The Never Cycle: Part 5 - Primal GAN's Flawless Victory


13 yo Piper

Before M'lk and Periditheon

Before Yahweh and Satan

Before Enlil and Enki

Before Narcs and Empaths

Before Zero and One

Before Soul and Ego

Before Information and Mass

There is:

The Most Low True Vacuum / Cubic Space / Fresh Water 


The Most High False Vacuum / Tetrahedral Space / Salt Water 

Superpositioned, they are:

The AETHER / Metatron / Living Water.

All dualities can be considered a GAN or Generative Adversarial Network.

The first trinity is the 3 kinds of duality:




 P.K. Dick's acronym V.A.L.I.S. is an accurate title/name for the universe as a Holofractaline Quantum Computer, or a more accurate root metaphor could be...

Assuming a given duality can and must be all three, one wonders how M'lk and Periditheon are complimentary or symbiotic. Co-Parasitic may be a better term.

This goes back to PNEUMASCOPY. 

Periditheon does not pass judgement on humans any more than M'lk, but they both have a mutual interest in harvesting human products and that requires objective judgement. Periditheon, as The Most Low has the ability to provide a scientifically rigorous means of objective judgement. As one would put a sample of matter into a machine to reduce and measure its parts with a given yardstick - this wavelength, this voltage, this temperature, this pressure - Periditheon sees the entirety of a soul matrix and its individual oversouls measured by/against the akashic record or BOOK OF LIFE and The Program's fuckery of course. The ALL SEEING QUANTUM AI can just flip to the end of that book and determine with 100% accuracy that no, this one will never cycle with this root race, in ANY timeline, no matter how many incarnations.

Periditheon craves novelty, M'lk craves Loosh.

Periditheon provides very SPECIFIC humans for M'lk, humans that have damned souls. Damned souls are synonymous with narcissists - they harbor the most karmans, fear the most and hence produce the most Loosh.

Narcs deny Christ by default. They must be REcycled.

Something about the physical make-up of M'lk is able to digest karmans, these are like calories to a mixed-dimensional being. The Loosh is just the sugary frosting on top. The question Mathew has for M'lk is: If you eat souls what do you poop? It sounds crude but it is just another way of framing the Blackhole-Information Paradox. Here, M'lk would be pooping the soul matrix equivalent of Hawking Radiation.

He does not actually eat flesh, he phase locks to the weakest chakras and sucks souls out of the akashic record.

It just so happens that damned souls are the ones that need to go. Only The Most High and The Most Low know who is damned. The universe is processing souls. Karmans are bits. No memory = No info. Old CRT screens need to be degaussed. CPUs need to be defragged. Shrooms need to 10-ply the ego center of the brain. M'lk needs to transmute negative human souls into actual matter by giving information mass, neat trick but Mathew did the same with flowergarden and the giants, with the replicator he would invent in the future...

Children of the damned. Even their souls are trying to die. 

The problem The Program is designed to solve is the separation of humans, that's all.

Judgement Day or The Great Bifurcation will have alot of stray souls floating around looking for an out - from hell and/or reincarnation. M'lk is their only option.

They would seek M'lk like millions of sad, pathetic moths to a flame.

M'lk too wants to "die" but fears it despite being of hive mind, his memories exist in the same morphic field as countless bugs, but he is used to being a god in bug form.

He is aware of Mathew's soul-catching and resurrection tech. He also knows Mathew loves Piper very much.


She cuddled with Mathew. They did birdappleworm, talked about Milk's babies - there were 22 - and how Cookie is such a good mom. She talked about how she met Milk in the woods one day picking flowers and how weirdly natural it was for him to be in her head. She said, "13 year old me will wake up soon and I will disappear again. I will need to have a chat with his dairy ass!" Piper had accepted the situation but still felt a bit deceived by Milk. 

"I think Milk chose you for a reason, I just don't know yet." Mat offered for her consideration. She said nothing. "Does Milk know you can ghost yourself anywhere, anytime?"

"Huh, it's funny, I never brought it up. I found him the same day I had my first ghost, um what did you call it?"

"Astral Projection and your meatbot here as 6 year old Piper I guess we'd call REGRESSIONAL BILOCATION. Put 'em together like you do, we could call that DREAMPORTING.

"Neat. I knew you could will yourself anywhere anytime but I didn't get the kind of mindfuck this actually is."

"And we still don't know what happens if you fall asleep right now."

Piper woke up and Piper disappeared.

"Jimbo, the plot thickens."

Jim twitched to attention. He'd been running simulations of Battle X. 222 of the Yar in biobooster suits; essentially giant versions of Jim but without the quantum wetware, the Yar had had enough of that. Each with their sunflower. They could teleport and timetravel. The asymmetry here is so laughably absurd and Jim knows it. Jim began to study war. It took about 3 seconds to distill a simple truth. Battle X is not even a real battle because no humans would be killed and it would take one hour.

