The Pedo Files - Ad vs Report, Algorithm vs Coolidge Effect, AI vs CP, Watchdog vs VMAP, Scaled-down vs Kidmorphic
The Pedo Files - Ad vs Report, Algorithm vs. Coolidge Effect, AI vs CP, Watchdog vs VMAP, Scaled-down vs Kidmorphic
Today we are going to ask two questions:
1 - IS IT CP?
One cannot report on CP without also advertising it.
Every article out there about it informs but also enables the pedo-curious reader.
I would not know about clothing removal apps or Reels without The Wall Street Journal.
I did try out the clothing removal thing, it just swapped a bikini out with lingerie on a teen gal I did not screenshot off of YT. I tried another site to make her completely nude but it messed up her skin tone and boob size. With some more exploring and experimenting I could probably get the result I wanted.
As a porn addict I can see how this tool and specifically, TEXT-TO-IMAGE tools extend the novelty curve of porn hunting by turning it into porn GENERATING - prompts be way more interactive than a few key words. The odds of getting fapworthy imagery is increased substantially. Time is saved. The challenge of finding a good app and actually CREATING porn is extra titilating because you're fusing PROBLEM SOLVING into the PMO routine - two things MEN LOVE.
When I learned of T2I (Text-To-Image) AI tools I immediately knew it would be the end of organic porn, especially CP which is pointlessly black market material.
To combat the further production of organic CP I propose a T2I program dedicated to photo-realistic CP. This would involve feeding it entire archives of zetabytes (or whatever really big sounding number) of organic CP.
Chris Rock has a great bit about The Coolidge Effect:
After decades of looking at porn one becomes desensitized and must find continuously more specific imagery within unique fetish categories.
It may get SO SPECIFIC that the images one WANTS to get off on simply do not exist.
AI to the rescue.
"But internet, I want to see: A teen ginger, bent over with a hairy pussy, with a freckled ass covered in multiple loads of cum...and, uh, how about four well hung cyborg my little ponies at half-chub, licking the cum off her butt...and, uh, also one of the cyborg my little ponies is in a cop uniform, but he is a centaur and he is looking down at this scene with one raised brow and judgmental pursed lips and he's furiously writing the redhead a ticket for being so fucking hot and lewd and merciful to these bronies, but he's being kindof a hypocrite cuz he is at three-quarters chub...and, uh, the teen ginger is looking up and to the side at the centaur cock with a sly grin, the centaur notices her sideways glare and goes full chub knowing these beta cucks will be lapping his bronie batter next."
(NOTE: it is entirely plausible to C&P the above into Mid Journey or equivalent Text-To-Image generator and get an image of this)
"Sorry human, but that does not exist in my archive, here are some apps that will allow you to MAKE the porn you desire..."
Once one is versed in the CP rabbit hole(s) it is easy to get the algorithms to read the filthy mind, this is also AI at work, merely generating specific recommends.
One does not need Reels or Instagram or Tik Tok for softcore/legal CP because YT has plenty, heck, all you have to do is type in DA***AR. Bam, girls sucking on popscicles, girls stretching, girls doing bikini try-ons.
If one uses BING to do an image search for "CUM TARGETS" and scrolls down far enough ... a bunch of LGs with their mouths open.
If this is what the above article is calling DEEPLY UNSETTLING or TOXIC (either with or without WalMart ads) the WSJ reporters probably NEED TO BE desensitized. The Internet does not care about human subjectivity, it's all ones and zeroes and pixels until a meatbot clicks ENTER, takes a gander and gets hard, gooey or disgusted.
I typed in LSR's name into YT and came across this video about how Omegle and such are used to engage and encourage girls to get naked. There's these official "Watchdogs" - ironic term - who look for and try to bust these girls.
If you're wondering if these are concerned christian moms, the answer is NO. They are exactly the same male, middle-aged incels and rejects that were tossing to these gals under less noble pretense last week.
Everyone is a pedo, (As opposed to VMAP or Virtuous Minor-Attracted Person = an adult that never actually grooms or rapes a kid) until the day they turn 18...
I remember turning 18 and saying to myself, "Mat, it is now WROOOUUNG (say it like Eric Cartman in your head) to stare at Brandi Wertman's ass as she's on her way to Social Studies. I was born in March of 1975, she was born in June. I'm a grown-up now and she is just a child." I couldn't help it though; Brandi has that athletic ass in skinny jeans, the kind you could easily palm and if you spanked her, your hand would sting.
Here are some heavily filtered images (to make them less unsettling, or more if you are not into censorship). Again, the images themselves do not sexualize minors, the observer does.
One is from YT - LGs doing ballet exercises. Cheeky.
Two are from YT - Teens Keara and Tanya making "mouth sounds" ASMR. Audio Porn.
One is an FB selfie - Teen girls touching tongues. They just wanna have fun.
One is from a studio - 3 LGs with tongues out but not touching. Their parents got paid.
One is AI generated with my alterations and filters - I wrote a short story that needed this illustration to make it work but then it occurred to me that some sick, demented adult might misinterpret the image...It's good to raise kids with a healthy sense of humor about nature's little accidents though.
