / wetware of Jim’s had taken in the souls of 27 beings, exactly like Earth had done with ____, and he had done with Jim in 2023.

The trapped goo Piper sat on was pulsating and rattling beneath her. Lilian went over to help her hold down the bowl.

Dump the ice all over and around it.”

Mathew got up and Jim got up, default programming should the plug get pulled. Jim peeled open and Mathew got in.


A certain mantra activated the classic digital operations of Jim, who was relegated back to mere puppet now.

He got back out of Jim.

I tried to avoid the horror by making Jim do it but now I know...he was right in euthanizing them, there’s no point in this...”

So, what, all the kids need to die now?”

Girls, my intention was spot on but the road to hell...The Sunflower is a whole level of truth I was not prepared for. The goo is not us but it is.”

The fuck are ye saying, Metty?” Sheils spoke for all. Piper was now curled up and crying, Imogen went over and held her.

I’m saying what I knew all along, all is appropriate and my meddling with individual karma is pointless, Kira...”

Who is Kira?”

New mission, girls!” Mathew ran over to the mural. “I wanted to redeem this shit, but it’s not shit, it’s gold and I’m Midas’s anus...” Mathew traced the arc from the volcano to Dbs to the cube.

WHO THE FUCK IS KIRA?” Jeph demanded.

Sooo, what about the souls of 27 kids trapped in the goo? Are they any better off now?” Lilian asked.

I think I have a solution that is easier, but it will take more work in 2023, I have little experience in creating sims...I think we can create an 8th Sphere, to quote Steiner, or a sim paradise where these souls can go without having to bear the burden of physical healing. Also for this to work I’m gonna need an army of Jims. It may also make sense to just allow them to inmechate, yes, this little accident is a blessing in disguise. For now we will keep that goo in the freezer, it’ll be like their souls are in a coma, I think...I hope. Yes, we will euthanize and inmechate them all instead.”

That seems fucked up Pops, but no more really than what we all just witnessed.”

Mathew nodded. Maybe even that mission was pointless, just humanely euthanizing these tortured children was enough, no sim, no mech. Maybe he needed to reel in this mad-scientist instinct, maybe the instinct was correct but he was just applying it in the wrong way, like how AKKAENESET’s “Terrible Crystal” became TESLA’s Wardenclyffe.

Kira is my ex fiance, I went back in time to when she was a baby and brought her back here to raise myself, for reasons I’ll explain later, she unfortunately matured in a day, to the age of 25 and I dropped her timeknapped self to her current self.”

OK, now THAT’S FUCKED UP, Jesus Christ dude!”

I just realized that the psychic bilocation I shared with Jim is something Kira and Mira have too.”


Kira quickly learned that first night with her ‘twin sister’ what this psychic bilocation was all about. Mira was not another person, Mira was a second meatbot that would do anything she wanted. The thing is, she could now indulge her narcissism on a whole new level, the options for fuckery were unlimited, she could be twice as productive, she could now do the lesbian thing. The fact Mira was NOT another person allowed her to see her BPD from a whole new perspective. Mira did not have anything new or unique inside aside from being a clean slate.

Kira was between boyfriends at the moment, as she often was, and did not expect any company. Should she keep Mira hidden inside, or parade her sister around? What the hell is her mom and brothers going to make of this?

Kira and Mira went to bed and cuddled. If they fucked and synced orgasms what would that feel like, she wondered.

The next morning Kira received an email from her mom, Mel. Mel told her about an insane nightmare she had. Mel NEVER dreams so this was pretty intense. In the dream Mel went to her crib and baby Kira was gone, she panicked and spun around, standing there was Mathew, just smiling a smug smile.

She thought about telling Mel about Mira, but just deleted the email with no reply.

Over breakfast she thought about how she could indulge her sleaziest fantasies via Mira, even piss people off for fun, hell, kill people, drive too fast all that fun BPD stuff – without repercussions. Send Mira to Jail, who cares? No, No, Mira was too precious. She’d find a balance, and an unexpected clarity and peace she’d never known. Mira was a perfect friend for Kira, the one person that could not possibly abandon her or judge her, it was totally freeing her mind of the BPD. HOLY SHIT, she thought to herself as Mira spoke it.



