The Finest Line & Symbiosis


As a WHITE HETERO MALE who is also a recovering misogynist beta cuck, who is a viewer of YELLOWSTONE, whose own father ended up a henpecked, spineless, piece of shit that betrayed me ...

...whose brother and friends abandoned me when I realized I was me ...

...yeah, I can shit on the females all day, but it PAINS me to call out the males.

And yet, this is perhaps my ULTIMATE DUTY.

Yellowstone is a PERFECT example of how MEN are expected to be, and how they fail.

Let us NOT dismiss the relevancy of fictional worlds, they are but a mirror.

One man is against another.

The enemy of my enemy...

This dynamic transcends.

There is a fine line between competition and symbiosis.

Just as there is a fine line between ENTROPY and NEGENTROPY

Trees and Fungi have a symbiotic relationship. Mycelium is the WWW to the Forest.

YOU! Fucking useless human (as far as the planet is concerned) have you acknowledged your part here?

Mr. Hutton - (cripes, don't you wish Kevin Costner was ur gramps?)

Is both TOXIC and GOOD

His role in dances too

The emphasis on materialistic / competitive dominance IS BULLSHIT!

Even the shittiest male is capable of redemption, because we males are mostly RATIONAL.

...Well, reckon there's a hunerd sayins to the point, guess ye just haveta watch ...

So you see this competition thing in every species, at every scale... To the point of two elks getting their antlers tangled and dying that way.

Just take turns, man!

Who cares what one of ye propagates genes, just blow ur load and got on with it ffs.



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