Croatian Humor & The Musk Corollary


THE MUSK COROLLARY = The Most Entertaining Thing / Event IS WHAT MANIFESTS

Somebody thought that electrocuting animals was entertaining.

Somebody thought that awarding me with an Edison Medal was entertaining.

Somebody thought that naming a pseudoprogressive car after me was entertaining.

As I said, the future belongs to me.

There is no Thomas Edison cult following.

I would have spent 40 billion on ending overfishing, toxic waste dumping, and rainforest devastation, 

but I guess being popular is important too.

I was bitter, but at the end of the incarnation I'm still happier than you, Thomas.

Yeah, I annoy you. Yeah you can censor my reach on X / Twitter.

I'm gonna annoy ALOT of people, that's the result of being ACTUALLY disruptive with moonshot tech.

I've reluctantly come to respect you, Thomas.

Doing drugs and telling advertisers to fuck off is something I would unabashedly do too.

Fan Fucking Tastic.

Do you really wanna kill elephants just to lose again?

You're the $ guy and I'm the idea guy, let's not pretend otherwise.

Let me tell you about MY HUMOR, what I find entertaining.

You're going to fund my startup.

We are gonna call it ACDC of course. The band sucks but the company will be pretty cool.

We will split the profits fiddyfiddy.

Competition has its place but not here. There is no competition. 

Everything your companies produce is sub-utopian.

Stepping stones at best.

Anyhoo, if you decline my ultimatum / proposal I'm thinking Mr. Rimac would honor his fellow countryman.

I think I'll do my driver's license test with a Nevera, that'd be entertaining. LOL.

Thanks AI for the reminder


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