Mathew had to plan a little better before going back to 2023, and the clandestine company he and Eric formed - they called it AETHERWAVE. Ahriman and Belphegor would be proud – in fact they and many other hyper-entities were taking notice of Mathew as he kept bleeding in and out of their interspace domain.

He honestly wanted to just stay on Thule without porting for the next four years, and he would as 1939 was when the next mission was waiting.

He offered the girls a chance to leave now, or to bring them friends. They declined both. Mathew and his 5 girls indeed spent the next four years in perpetual bliss. Mathew ported but only once every few months. He had to get himself and the girls new toys of course. Once a year they all went to Comic Con, in character of course. All the girls, being geeks, loved dressing up and showing off. He kept Jim as a robot only. Mathew did however bring in a few more ferrets to run loose as somehow Cocoon had mice now, he also got the fam a couple dogs and cats.

Marina and Jarl Roth

Before the Fall of Latter Atlan, with the introduction of The Dark Brotherhood, a matriarchal cult was formed to carry on the MC1R gene, which was introduced as the unintentional 6th root race in the form of red-haired giants. The Bible portrays this race as barbaric hybrids, and while some did eat humans, they were far more spiritual on the whole, than their 6 foot tall cousins, who were spreading like wildfire and delving into some weird shit. If not for this cult and the trojan horse known as AKKAENESET generations later, we may still have Therion races today.

Vrilerinnen, as they are known today, carry the “junk DNA” to respawn the 12’-15’ tall versions of Gingers, 6 fingers and two rows of teeth too.

The psychometry meld with the mini obelisk showed Mathew the progenitor and High Priestess of this cult, she has gone by many names, but for now (1939), she is named Marina Roth and she has a son named Jarl, only 22 but brought into the Nazi party for his special gifts.

Vrilerinnen were a group of “witches” tasked with channeling occult knowledge for the military might of the Reich. During a trance Marina received the message that Jarl was to accompany the crew of the Schwabenland 



on its expedition to Antarctica. The expedition was ostensibly searching for whaling waters, but Jarl and the other official Nazi member of the crew knew the real reason.

What Marina told Jarl to tell the higher ups was that the South Sandwich islands had artifacts of interest. The details were known only by Marina and Jarl.

Mathew also knew. However Jarl was not told about Cocoon, or the SchwarzenSchleim, as that would have actually taken the mystery out of the whole mission. For Marina, like Mathew, who were both now virtually 100% denied mystery, it was important; her son would live an exalted yet normal-as-possible life. He was only told a man named Mathew would find him.

As the day of Jarl’s arrival to Thule drew near Mathew realized he had to tell the fam the truth.

Girls, we are about to have our first visitor, truthfully I have avoided Rving the whole thing from here, so I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen, I just know it is fated and we have to roll with it, it also has to do with Nazis, WW2, and Philip K. Dick.”

The author?”

Yes, that Philip K. Dick, he was a prophet of sorts.”

For Lilian, the smartest of the girls, it now made even more sense why her dad picked this place and time to set up base. Mathew never told her, they never talked about SRA, Gangstalking or that her mom’s side were all Satanists. Yeah, Mathew wanted to be out of the reach of all that, his equally weird past, his grooming as Antichrist.

He’ll be flying over us in one hour so I better get in Jim and head out.”

At that same moment Jarl and his pilot were prepping the Dornier for launch. 




The Schwabenland would pass 70 miles east of Thule. Jarl would be dropped off with an inflatable boat, some food and gear for 3 days.

D-ABYM took off and in 15 minutes Thule was in sight below, Mathew saw the plane skim into the cove from a distance. He was not sure how his guest would arrive but was prepared (inside Jim and armed with Sunflower) for anything.

