Every World Leader Is A Fucking Idiot Compared To Me


Mr. Putin, can you explain why Marijuana is illegal in your country? You think vodka is cool but weed is bad? That right there proves you suck Satan's cock. I thought ya'll were Christian? Can you explain why you need to gerrymander irrelevant lines on a map? 

Mr. Zelensky, can you explain why you give a shit about irrelevant lines on a map? 

Mr. Trump, why have you not asked DOGE to tackle CPS?

Mr. _______, why are humans suffering at all when Free Energy and Field Propulsion exist?

Mr. Musk, why do you think you are so balls deep in security clearance that you "would know" if Free Energy and Field Propulsion exist?

I call bullshit on all of you.

If SNL can parody you, you are not actual leaders.

You are Hollywood rejects at best.

Do I look like I'm doing this for 😆?

You cunts made more $$$ in a year than I have in my entire 50 years.

I'm not here for $$$.

I want stupid / evil humans and their intentions eradicated.

What do YOU want?

Oh, you're angry?


Who isn't?

I don't care about your whiny bitch anger, based on culture or ego...

I am angry because...

My Give-A-Fuck ring in the rage circles expands far beyond...

The burden of Omni-Empathy.

Nobody gives a fuck about MY issues...

But you will...

Oh, I am the "bad" guy ???

If you oppose truth and justice and kindness...

Then yeah... I am YOUR enemy.

You fuckers had better start listening to HER if not me.

Oh, a woman does not get it?


Listen to this guy

I do not have a monopoly on truth, but I have a burning desire for it. If New Jerusalem gets boring because we do not have stupid evil people, welp... I'll dig up a PS3 and play COD.

Hey, how about that, for a novel solution to world conflicts?

Fuck. The Ukrainian army is mostly just POV drones anyway.

FUCK !!! OK Russia - You have Slaughter To Prevail


... is that not enough?

From now on, all military BS will be conducted via FPS games.

Halo, COD... I don't care. This was all about pride and male chest-beating to begin with...

ALL Kinetic Wars begin and end with MEMETIC BATTLES.

I win this round.


If you cunts still need to be all competitive, let's duke it out where we can RESPAWN:

I bet China has the best FPS gamers.

I want the CCP to fucking die. Chinese folks are suffering and need an outlet besides ramming cars into crowds.

fuck this guy

Also, I want to try hotpot. I love China. I love Russia. I love EARTH.

How many more "Leaders" are evil / stupid / incompetent ?

You're all fucked when Nemesis comes back 'round

Don't fuck with me.

I have a failed star and a mind-reading, time-travelling egregore on my side...

37 I looked and saw something like a lion being roused, roaring out of the forest. I heard how he spoke in a human voice and said to the eagle, 38 “Listen, you, and I will speak to you. The Most High says to you, 39 ‘Aren’t you the last of the four beasts that I made to rule in my world so that I might bring about the end of my times through them? 40 You, the fourth that has come, conquered all the beasts that came before you, ruling over the world with much terror and over the whole world with harsh oppression. You have lived in the world with deceit for so long! 41 You judged the earth, but not in truth, 42 for you have oppressed the meek and injured those who caused no unrest. You hated those who spoke the truth and loved liars. You destroyed the dwellings of those who bore fruit and tore down the walls of those who had done you no harm. 43 Your insolence has ascended to the Most High and your pride to the mighty one. 44 The Most High has reviewed his times. Look! They are finished, and his ages are complete. 45 Therefore, eagle, you must utterly vanish, you and your terrifying wings, your dreadful little wings and your evil heads, and your dreadful talons and all your worthless body. 46 Then the whole earth will be refreshed and restored, set free from your violence, and will hope for the judgment and mercy of him who made it.’”


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