We will start with 4 I made:


Uncle Clif just schooled me on Karma. Karma is plural for Karmans, which I interpret as units or currency of action or potential action. They can be likened to thoughtforms or memes. They are what necessitates a post-death LIFE REVIEW, the unzipped moccasins of all your cringe and genius.

The common interpretation of transcarnate tit for tat DOES happen, like an eddy forming in a stream or a feedback loop but that is not the true nature or function.

One of these feedback loops is the Narcissist – Empath Dynamic. This dynamic scales up to societal and cosmic proportions.


 If you REALLY pay attention you will see this kind of mind control at play right now via MSM


Where the PTB are the Narc and the masses are the victim

 Some triangulated apaths and aware empaths opt out of this cycle of sillyness and end up lonely but happier and with their diginity ...

Other analog dynamics, what I call Duality Theatre:



Young vs Old

Poor vs Rich

Black vs White

Women vs Men

Republican vs Democrat

Rural vs Urban

Christian vs Secular


Thots vs Simps


Humans vs Bugs

Jabbed vs Purebloods

Anderson vs Smith

The dualities, organic or concocted are by their nature CODEPENDENT, but the Empath vs Narcissist is the most relevant and primal.


 The fascinating thing about NARCISSISTS is how universal the behavior is. It's like they were all given a pamphlet and take a course. These are the scum that rises, the abusers ... The Kira Sue was one of the most intense / histrionic. She has BPD which to me is just another DESIGNER DISORDER that excuses and perpetuates shitty behavior.

Good luck, Bad luck? Who knows?

Linear time is processing the karma as an unknown experiment in Free Will

Simultaneous time is observing karma as a happening isness

Static time is love and does not give a fuck either way because all is fated to it as an attractor

The Logos, The Beginning and End, The Singularity, Christ Consciousness, The Tao / Way



A good meme derives its rhetorical value from truth & humor

A meme fail is when it has rhetorical sway but is derived from lies or falsehoods.

Right now The Great Vax War - as a battle in the greater Culture War - of the 2020s is peaking.

Memetically there is no clear winner as the comms are on equal footing, existing in the same Spectrum package.

What determines a winner then is dependent on what one considers to be more representative of CONSENSUS reality. The Left and Geezers of course tend to lap up MSM content like meals-on-wheels oatmeal, whether it is woketarded SNL skits or CNN wag-the-dog skits.

The current cyber-exodus from increasingly censored and therefore compartmentalized platforms such as Twitter, FB and YT to places like GAB is bifurcating society that much more.

Memes are proxy karmans. Memes may be aimed at one side or the other but the efficacy of any one really comes down to truth.

The more absurd things get, the more downward spirally it goes, swirling the bowl … the more “fact-checkers” struggle to weaponize propaganda, diminish this, spin that … the more Poe’s Law and discernment are required.

That is the beauty of memes, the internet ones I mean. Whereas the Left and Geezers have to make a huge production, pay thousands of talking heads to regurgitate narratives handed down from possessed people, bugs and lizards and black goo …

ONE grassroots website can bootstrap itself, receive the banned, be tolerant and let the best propagandists flourish:















Now for some meme fails from the right:

Witches were cool people, not SJWs that were up in your shit preaching nonsense about pronouns on the behalf of a NWO agenda.

What ENEMY? What is a Man? A Woman? Aren't these both just kids in costumes?


Bitch, you could drown a toddler in your panties if a fella rolled up with a RIMAC NEVERA

That's a MOOSE and if Santa can't see well enough to avoid things pointing up in the sky he should retire. I think wind turbines (at that scale) are stupid too but they are better than burning stuff

The new Ford Lightning Electric Pick Up Truck can power your home for 3 days. As if gas does not run out.

That's not a diesel generator and as silly as it looks it is still more efficient than the "long tailpipe". Also this is not indicative of the future any more than a picture of Trump humping a flag. As if I.C.E. cars don't break down.
Being a latchkey kid with no helmet did not make me bad-ass and being helicoptered and given a PS5 at 10 yo will not make you a pussy


 The point about green bs as it is now is made, however the false contrast of the pipeline vs mine undermines the point because we have all seen oil spills and smog for decades now.


 These brain images are void of science / context. Porn, as an alternative to 3D estrogenic tyranny, does not: falsely accuse you of rape, lie, cheat, steal, cause psychological ED, nag, get preggers, give you herpes, demand alimony ... all of which are detrimental to male psyche. Also, banning porn is about as futile as banning bacon cheeseburgers and guns, which men also enjoy and can be damaging.











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