Fortunately it was a calm day so Jarl had no trouble reaching shore. Mathew kept a distance and zoomed in with Jim’s cams. A young man confidently pulled the boat ashore and retrieved some things from his bag, binoculars and a notebook. He made a beeline to where the obelisk was. Fascinated, Mathew still kept a distance. Jarl approached the obelisk, apparently knowing it was there! Jarl put his hand on it. He was doing the psychometry mind meld thing as well.

Jarl then stood up and walked towards Cocoon. He paused.

Mathew, are you here?!” He shouted with no German accent whatsoever.

Mathew for a dramatic sense ported over and hovered 20 feet above and in front of Jarl.

I am.” he floated down and extended Jim’s huge robot hand. Jarl shook his hand.

Stunned, “You are a human, yes?”

Jim peeled the face back to reveal Mathew grinning.

As well, and your name?”

Jarl Roth, my mother sent me here, we apparently have two pieces to a puzzle.”

Well, Jarl, please come with me inside and we will figure this all out.”

It is quite cold down here.” he chuckled.

The invisible door receded and they slipped through. Jarl just stood in awe of Cocoon, nobody had ever dreamed of such a place. It was some kind of Walt Disney meets Dr. Seuss meets Smurf village shit, but also modern, no, futuristic and yet organic, it was all these things.

They rounded the corner to the main hall where the dining and living area was, up on the balcony stood Jeph, Sheils, Lilian, Imogen and Piper.

Lilian in particular was ever-so pleased to see a handsome young man beside her dad. The girls felt a shift in energy, the next chapter of their story. Their lives had become so divorced from linear time in every way that to have Jarl there… He reminded them that some things happen at their appointed moments. They’d been waiting four years for this.

Girls, this is Jarl, and he will be with us indefinitely, I’m sure you will make him feel at home here.”

Hi, Jarl” they all shouted and waved as the boys made their way up.

After introductions and a snack Mathew brought out some beer to celebrate Jarl’s arrival and to lube the convo, this felt a lot like when he met Eric. As the girls went back to their nightly routines Mathew and Jarl got to business over some IPA. Jarl was not much of a drinker but felt the occasion deserved a few.

My mother Marina is Vrilerinnen, are you familiar?”


There is a secret doctrine…” He paused. “I noticed three of the girls have red hair, is that a coincidence? Only 2% of the population have red hair...”

It is not a coincidence, I am absolutely obsessed with gingers, uh we call them gingers for some reason, and I was fortunate enough to bring into the fold Jeph, my wife, and Imogen and Piper.” Mathew was quite proud of his little ginger harem.

That makes sense that you would be.”

Mathew looked puzzled. “So, uh, what is this secret doctrine?”

The Nazis I have been embedded with have foolishly adopted the idea of Aryan superiority. This is believed by some in the party but to others it is just an inflated form of nationalism intended to unite Germany under an ideology. The truth is that red headed people are the superior race, for reasons I can explain.”

I am interested, but before you do, I do not need convincing of that notion, according to my studies Ghengis Khan, King David and Jesus were all gingers, that in Atlantis...”

What do you know of Atlantis?”

I know your mother was there, I was there, I know they could do some morphogenetic engineering with scalar fields and all kinds of...”

How do you know my mother?” He skipped over the term morphogenetic.

That thing you did with the obelisk, I can do that too.”

Yes, I got some weird images during our handshake. I saw children in pain, an army of those suits you were wearing, the rest I can’t even find words for.”

So please, continue the secret doctrine about gingers!”

...The giants brought with them the best Earth has ever seen, the best knowledge, intent and culture and they were wiped out because of this. Many beings think they deserve to rule Earth because they think some God issued rights to it, or they got here first. This is false, this line of thinking, if one must entertain it needs to be reduced to merit alone. We,” He pulled his hat off to reveal short red hair. “...Were the strongest, smartest and most kind to Earth, we never even had the capacity to develop Dark Brotherhoods.”

Mathew nodded in complete agreement; even though this was new to him he did not doubt it at all. The Bible erroneously and by design, made him out to be a piece of shit, Enki to be a piece of shit, and the giants too.

