
Showing posts from August, 2020


  The VIRTUE of SINNING is simple: You get to know / potentiate your capacity to be human and eventually seek your creator. Being drunk is nice to a point. Being an asshole is knowing ur ego. The point of this rant is to differentiate sin from SIN.  Sin =  negative karma = anything that keeps ye meatbot biased. But obviously some sins are meatier than others. It would seem appropriate that THE MAN OF SIN should school you on this. Hats off to all the humans that confess to their weakness - whether it be alcohol, porn, cigs, or the endogenic sins of being addicted to anger guilt or any of the myriad of internal chemical shittiness. How shitty can a human get? Just look at history, or THE NEWS. This is why I hate when people say children are somehow less than adults. Every adult is just a scarred kid. Is that scar a testament to ... YES, HEALING!  You can never claim children are IMMATURE after you WATCH THE NEWS! Kids just want to play with toys and eat sugary cereal ...


Some people start off good and then become evil Others start off evil and become good Most of us are a ratio of the two, wavering as the situation compels us. The Antichrist is said to be like Anakin, starting off good then turning dark. He is also accused of being deceptive. Maybe, for reasons you don't immediately understand  - REV 19:12 - he is a good guy pretending to be bad. You know how in the end times things are all reversed - ISAIAH 5:20 - so... just remember that THE NEWS will never report the intentions of a wise, benevolent, godly man.  In the world of inventing there is thing called NON-OBVIOUSNESS, as in, “why didn’t I think of that”. Well, why didn’t you? They say there is nothing new under the sun, and that is true, so how in the heck can you conserve novelty? You have to first start from a place of ignorance, which is pretty easy for a human. Once knowledge is inoculated (Thanks, Uncle Enki) the ball starts rolling, and you end up with things like Ballet...

The Legal Kidnapping of Lilian

   In 2006 I, my daughter Lilian and her mother Amy were watching a movie in our apartment overlooking Seneca Lake in Lodi NY when we got a knock on the door - it was CPS, claiming we were endangering Lilian with cannabis. I admitted (out of pride and defiance) to using cannabis.  I was very angry and confused because everybody that knew us knew we were good parents and nobody had ever raised concern about our cannabis use. After an investigation it was proven that Lilian was neither neglected or endangered. The court in Seneca County however insisted on drug counseling and parenting class requirements which we were logistically unable to comply with. Simultaneously we were on the verge of becoming homeless. Amy's sister Becky, in San Diego, enthusiastically offered to take Lilian until we were on our feet again, she said Lilian would be returned when we were. We reluctantly sent Lilian to her aunt. Shortly thereafter we were pressured to grant guardianship ...

Vacuum Domains and Aether Dynamics of The HoloFractal

   When I invented my mass engine...     I had already done much research on UFOs and came across some connections. For example, some people have reported seeing dripping metal or BJA coming from the periphery of craft as they descend.  Others have reported finding 100% homogeneous metal beads on the ground at landing sites. It stands to reason that, like the manufacture of muzzleloader bullets back in the day, these beads are made of the dripping metal. Craft have been reported as moving at lethal speeds and angle switches. Craft have been reported flying as if they were a skipping stone, but actually teleporting short distances. Craft have been described as “SLOWLY EXPLODING”. Quantum Phase Shifting, Tunneling, Non-Local Fusion, Negative Mass... I had intuited that whatever was responsible for this it had to be simple, and so via Astromimicry the Mass Engine was invented.   At the time I was not aware of ideas such as ACTIVE GALACTIC...


  You maybe familiar with the buzz around Antarctica - Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump     The stories told by Linda    Quinn finding that fitbit signature    Brett remote viewing    And that is all very interesting...but...what about the gravity anomaly?     Some folks think it is the result of a meteor impact. I have another hypothesis, and this relates to my refutation of Graham Hancock’s ideas in THE MAGICIANS OF THE GODS. See, I think the Baetyl or Ben Ben stone, the omphalos, the navals...are the result of interplanetary arcing - the sinking staff of Apkallu, the leaping snakes...     See, I think that when we get interplanetary arcing, that current pierces the Earth’s crust, interacts with the plasma core and then discharges on the opposite side of the planet. This “exit wound” has some in...