Jenna and her stoner mom were casually strolling down the beach, soaking in mid-morning humid gusts of salty, cationic goodness. Thick, photonic waves of RA's glory pouring down on them. Mom was satiating her munchies with an ice cream cone she was licking and sucking at with fervor, the sun was also having its way with the cold condensed dairy matter. Jenna liked ice cream too but preffered the sold-out Spicy Mocha or Matcha Ginger, so they headed further up the beach where there was a stocked Slush Puppie stand, her favorite was green. The gentrification of their local stretch introduced Jenna to these exotic flavors but then robbed her of them. Then she remembered she was 8 years old and sugar is sugar; It is good to have standards with ice cream, but when it comes to frozen sucrose water products it didn't really matter.
As they walked, Jenna felt something wet on her forehead, then drip down her face.
"What the heck?" She looked up at mom's dripping cone.
"Oops," mom blurted with a snicker.
"Honey, hold still OK, Mommy wants to snap a pic of this because when you are older and drunk you will show it to your boyfriend and he will get such a hoot, so if you could just smile...." Mom maneuvered her phone to Jenna's level.
"...Nice. I'm sure that seagull did not mean to aim his poop...ha,'s pretty windy today so he'd have to compensate, I mean jesus, sweetie it's not like there's seagull-shit-sniping schools everywhere, right?"
"Wait, you mean that's not vanilla ice cream running down my face?" Jenna asked with a look of bewilderment and betrayal.
It wasn't like mom to be so flagrantly and deceptively manipulative, still, Jenna could see the hilarity of the future BF scenario and wondered if boys her age would find this picture funny or gross.
"Oh, ohmygawed baby, heh, ha! you thought, " Jenna's mom just made the vague humility of all this crystal clear..."No, Jenna, a seagull POOPED in mid-flight and it hit you square on the noggin, he musta ate some thai this morning cuz it is quite drippy."
Jenna continued through the stages of gullbombery, from acceptance to prevention.
"Mother, I think my skin is far too fair for these excursions, I should like to always wear a big sun hat at the beach hence forth."
"Ok, Jenna, there's a little store that sells them up the beach a ways, thanks for being such the good sport." Mom handed Jenna the sad, slobbered cone so she could root through her purse.
Jenna smiled and shook her head at the randomness of life, thankful to herself that she did not reflexively dab and taste the gull droppings. Her mom captured a funny - and forever cherished - kodak moment.
Mom handed Jenna a wet wipe from the pouch she kept handy in her purse in case dad wanted one of those quickie BJs w/ facial.
"Mother, given the indignity of this avian-based mishap and your exploitation of it," Jenna began to randomly wipe her face, "I would expect YOU to wipe my face for the mere fact I've no mirror, no less your maternal obligation."
This was one of those tough love, turn it into a lesson kinda moments mom recognized for what it was,
"Baby, when you get older there will be alot of 'seagulls pooping on your face'..." mom using air quotes, hoping Jenna's future self would connect the dots someday. "And you're gonna have your OWN purse and pouch of wet wipes but I won't be there, so no baby you need to trust the good folks at Burt's Bees and wipe your own face, oh, wait, you missed the bit in your hair, let me..."
As mom dabbed and doted the goop off her daughter's scalp and grill, with a delightfully grapefruit-scented face napkin, Jenna mindlessly finished mom's ice cream cone, vanilla wasn't too bad.
Unless you are a MAP none of these are porn, if you are then toss, toss away.
As Hicks said, ya'll are putting the cart before the horse. Porn is defined as anything that causes sexual thoughts. Tight jeans on a rocking bus is porn. The Pavlovian response of old men to mildewed magazine smell is porn. A walk through a middle school is porn. Rule 34 nallat.
No, goshdarnit, there ARE sexual thoughts, THEREFORE there IS porn. Criminalizing it does not help anyone but criminals.
Will society tolerate AI Generated CP Imagery?
Will intolerance stop it?
Will the technology evolve to the point you can have some SCI-FI level VOICE-TO-AR app?
YES. It is the next step after POV and VR porn.
"Cortana, render a scene where two redheaded girls of about hairbrush age are giving me mouth hugs."
"Yes, Masturchief, will have that ready when you are, do you want robotic assist or scalar bottle assist?"
"Your session would be reduced to 4 seconds until completion by combining assist modes, do you wish to proceed?"
"Yes, Cortana, you know I'm running late for biology class!"
...Achievement Unlocked: A PERFECT CUMSTORM
This is what happens when you make prostitution against the law or make women cover their faces or snip their clits.
This is what happens when women use and abuse men to the point they have performance anxiety because society says men's feelings are irrelevant.
This is what happens when you forget as a prudish boring adult that you probably played doctor, took pictures or showed yours when you were 8 years old.
This is what happens when you kink shame the same incel nerds you refuse to fuck because Chad or Slim is so alpha.
Gen Xers had to graduate from Playboy to Pornhub, like they did Atari to Xbox.
These kids today will never know the struggle of trying to find CP - y'know, the porn that's appropriate for their age. Adults today will never know the struggle of trying to find sex toys that may be inappropriate...
There is one last thing to consider here in this VS. installment of THE PEDO FILES: Sex Dolls & Pocket Pussies.
In the broader context of making actual women obsolete with technology one needn't look further than Amazon.
As an inventor I like the challenge of McGuyvering my own vag alternative, but what the market has come up with is better than a condom inside a memory foam pillow...ranges from crazy spinning and stroking and vibrating and sucking contraptions to passive but highly realistic looking molds.
The most popular has the dimensions of a toddler.
One could argue that some men need to keep their alt. vag small because an adult-sized version is more expensive and more difficult to keep on the dl.
In a world of ovapositers, dragon dildoes and alien fleshlights, maybe society could just give the VMAPs this one thing.
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