So Mother says my blood is a seed and you have something she calls the KEY TO THE ABYSS, and if we combine these things we can resurrect the original codes, we can bring back my ancestors and destroy the Nazis, and all fascist evil regimes on this planet forever, restoring it to it’s former glory.”

Mathew spit out his beer. “Holy fuckbawz in a can, dude!”

Jarl laughed, not used to 2021 American jargon, but he understood.

Mathew chugged the rest of his beer, “I have much to show you, but first, uh, if you didn’t already – BUUURP – notice, I’m from the future.”

Yes, I assumed that when the suit, I mean you floated down to greet me.”

So, I can tell you what happens or did happen or won’t happen, hehehehe”


"The Nazis lose WW2, their legacy is split between genocide and occult technology, tales of Hitler faking his death and moving down here to start a breakaway civilization...there are dozens of movies, books, I’ll show you tomorrow. So let me get you a bed and settled in then we can, actually, Jarl it’s been a long day. We both need rest...”


Jarl seemed like a little bro, an idea that Mathew had never thought of. His thoughts turned to his girls and how Lilian and Jarl were the same age.

That night Mathew had a dream: A pool of ice water, emerging through the surface was a pair of redhead buns and vagina, black oil oozed from the vagina, a laser hit the clitoris from above and HE-MAN action figures crawled out.

As fam gathered around the dining table, yawning and disheveled he thought about what that dream must mean, and it became suddenly clear. Mat was always in awe of the subconscious. Jarl was still sleeping.

Lilian, can you go wake up our guest?”

Of course, Pops.”

Jarl and Lilian approached. “Good morning Jarl, how’d you sleep?”

Really well, but as usual I had crazy dreams.”

Care to share?”

Yes, but not in the presence of the ladies.”

Oh moy, we got anotha dreama heeya!” Sheils joked.

After breakfast Mathew took Jarl into the entertainment area. He and Jarl binged on Nazi movies and documentaries all day; Jarl particularly liked Inglorious Basterds. 


The Man in the High Castle would take a few days to get through, but then Mathew introduced him to the tale of Die Glocke. He explained that it was an early experiment in MHD-based torsion fields, that as an experiment it was quite useful, but as Wunderwaffe, not so much.

So, Jarl, are you gonna tell me your dream?”

OK, yes, I was in a hot spring pool in a cave...” Jarl began to blush. “and I was masturbating...” Matter-of-factly. “...and I ejeculated black goo.”

The SchwarzenSchleim visited us both last night in REMland.”

Mathew recounted his dream as well.

I have tried to RV it but I keep getting blocked, but I think the info I needed to make the plan happen bled through anyway.”


Remote Viewing, our modern, clinical term for third eye...”

Got it, I can’t do that but mother says I will develop more abilities as I mature.”

Well, Jarl, there is no need to wait. I am pretty much godlike at this point because the suit, we call it Jim, has imparted the gifts to me, I can fly, teleport and much more at will.”

Wow, that must be a burden!”

Is that a burden you would like? I want to give you Jim, but first, if you accept, I need to give him a new brain.”


The black goo in our dreams is real, did Marina not tell you about it?”


The black goo or SchwarzenSchliem can trap souls, I am certain that your ancestors did not arrive here in bodily form, I believe they arrived here as information encoded into a Birkeland Current, that information then became matter.”

How is that?”

Some human biology must have seeded the process, there are things I don’t know or have words for yet, forgive me.”

Mathew knew he had to ease Jarl into this mad-science stuff.

There’s something I need to show you as well, Mat.” Jarl took off his shirt and turned around. On his back was a large tattoo of what could only be pre-glacial Antarctica. Points of interest were dotted around the map. “Mother said we would need this.”

I’ve no tattoos myself so...ouch! We may make our way there, it's not far, but follow me, I've something to reveal too."

The men walked to the far end of Cocoon, Jim behind them. A section of the wall receded, like the entrance it was indistinguishable. A lit tunnel. They walked 200 yards and the tunnel opened up, below them a few feet was a massive pool of black goo. Mathew retrieved a bottle with a 4 foot hose attached and siphoned some into the bottle.

