The VIRTUE of SINNING is simple: You get to know / potentiate your capacity to be human and eventually seek your creator. Being drunk is nice to a point. Being an asshole is knowing ur ego. The point of this rant is to differentiate sin from SIN. Sin = negative karma = anything that keeps ye meatbot biased. But obviously some sins are meatier than others. It would seem appropriate that THE MAN OF SIN should school you on this. Hats off to all the humans that confess to their weakness - whether it be alcohol, porn, cigs, or the endogenic sins of being addicted to anger guilt or any of the myriad of internal chemical shittiness. How shitty can a human get? Just look at history, or THE NEWS. This is why I hate when people say children are somehow less than adults. Every adult is just a scarred kid. Is that scar a testament to ... YES, HEALING! You can never claim children are IMMATURE after you WATCH THE NEWS! Kids just want to play with toys and eat sugary cereal ...