Vacuum Domains and Aether Dynamics of The HoloFractal
When I invented my mass engine...
I had already done much research on UFOs and came across some connections. For example, some people have reported seeing dripping metal or BJA coming from the periphery of craft as they descend.
Others have reported finding 100% homogeneous metal beads on the ground at landing sites. It stands to reason that, like the manufacture of muzzleloader bullets back in the day, these beads are made of the dripping metal. Craft have been reported as moving at lethal speeds and angle switches. Craft have been reported flying as if they were a skipping stone, but actually teleporting short distances. Craft have been described as “SLOWLY EXPLODING”. Quantum Phase Shifting, Tunneling, Non-Local Fusion, Negative Mass... I had intuited that whatever was responsible for this it had to be simple, and so via Astromimicry the Mass Engine was invented.
At the time I was not aware of ideas such as ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI, VACUUM DOMAINS, SELF-LUMINATING NATURAL OBJECTS. I did not know that these mystery booms and ball lightning
were related. And yet when it came time to explain the negentropy or quantum coherence exhibited in my free energy device I said that vacuum fluctuations bubble up out of atomic nuclei. They also bubble up out of mass engines, earth plasma cores, stars and galactic cores; basically singularities are self-reproducing. I suggest this is the root of the entanglement phenomena.
This relates to Haramein’s SCHWARZCHILD PROTON
The aether never died, it just got chopped up and renamed because its simplicity held a kind of monopoly over physics.
Thanks to guys like:
In 1910, Whittaker wrote A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, which gave a very detailed account of the aether theories from René Descartes to Hendrik Lorentz and Albert Einstein, including the contributions of Hermann Minkowski, and which made Whittaker a respected historian of science. In 1951 (Vol. 1) and 1953 (Vol. 2), he published an extended and revised edition of his book in two volumes. The second volume contains some interesting historical remarks. For example, it contains a chapter named "The Relativity Theory of Poincaré and Lorentz", where Whittaker credited Henri Poincaré and Lorentz for developing special relativity, and especially alluded to Lorentz's 1904 paper (dated by Whittaker as 1903), Poincaré's St. Louis speech (The Principles of Mathematical Physics) of September 1904, and Poincaré's June 1905 paper.[9] He attributed to Einstein's special relativity paper only little importance, which he said "set forth the relativity theory of Poincaré and Lorentz with some amplifications, and which attracted much attention”, and he credited Einstein only with being the first to publish the correct relativistic formulas for relativistic aberration and the Doppler effect. He also attributed the formula {\displaystyle E=mc^{2}}� to Poincaré. In 1984 Clifford Truesdell wrote that Whittaker "aroused colossal antagonism by trying to set the record straight on the basis of print and record rather than recollection and folklore and professional propaganda,..."[10] On the other hand, Abraham Pais wrote that "Whittaker's treatment of special relativity shows how well the author's lack of physical insight matches his ignorance of the literature".[11]According to Roberto Torretti,[12] "Whittaker's views on the origin of special relativity have been rejected by the great majority of scholars", and he cites Max Born (1956), Gerald Holton (1960,1964), Schribner (1964), Goldberg (1967), Zahar (1973), Hirosige (1976), Schaffner (1976), and Arthur I. Miller (1981). Nevertheless, Whittaker gave a concise statement of relativity of simultaneity by referring to conjugate diameters of hyperbolas. He wrote, "[the] hyperbola is unaltered when any pair of conjugate diameters are taken as new axes, and a new unit of length is taken proportional to the length of either of these diameters."[13] His observation means that the simultaneous events for a worldline are hyperbolic-orthogonal to the worldline.
Dirac's quantum electrodynamics (QED) made predictions that were – more often than not – infinite and therefore unacceptable. A workaround known as renormalisation was developed, but Dirac never accepted this. "I must say that I am very dissatisfied with the situation", he said in 1975, "because this so-called 'good theory' does involve neglecting infinities which appear in its equations, neglecting them in an arbitrary way. This is just not sensible mathematics. Sensible mathematics involves neglecting a quantity when it is small – not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great and you do not want it!"[68] His refusal to accept renormalisation resulted in his work on the subject moving increasingly out of the mainstream. However, from his once rejected notes he managed to work on putting quantum electrodynamics on "logical foundations" based on Hamiltonian formalism that he formulated. He found a rather novel way of deriving the anomalous magnetic moment "Schwinger term" and also the Lamb shift, afresh in 1963, using the Heisenberg picture and without using the joining method used by Weisskopf and French, and by the two pioneers of modern QED, Schwinger and Feynman. That was two years before the Tomonaga–Schwinger–Feynman QED was given formal recognition by an award of the Nobel Prize for physics.
Bohm's aim was not to set out a deterministic, mechanical viewpoint but to show that it was possible to attribute properties to an underlying reality, in contrast to the conventional approach.[17] He began to develop his own interpretation (the De Broglie–Bohm theory, also called the pilot wave theory), the predictions of which agreed perfectly with the non-deterministic quantum theory. He initially called his approach a hidden variable theory, but he later called it ontological theory, reflecting his view that a stochastic process underlying the phenomena described by his theory might one day be found. Bohm and his colleague Basil Hiley later stated that they had found their own choice of terms of an "interpretation in terms of hidden variables" to be too restrictive, especially since their variables, position, and momentum "are not actually hidden."[18]
We have legit physics. But aether has many metaphysical and rogue / outlier devotees too:
“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena. My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.” - Reich coined the term ORGONE which is one of the many synonyms of aether. He was the first to document its properties in scientific terms, the first to link its dynamics to both atmospheric and biological functions. He discovered Bions and invented the ORAC.
Schauberger was the first to discover torsion and he was a pioneer in biomimicry. He was so insightful he was actually kidnapped by the Nazis for the war effort. His story is told in:
Our friends at PBS
felt the need to uphold public consumption physics. This tard says that ZPE is the lowest energy state
and that you cannot create an asymmetry in it. (MATTER in 3D space is an asymmetry...)
These are two myths in physics, like the big bang and blackholes do not emit anything and the speed of light cannot be exceeded...
The aether has 3 modes:
Noise - Fluctuations
Tilt - Polarization
Interference - Vorticity
The aether has been described as a LIQUID CRYSTAL and SUPERFLUID. Liquid Crystals also have 3 roughly corresponding modes.
Space boils at absolute zero. Boiling fluid creates convection cells.
Superfluids are self quantizing in the form of vortical convection cells, member what else does that?
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