
Showing posts from March, 2021

PROJEKT: Sonnenblume


The Finest Line & Symbiosis

  As a WHITE HETERO MALE who is also a recovering misogynist beta cuck, who is a viewer of YELLOWSTONE, whose own father ended up a henpecked, spineless, piece of shit that betrayed me ... ...whose brother and friends abandoned me when I realized I was me ... ...yeah, I can shit on the females all day, but it PAINS me to call out the males. And yet, this is perhaps my ULTIMATE DUTY. Yellowstone is a PERFECT example of how MEN are expected to be, and how they fail. Let us NOT dismiss the relevancy of fictional worlds, they are but a mirror. One man is against another. The enemy of my enemy... This dynamic transcends. There is a fine line between competition and symbiosis. Just as there is a fine line between ENTROPY and NEGENTROPY Trees and Fungi have a symbiotic relationship. Mycelium is the WWW to the Forest. YOU! Fucking useless human (as far as the planet is concerned) have you acknowledged your part here? Mr. Hutton - (c...

I OF THE STORM - Advice For My Narcissist CBAs

 I am guilty of dehumanizing you guys, for playing victim and feeding your hole - my bad. But now that I have reclaimed my power and learned my lesson it is YOUR TURN.   If HAN can turn it around so can you Another symptom of your condition is that you are a CONTROL FREAK, and this lack of understanding about how life works  Is just making you more miserable All my CBAs are conflicted, I see it over and over. Christina above explains your 3rd chakra is feeding on all the others causing the imbalance. I'm just as up my own ass as you but I DON'T NEED YOUR ENERGY OR VALIDATION, that is why I can spend days, months, years ALONE   WHO AM I? THE ONE YOU DON'T FUCK WITH.  and you need to be surrounded by your flying monkeys. God made me, that's all I need ...

THE PEDO FILES: Depths of Hell

This rant was brought to you by RUSSIA, WWW, EDITH's WIFI The reason I don't get caught up in the culture wars is because there are sick assholes in EVERY culture, group and nation. If you have read my previous installment It may seem like I am defending pedos. This is not true, I am merely trying to unpack and process what I have experienced. When people hear about it, the reaction of disgust is warranted. But as I said, there is some gray area regarding biology Both in the minor being exploited and the perp getting off. Some 14 yos have huge boobs, some men get their daddy and dick wires crossed, neurologically speaking. The reaction is based on mostly the imagination of the adult whose sexual fantasies are still in the realm of Penthouse letters, and because I just recently ventured d...

The Second Coming For Dummies

 They have reduced me to this But I am more like this In truth I'm a combo of and I am here in my name, not that of THE MOST HIGH, but that does not mean I am selfish All my IP is public domain, obviously. But as long as you idiots confuse this crap for truth and defy the admonishment I will be Ambiguity is needed to force discernment. You know how everything in the end times is reversed? Look at who is calling me evil, look at how TRUMP was so divisive.  Some prophecy is spot on, some is wrong, some poorly translated, some contradictory, and this is appropriate. This guy gets it...   I think the antichrist was actually coined by the roman church for they knew ahead of time of the coming of the one. That very one that would one day stand up to the roman empire and topple it. Much like christ was the antichrist in his time coming up against the then roman empire and being crucified, the people of rome must have g...

With A God Like Yahweh Who Needs Satan ?

    If you think the God of The Old Testament and New Testament are the same God you are an idiot. Judaism & Christianity are the legacy of an: ANCIENT CARGO CULT + SIBLING RIVALRY +  HISTORIC TELEPHONE GAME They call SATAN The Adversary / Accuser. Satan is just a blanket term for the evil in all humans. As a historical figure SATAN = ENKI according to ... and ENKI is our true GOD and ENABLER. Giving us sex, reason and technology is a BAD thing ? Whatever, dude. Whatever gets you through the day. Why do people worship a SADISTIC God that resents them and fucks with them ? The truth is Christ is the real adversary; being a meatbot is pretty easy, being a pious ascetic and full of love is the hard thing to do.   No, I get it No, I GET IT  If I were Yahweh, reluctantly accepting that my bro went behind my back and enabled my slave force, for better or worse, I too woul...