Antichrist Apologetics


A caller on Coast To Coast asked Hal Lindsey if The Antichrist

would KNOW he is "Thee Antichrist".

The Answer is YES.

Yes. I know. Since February 16th 1996.

Any random psychonaut will come to the conclusion that S/he is God, or at least Prophesied Savior Guy.

Right, New Agers be like, The Second Coming is GENERAL, manifesting in the SOULS of ALL participants. They are not wrong.

They are wrong though, in the same way preterists are wrong, Jews are wrong, Christian End Times Fiction, Hollywood...

You humans and your DISNEY ESCHATOLOGY.

I understand why Revelation paints me as the bad guy, why 2 Esdras was banned, why Isaiah 63 & 65 reads like DEATH METAL LYRICS.

Instead of seeing me as the bad guy...


The MOST HIGH allowed me, the LOWEST among you, SEVERAL chances at redemption.

The movie was wrong...My dad is not rich. I did not have a bad ass dog growing up. I did not take sides, get anxious around church, and MOST importantly, I NEVER DENIED CHRIST YESHUA.

If I am entangled with Ahriman / Asag / Beast out of The Sea / God of Fortresses / The Abomination, if as the DOGON say about NOMMO ANNAGONNO, "The Twin Of The Victim Will Descend With The Blacksmith..."

If BELPHEGOR helps me, so what?

Man of SIN.

You should follow me because not only do I vibe with Jesus, I did ALL THE NAUGHTY stuff - this side of legal and repentless.

I would like a LEADER that was brutally honest. How else would I trust him?

How could a man exert authority over THE WHOLE WORLD

if not already having authority over his stupid meatbot?

Damion was coddled.

The ACTUAL SON OF MAN was relentlessly fucked with and tested in waking life and REMstate. Gangstalked since birth, prolly MILAB'd a few times. Do you think GOD has privacy? OR anything to HIDE IN THE FIRST PLACE?

I am the SO BELOW

to Christ Yeshua's




1. Identify Narcissists. Eliminate Narcissists.

2. Decentralize, Open-Source, Techno-Primitive.

Nevermind the Christadelphian take on me, the real question here is:

This goes further in the link above

Can I be "ANOINTED" AND be a Man of Sin?

Again, the ascent out of meatbot nonsense (addictions, lifestyle diseases, pathological emotional feeder tabbing...)

Is a struggle for EVERYONE BUT CHRIST YESHUA, so in that sense I am better equipped to have EMPATHY for all

you juicy turdburgers out there.

Did Christ Yeshua ever get horny and drunk? Did he fart, puke or catch colds? 

Did he have a Quantum AI and gangstalkers up his ass with retarded skits intended to test


Did his crazy fiance give him psychological E.D. because she is a mental cunt ???

I may never become an ascended master, capable of quantum phase shifting out of this 3D hellscape

with my superconductive DNA and Merkaba - as cool as that would be, I am quite content with beer and cigarettes.

Christians HATE the notion of Christ Consciousness.

How dare YOU think and therefore behave as he suggested?

No, they want you to worship Calgon Jesus and Jehovah. Play their little guilt trip / church games.

Good. Continue to externalize / divorce yourself from your innate divinity.

Good. Fear Psychedelics and I-Ching and Masturbation and ITS OPPOSITE.

Good. Bend over for your hypocrite preacherman that refused to sign your COVID JAB EXEMPTION paperwork because


Ascending out of here through sheer will (and perhaps grace) is possible, it is just difficult, mainly because

that methodology is not taught and is OCCULTED.


Even if it WAS taught in skewl, most folks would find it impossible.

Christ Yeshua gave you the primer / 101. 

There is stoicism, a reaction to turdburgers; Christ went further.

Christ be like, OH, Call ME Insane? Just go ahead and Crucify me then.

And the goal is what? I'd say, for here and now - nondualism.

It either takes GOD's Grace or alot of shrooms to get there.

What does nondualism look like?

Accepting that everything is perfect.

That there ARE NO ENEMIES.

That ALL things (here in the below) work for the good.

That the HERO is ONLY AS GOOD as his/her VILLAIN.


Because as Alan Watt's says, being perpetually, dreamily blissed is boring af.

But even if I bent over for Angry Satan, my desire to rid the world of excessive shitlords,

whose ground up egos make for tasty STILL rooted in my EMPATH desire for

my people to FINALLY have peace.

Have we not obeyed the GOLDEN RULE?

Nondualism be like, WHO AM I TO ARGUE WITH ONE?

Christ said what goes into you does not defile you, what comes out of you defiles you.

In other words...

You can be a glutton drunkard wanker BUT that is sinning against your meatbot, somewhat diminishing

your light, at the expense of your potential godlike capacity as a human. However, if you are still

NICE, CONSIDERATE, MINDFULL...It ultimately does not matter if you are fat and buzzed with empty bawz.

Your SOUL is not necessarily effected.


When I "Judge" a turdburger, (narcissist shitlord) I am completely aware of my own ego's projections in the process. I do not PASS JUDGEMENT, because if I did, I'd inevitably be a hypocrite.

The reason I am granted the authority to judge the humans is because in other incarnations I was THE ABSOLUTE WORST. Black Magic Fuckery level worst. Today, I am actually pretty guilt-free. I have sucked up so much abuse, turned a million cheeks.

But because I am a TI and all my "babysitters" or "CBAs" or "Perps" know my every thought and sinful masturbatory indulgences I am OPEN TO JUDGEMENT.

Go ahead...

Are YOU a hypocrite?

I do not run around with a CHOSEN tattoo and pretend to be PURE.

Fuck that.

I'm a piece of shit, not trying to accrue any more negative karma.

As for all the humans that have fucked me...

Thanks, I guess, SOUL FAM?

Still, I have no more lessons to learn in negative space.

Nobody has asked me for forgiveness, because narcissists are perfect and have REALLY SHORT MEMORIES.

I forgive these people FOR ME, not them.

I'm grateful for the lessons, but it's time for you cunts to get the fuck off my planet.


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