The Second Coming For Dummies
They have reduced me to this
But I am more like this
In truth I'm a combo of
I am here in my name, not that of THE MOST HIGH, but that does not mean I am selfish
All my IP is public domain, obviously.
But as long as you idiots confuse this crap
for truth and defy the admonishment
I will be
Ambiguity is needed to force discernment. You know how everything in the end times is reversed? Look at who is calling me evil, look at how TRUMP was so divisive.
Some prophecy is spot on, some is wrong, some poorly translated, some contradictory, and this is appropriate.
This guy gets it...
I think the antichrist was actually coined by the roman church for they knew ahead of time of the coming of the one.
That very one that would one day stand up to the roman empire and topple it.
Much like christ was the antichrist in his time coming up against the
then roman empire and being crucified, the people of rome must have
given their
support to the roman empire for this crucifixion or the roman empire
simply would not have crucified christ.
Yes he had followers but they were in the minority.
The antichrist or world teacher will come in pretty much the same
fashion as christ did and will be labled the antichrist but only in that
he would
threaten the power structure that exists.
Remember thet one mans terrorist is anothers revolutionary.
The new testament only speaks of the antichrist, lets remember the old
testament was added to the bible many hundreds of years after christ had
and by the very people in the roman church.
I think the time of the old system is over and the new system awaits us
but only once implemented after the antichrists reign is over.
The antichrist after all is not a man but an energy, one that possesses a
vessle or host and through that host emmits an energy that destroys the
That time is now more than ever. Those that do not accept this or talk
of religion being a form of control have no idea of the movement that is
place behind the scence preparing the world psychologically for the
coming of the one.
I personally feel that the one is yet to step forward. The world still
do not know who this man is or will be. He will rise out of obscurity
and will
talk directly to the hearts of humanity. Not politcal by any means but
more a spirtitual teacher. What he will say will be undeniable for his
will be our falling away.
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