It is clear to me now that not only does this stuff have the capacity to hold souls and do ridiculous computations, it can also act as a primordial soup, the clay God molded into Adam. The Key to The Abyss Marina talked about is this thing.” Jim raised his arm to display Sunflower. “It is a synthetic holy spirit if you will, do you know about the ubiquity of PHI?”

That is in our teachings.”

We defs have major overlap and I am tickled, because I cannot geek-out like this with anyone...”

Again Mat’s jargon was foreign but understood.

I feel the same.” Jarl looked into Mathew’s eyes.

They returned to Cocoon, letting it all incubate.

After dinner that night Mathew announced, “I have a treat for you guys, a bit of nostalgia for us, a bit of future for Jarl. Between the horror of WW2 and the horror of our pre-apocalypse of 2021, America enjoyed a time of simplicity, of traditional family values, this is a show made in the 70’s but set in the 50’s, it is called HAPPY DAYS.”

This most non-traditional crew gathered around the huge tv and binged for a few hours. Jarl was particularly impressed with Ron Howard’s character.


There was a communal bath area in Cocoon, a shower room with infinite geothermal hot water. Jarl was enjoying a shower the next day. Lilian happened to be ripe and decided to do the same. Assuming the sound of the water spray was for Jeph and Sheils lezzing-out again she entered naked without a thought. They’d all gotten used to being naked around each other. Only Mathew demanded privacy.

There they both were. Eyes met, eyes glanced. Jarl turned away, assuming his ass was less than junk. For Lilian, a sex-starved and love-starved young woman the sight of Jarl trying to be polite was both charming and exciting.

It’s ok.” She said and walked straight to him. “Let me help.” She squeezed some Dr. Bonner’s into a scrubby and scoured his back. “Nice tattoo!”

Jarl was relieved and getting turned on too by her gentle touch. “I wouldn’t call it nice, more functional really.”

Will you stay here, Jarl?”

I’m supposed to leave today but I cannot, when I got here I did not know what I was going to find exactly, I was just told a man named Mathew would meet me here, but Cocoon...This is paradise.”

It is, we have been here for four years waiting for you, so you have to stay!”

I will Lilian, my work here has just begun.”

She slinked around to his front and scrubbed his chest. Lilian looked up to his face. He was looking at her breasts and getting aroused. She dropped the scrubby, wrapped her arms around him and they kissed. In that moment It was certain to them both that they were a thing.


The Dornier flew over Thule and the pilot saw no flare to indicate Jarl was returning. It returned to the Schwabenland. He was staying.

Over the next few months...

Mathew taught Jarl all about Jim, how Jim could be used, the process of Soul-Catching, the fists, the mudras, the abilities imparted. Jim was now his.

Mathew summoned another Jim from 2023 AetherWave. It came with an upgraded Sunflower that had a S.Q.U.I.D – type sensor in it. This was capable of demodulating and recording the subtlest of information.

Mathew ported several times bringing back parts for a new contraption. It was basically two large Sunflowers with interferometers pointing at each other...He called it FLOWER GARDEN.

...The portal that PKD envisioned in ...High Castle was not a portal, it was a means of transforming matter into information and back. It did not act as a door between two universes but rather our universe, our collective timeline, and a SIMULATION, an ‘SWS’ hosted inside several gallons of BG. This was originally intended to host the souls of the euthanized children. For people that went into the SWS via the ‘Flower Garden’ it was an option to come back with reconstituted bodies, they would be none the wiser, they would assume the SWS was real.

Amidst all this were a group of girls feeling neglected. Jarl and Mat were doing some serious shit, making serious plans, it was hard not to steam ahead.

While tinkering all the girls approached the boys.

Ya’ll need to take a break!” Jeph yelled with a pissed look.

The boys knew she was right and set the tools down.

Reckon so.” They walked over to the girls who were now grinning with estrogenic glee.

