RANT ON THE GAB - Miraculous HATE Speech



The ALT SM Platform Wars of 2022 - I say put it to the test. Does Gettr tolerate NAZIS, FLAT-EARTH TARDS and THE ANTICHRIST? No. 

 It's a meritocracy of memes now.

The Nazi and Flat-Earth Tards do NOT get much traction with given GAB agency; because that memeset is as irrelevant as ... I wonder how these people get on. 

"I'm right because lack of melanin and understanding of cosmology".



So Joe Rogan and his subs did a cyber-exodus, so what? Maybe it is a popularity contest.



By "JESUS" people mean Prophesied Savior Guy. By "CAME BACK" people mean Sky-Hippie floating down from the clouds during Super Bowl Half-Time - Parousia for the non-thinker. Practically and prophetically AS LIGHTNING, FROM THE SEA, LIKE A THIEF means I GO VIRAL ON THE WWW.

The only real measure of FREE SPEECH is ME because I discuss the MOST controversial, taboo things: 





Stuff Rogan has never heard of or lacks the bawz to discuss....

I was in-fact banned by FB, Twitter and YT.

Who will be more popular given equal footing?

The Christ (A & O) or Joe Rogan?

Yeshua, Son of God, Priestly Son of Jacob, On a Donkey, The Alpha Lamb

Matityahu, Son of Man, Royal Son of David, On a White Horse, The Omega Lion

Joe, a beefy stoner controlled asset

What do they say about me and speech?

What comes out of my mouth is a sword, a fire...


I posted this ELON MUSK MUST DIE  rant on Gab. Did I get banned? NO, because I was just being hyperbolic and not calling for violence. My rant was banned, I was immediately given the reason and I was free to continue hating stupid and evil things.

The censorship on the Twitter FB YT is often not explained or falsely explained. 

The ideology of Gab - Even idiots with inferior memesets should be free to have their stuff viewed and judged - is GODLIKE.

GOD does not censor, that's why we have REMOTE VIEWING

I developed RV ability from consuming alot of ORMUS

 They say that Gab is the right's echo chamber. 

Is that Gab's fault?

It's not like Gab is discouraging Left folks from joining.

The Left knows its memes are crap, therefore they have no chance of ... (gaining likes or whatever motivates one to post/comment.)

Hate Speech / Crime is kinda nebulous and needlessly hair-splitting...


 On Gab you are free to hate because I am also free to block you.

Seems fair. Makes sense.

Why, I had Elijah Schaffer - proponent of Gab - block me the other day. 

Good for you, Lijer.

Elijah claims to be Christian and open to having guests on his shows which are opposite his in political / religious POV.

All I see on You Are Here and Slightly Offensive are his right peers.

If his claims were true he would discern me, know we are on the same side (as far as we overlap) and would book me as a guest but no. 

 Either Blaze TV is chickenshit like everyone else or Elijah's ego is too big to let me on.

Truth is, if Torba or other Gabbers want Gab to win a SM popularity contest they need to acknowledge and support me - It is the logical conclusion if you take Schneider seriously.






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