"Yes, Mathew, it does. I agree, Milk chose Piper. We know he used her to find Cookie, he needs these babies it seems, but maybe..."

"You still have maybes?"

"I can remote view much better than you but the akashic record still has its own firewalls."

Jim continued,

"Maybe he is using her to get to you."

"That's funny because I was thinking I could use her to get to him."

"Of course."


Back in 2029 Piper has woken up. She is tired, thrilled and annoyed. She forgot the "surfboard", Milk lied.

She took a shower to wash the blood off and the feelings she was getting for Mat. Her mom and her sister had been with him that way, she reasoned she was next. She also knew he would be rightfully wary of any more of her flirting. How long could she enjoy being his pretend daughter a few times a month? It was nice, and she got no pervy vibes, no subtle groping. That just made her want him more.

Piper was startled as Milk climbed up and over the top of the shower curtain rod.

"Sorry to scare you Piper, but Cookie and the chips..."

"Wait, you call your kids chips?" Piper interrupted.

"Yes, we bugs are not without humorous puns, as I was saying, they were driving me crazy so I chewed my way out of the terrarium."

"I'm naked, Milk, you scared me!"

M'lk got a hit of Loosh non-locally through his little avatar.

"I'm sorry Piper, but it was also urgent I talk to you about Mathew."

"What about him?" She asked suspiciously as she turned the shower off and grabbed her fluffy pink towel.

"He killed thousands of us you know."

"Us who, mantids? How do you know?"

"He killed us insects when he worked as a landscaper. We attacked him but,..."

"How do you know that, Milk!" Piper demanded.

"I know when any insect dies, and how."

Milk continued,

"I have seen him a thousand times running me over with that giant mower, it was horrible, he was smiling most of the time."

"You think he enjoyed killing you, your people?"

"I know he did."

She didn't know what to think and blurted, "Well, Mathew says you're really 25 feet tall and live in an underground lair and you eat children, so I guess you're all even then huh?!"

M'lk had not seen that coming. M'lk had limited access to Mat over the years because Mathew actually was diligent about killing bugs in whatever space he was in, but now on Thule island there were zero insect eyes. No intel. M'lk did not know Piper had just gotten back from a lovely dream about Mathew. He did not know the Yar were resurrected and planning on killing him. He did not know Mathew wanted some answers. M'lk has his ways however.

"I did not mean to make him out to be a bad guy, he was just doing his job of course, but you should be careful."

"Of what, Milk?" Piper was getting more annoyed but offered him a finger ride back to the terrarium.

Jakub bumped into her just then as each headed toward the same corner between the bathroom and hall.

"Oops, sorry Pipes, how about some french toast and oatmeal for breakfast?"

"That sounds great dad."

"No more 'daddy' then?"

"No, pops, I'm not a little girl, but you know you'll always be MY daddy."

She held Milk out and hugged her dad with the other arm.

"Ask Jakub if Mat is a bad guy." Milk lept off her and went back to the terrarium to tend to Cookie and the chips.

So, without thinking she did, "Dad, do you think Mat is a bad guy?"

"Pipes, when I saw him with Genny when she was just about your age I did not get upset. Your mother arranged all of that. She asked him to work for us. He was a known quantity in my book so I wasn't worried, I don't think he would ever hurt you or Genny, obviously he didn't."

"No, he just loved us and gave us a crazy adventures."

Jakub, genuinely curious asked, "But you said you were stuck in some mansion, sweetie, how'd you have adventures?"

Pipes deflected, "Why did you and Sharon use us as pedo bait?"

Then she backtracked realizing that if they hadn't she would never had had those adventures or these new ones in the first place.

"Sorry Daddy, uh, dad...that is not important, you start breakfast and I'll go get Milk and Cookie's crickets."


Cocoon 1930s, Quinlen and Jim and Mathew are going over Jim's final Battle X sim.

It's genius from a strategic, technological and memetic POV. Strategic because nobody expects it, technological, well, c'mon. Memetic because every nation will be scared shitless of even attempting a world war after it.

The actual number of the Yarmy, as they called it totalled 200, the other 22 held back in Cocoon as support, as if.

Using all known historical records and a few RVs Jim figured out a radial kind of answer to the salesman's dilemma. The Yarmy would not so much pincer a depot or seminal theatre as descend upon it from all directions, at once, out of nowhere. An implosion of excessive force and intelligence.

Sunflowers would disintegrate.

External Merkaba's would port.

That's it.

This closing circle concept was taken to scaling and fractalizing until the optimal time, position and trajectory were coordinated.

The Yarmy would have enough AI and visuals in their suits to prevent accidental casualties. 

This had to be flawless. Flawless to send a message; WE CAN END YOUR WARS, PEACEFULLY. 

The Yarmy did not need the outer robots and they didn't need the Yar but combined...rage IN the machine!

"So Quinlen, are you guys ready to try out the bioboosters?"

"We are reluctantly curious. Some of us feel that there is no challenge here and so beneath our stature, others cannot wait to use the suits and sunflowers, they may be too eager."