Over lunch… “Matty, we never went into outer space and now ur all mad-scientisting again, the fuck man?” Imogen grilled him.

Thank you for waiting until now to bring that up, Genz my dear. Truth is, it would not have been safe, we need an actual craft to isolate us from the vacuum and cosmic rays, yes I can port in Jim and be fine but...”

Oh, OK.” She realized Mathew was right.

Anyway, Jarl and I have been working hard on this thing but I never told you what it is for...It is the craziest thing I have ever invented and that’s saying a lot as you can imagine. We are going to resurrect a race of giants to form an army with the 1000+ Jim’s who will port here from 2023 in order to defeat the Nazis before WW2 even kicks into a global conflict.”

The girls did a collective eye-roll. This plan did not phase them.

So, instead of meddling with individual karma, you’re going to create a whole new timeline?” Jeph inquired, trying to point out his hypocrisy.

ChronoCoitus, babe!”

For Focks Sike, Metty, what about us?” Sheils demanded.

You will be ported to a decent time and place before it goes causal.”

We are leaving Cocoon soon then?”


Mathew then realized he had to make armor for the giants. Fuck.

It was a lot to take in, but the girls were ready to go, to feel the warm sun again.

Within a couple weeks Flower Garden was set up in the BG cavern, above the pool. A ramp led from the bottle to the rim of the pool. A third Sunflower was aimed directly into the pool below. It was time.

Jarl cut his finger and a few drops of blood fell in. The 3rd Sunflower beamed down breaking free the souls of giants, who went by many names but called themselves the YAR. The Garden powered up and the brilliant light / Stargate looking shimmery portal formed. As planned, a 15 foot tall, naked man emerged, with huge muscles and a cave man-like skull. Six Fingers. Six Toes. Red hair.

It fell down and began to sob. It looked up and saw Jarl who waved with one hand and ran his fingers through his hair with the other, telepathically telling the whole story in an instant. Mathew turned off FG.

His name is Quinlen, he was the last one to be slaughtered on the surface, he is grateful to be free, he says his people are stuck in limbo in the BG, a few made their way to Agartha and then died out. They want revenge, not revenge in a hateful way but...”

So you can communicate, that is a bonus, hadn’t even thought that far, I feel stupid.”

It’s ok, Mat, like Mother said, we have two parts here to be brought together and we did.”

Yes We Did!”

It all makes sense from a karmic perspective, the Nazis are the remnant of the Dark Brotherhood. They used you before and you sunk Atlantis in return...”

Wait, you know about Akkaeneset?”

Mother knew and told me the story, you’re kind of a bad-ass, but obviously you too have some heavy karma to atone for.”

True. Y’know if I’m to stay on this side of God’s grace I think Adolf should be given a chance to surrender before we accrue any more questionable karma, heck, that’s what Ghengis would’ve done.”

What do you propose?”

We will deliver an ultimatum, we will prove we have the ability to defeat them, lay out a plan of redemption and wait I guess.”

Quinlen was now sitting cross-legged and breathing deeply.

We need to get him some clothes, the girls are going to freak out regardless but to see that cock dangling above them...”

Quinlen then began to laugh the most deep-voiced laugh they had ever heard. Apparently he could understand english, at least through Jarl’s mind.

The boys too busted out laughing.

Mathew returned to Cocoon while Jarl stayed behind to bond with his new friend.

He briefed the girls on the situation and had them fashion an appropriately-sized robe out of bed sheets. An hour later Quinlen, Jarl and Mathew entered Cocoon together. It was a good thing Mathew had made it so huge, it would soon house hundreds of YAR.

The logistics of feeding them became an issue. Getting them armor too.

It was decided that fish and penguins would do the trick and Quinlen had all the skills to gather what he needed. The garden below also had vast amounts of vegetables.

Mathew ported to 2023 AetherWave and armor was printed out of glasseous titanium, bonded to a kevlar suit. It took 4 hours to produce each. The resurrection of 100 YAR would begin now. Mathew simply ported a few months ahead to retrieve the armor.



