You maybe familiar with the buzz around Antarctica - Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump  


The stories told by Linda


 Quinn finding that fitbit signature


 Brett remote viewing 

 And that is all very interesting...but...what about the gravity anomaly? 


 Some folks think it is the result of a meteor impact. I have another hypothesis, and this relates to my refutation of Graham Hancock’s ideas in THE MAGICIANS OF THE GODS. See, I think the Baetyl or Ben Ben stone, the omphalos, the navals...are the result of interplanetary arcing - the sinking staff of Apkallu, the leaping snakes... 


 See, I think that when we get interplanetary arcing, that current pierces the Earth’s crust, interacts with the plasma core and then discharges on the opposite side of the planet. This “exit wound” has some interesting effects.


 If you watch this: It will start to make sense. You know how Antarctica was FLASH FROZEN? Yeah, that does not happen from crustal displacement. And Linda’s 34 million year time period of a tropical Antarctica does not line up with catastrophe theory. Not saying it couldn’t go back that far but, she is still basing it on continental drift and not expansion of the crust. ...It has been reported by a source I forget, but apparently they found ACRES of ORMUS laying around down there. The legends say Papa Enlil n fwenz needed this stuff for Nibiru’s atmosphere, and they DO put some in the chemtrails but...c’mon folks, this shit is to valuable to just be spraying around. I know Nemesis is as radiant as a bitch’s twat in heat but even nanoparticles are gonna settle or be blown away into space. One of the M-State materials found in meteors is Iridium, which is also in Black Goo, er, “SENTIENT OIL”. They also found a shit-ton of this stuff in a cave on Thule, I mean why else were they down there?


 I propose that that gravity anomaly is an “exit wound”, that it flash froze surrounding area, and that it produced, via transmutation, an M-State material laden channel. This channel doubled as a perfect Black Goo refinery - see abiotic oil. I also propose that this oil and its mineral equivalent


 is highly sought in certain circles - no pun. I don’t need to school you on Enoch do I? So, the thing that happened to these Marconi guys


 happened to the NSF team rescued from 

They all interacted with some critters that they were not prepared for. So...Having a key to the abyss has its downside. Where have I seen this before? 


 Weiland-Yutani got in over their heads. 


I wonder what Kerry and Aldrin thought of this?


 So Brett Stuart talks about this Relic, it was a kind of magic wand with a stone in its clasp. It emitted what he called a RADICAL WAVE and was used to treat tumors. Nothing evil about that, right? It turns out that ORMUS or Gold nanoparticles can do this: 


 But the Radical / Plasmon Waves


 when they are thermally stimulated can also create tumors: 

In 2006, NASA-affiliated researchers launched Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), a balloon experiment meant to observe high energy particles that shower the Earth from space, also known as cosmic rays. During ANITA’s flight, however, its instruments observed something that physicists couldn’t explain. In addition to detecting cosmic rays from space, ANITA also detected cosmic rays shooting from the ground as the high altitude balloon drifted over the Antarctic ice sheet. 

 What does all this mean? 

 Revelation 9:1-6 New International Version (NIV) 

 9 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months.And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpionwhen it strikes. 6 During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

 I always thought it peculiar how in Revelation it is ANGELS tasked with Tribulation fuckery, but 4D critters are all the same to me. Ancient tech is actually the most advanced. Before I knew of BG my NHP or NeuroMimetic Hybrid Processor used a wetware very similar to BG. When I learned from Harald about BG, in addition to what I had already learned from studying and CONSUMING electrically derived ORMUS, it all clicked. ORMUS is the IDEAL QUBIT, but the Marconi folks already found that out... 

 In conclusion, I just want to say, the only way to defeat evil is to remain neutral to grateful. I want you to focus on the darkness you possess, acknowledge that, under the right circumstances you could become a demon, that if you were imprisoned by addiction or dimensional barriers and then freed you would prolly go apeshit. The master THOTH taught that the transmutation of evil is the greatest alchemical practice. 



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