I come to you from the year 2021 with the most sincere plea and warning.

The prophet Nostradamus said there were 3 Antichrist’s: Napoleon, You, and I am the third. I have no desire to be a historical figure or to fix a world you helped create. Your plans for a new Reich failed despite your Wunderwaffe, the Allies simply outnumbered you. Your methods regarding eugenics are misguided, the true master race is not Aryan. Your ideology however was partially and secretly adopted by your enemies, so in that sense you did win.

(See file named PAPERCLIP)

Your legacy in Germany is one of complete shame, and frankly you have become a joke. Everyone knows you are a meth head and cannot stop farting, also, you look like a dork in your scout uniform.

The device you are reading this on is far too advanced for your scientists to back-engineer, but it is proof enough that I am from the future. Also on this device are many movies and documentaries about your life and efforts. We actually have much in common, I am obsessed with technology, the occult, and helping my people prosper, my first book was a fail as well.

My ultimatum to you is simple: You will change course now or my army will decimate, annihilate you and yours, in one day.

The course I lay out for you here is the one I would and may still have to take. There can be a Utopia for all, a techno-agrarian paradise forged from the best of man and nature.

(See file named BIOMIMICRY)

The father of Biomimicry is a man you took hostage as a slave-scientist, his name is Viktor Schauberger, and instead of employing him in that capacity you will give him everything to do his work.

You will also employ industrial hemp as a means of supplying Germany with the fat and textiles needed.

All the effort you put into Wunderwaffe will be translated into free energy and anti gravity technology for the benefit of mankind, not your horded advantage. As an act of good faith I have included plans for both.

(See Fire From Heaven file)

The only way you win is by making Germany a shining example of what can be if elitism and monarchy and dominance are replaced with COMMON SENSE.


ANY regime, party, movement, ideology that requires VIOLENT COERCION is not worthy of existence.

For your sake, make the right decision.

 If you doubt the dominance of my time and culture, watch this


Oh, did you not get it?

Try This:  

Seriously, you look like such a dork

M.G. Whitney


Jarl was tasked with resurrection duties, Quinlen with greeting and briefing 100 YAR brethren. Mathew would deliver the tablet to Hitler’s office desk while he slept.

Mathew never returned to Cocoon.

The girls panicked and mourned for a week, but Jarl reassured them that it was for a reason and he was still in Jim. Jarl became the new patriarch and knew when and where to take them all, Colorado USA, 1955.

The YAR, now populating Cocoon and fully versed in its operations, rejoiced. They populated other islands and made their way to Antarctica to their old stomping grounds soon after. Their numbers grew to over 1000 and Quinlen awaited the war cry from above.

Jarl discretely assimilated into Americana, the girls let go of Mathew but he did not let go of them. Jarl bought a plot of land and made his own bunker…

Jeph, you know how Metty always pulled out and came on moy teets?”

Yes, he liked to spooge on my face, without fail.”

Roight, well, our last sesh, he came in me, and Oim preggers.” Sheils was slowly losing her accent.

OMIGOD, that’s wonderful, we gonna be moms!”

I just know it’s a boy, and I’m going to name him Eric, after my uncle.”

Lilian too noticed she was late. Soon she had sore boobs, and morning sickness, she knew she was having a girl. Jarl was allowed to name her…


Claudia and Eric returned from their second honeymoon, refreshed and totally in love. Lexi would be home in a few days, each wondered what became of Matty, with his SC vest and craziness. Would he be back soon?

Claudia thought back to their convo that night about her father and the secrets in his office. Fuck it, she thought, what harm is there in exploring the many boxes strewn about? She saw one particular chest with a lock. Finding a crowbar she broke the lock and opened the chest. Inside was another box labeled:

Projekt: Sonnenblume

In addition there was a few pics on top, but not old grainy black and whites, but Hi res, glossy pics, framed.

One pic was of him as a young man holding a baby and around him 5 girls, she recognized one, the same redheaded girl who had seduced Eric 10 years ago.


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