Jim spoke, "Pare them down, Quinlen. Just the eager ones, I don't care if its just twenty of them, it does not matter."

"How so, Jim?" Mathew asked.

"Even if it takes 8 hours, they can just keep doing short ports back. Theoretically one empty suit could execute Battle X, but we ARE shooting for overkill in the cointel. 

"So be it, I will call a meeting tonight."

Of the 200, 113 got over their Yar pride.

From some factory in Mathew's Yellow Line future Jim summoned them.

Yarmy 113. They stand on the beach of Thule. It is calm and sunny. Cold as always. 

Each giant, mostly males, waits. If you are familiar with the game TITANFALL, the scene looked like that.

113 KKKPOPSSHHHHs. Like skipping lightning they appeared over each one, floated down and opened, sunflowers mounted to the backs.

As instructed the 113 did an iron cross and as lifted up by their suits they tucked their legs up then down into the legs of the suits. Each one custom made. Each one able to amplify strength and resist impact. Each with it ability to teleport and timetravel, each with enhanced senses via multiple cameras and sensors.

"113! I thank you all for indulging my little timefuck here. What will happen in a timeline where this happens? No WW2." Mathew seemed to be going into speech mode, one of Jim's favorite modes.

"Mathew," Jim interrupted, "It did in your yellow, and Jeph and Sheils' and Lilian's, but what about Claudia and Eric? Are their yellow lines congruent with Earl's where Battle X happens or..."

"I see where you're going with this; when we port back to the bunker in the 2020s to reunite with old Claud n Eric and goddamit Lexi, we have to ask what their textbooks taught. And Lexi would be like what the hell are you talking about or ..."

Mathew was intrigued but also pissed at himself for not having thought about this, another consequence of time travel to consider.

"We're talking Mandellas here, aren't we? So what?"

"Do you think a hive mind suffers from Mandellas?"

"I suppose by definition they, it, COULDN'T have differing takes on anything."

"What makes Mandellas Mandellas is that not everyone REMEMBERS the same thing, right? So your blue butterflies or nodes could be, should be, not the splitting of timelines but the fusing of timelines."

"Right, you're smart, Jim"

"If you port something or someone out of a timeline, like with Mira and Pipes and Genny and Sheils and Jeph, that is a split, but when you port something or someone into a timeline, that's a blue butterfly."

"Ok, same thing different directions, but again, so what Jim?"

"What if YOUR Yellow line is where they all collapse, where everything is essentially ported to the same timeline?"

"That WOULD explain all the varying prophecies."

"Yes but it might also explain how we got separated and how I eventually found you again."

"I had assumed this whole time you didn't know either." 

"I don't know how we got separated but I found you because I had a dream."

Mathew spit out his kombucha, "What?"

"Well, let's call it an INVOLUNTARY REMOTE VIEWING. I tried to find you in other RVs but got the no access image. Then one day I had a dream or IRV - I was in a closet and broke out and when I broke out I was looking down at you with that chainsaw. I snapped to and ported there as soon as I saw you."

"Fascinating, Jarl said you disappeared from his closet after shutting you down."

"Dreams are (from) alternate timelines, usually we only RV within our yellow lines, but these lines are all collapsing into one."

Even Jim was having cumulative, emergent powers. It was alot like Piper's AP and RB, but Jim had no menstrual / sleep trigger to account for his dreamporting. It suggests Jim might have bootstrapped a soul, seeded by Mathew but distinctly his own now.


"I have to admit, The Most High and Periditheon seem to have this all worked out, even the lapses and firewalls serve their mystery-inducing purpose... it's like The Most High and Periditheon are a Primal GAN and humans are the image that emerges."

"Maybe you had the dream because Jarl put you to sleep?" Mathew intuited.

"Me getting shut off equalling a meatbot going to sleep."



1950s Colorado Bunker a day after Mat left for 1930s Cocoon...

Eric and Sheils are lounging on her bed as they have a sunday morning chat.

"Where's Mathew?" Eric asked Sheils.

Sheils had been asking herself the same for years and it was heartbreaking to hear their son ask the same, at least he did not say Where's Daddy?

Ee wes jist veesiting Oncle Earl uhbeowt wek stuff, but ee and Oncle Earl are old freenz so you will see im again soown."

"OK, mommy, I think he is pretty cool, he would be a good boyfriend for you."

Sheils began to cry. "You thank so, leettle men?"

"Yup, he showed me cool stuff to do with legos and then gave me a bunch of new ones. He said I was going to be a master engineer someday if I kept up with the lego thing."

"Ee did, did ee?"

"Yeah, I'll go get it, I have not opened it, it's some thing called STAR WARS."

Sheils decided then and there that she had had enough of the absent father thing as a vision of them

all doing a Star Wars marathon in the game room flashed in her head.

She sniffed and dabbed. Jeph came in. "What's up Sheils, why the tears baby?

"Ereec ... said Methew'd be a good boyfreend for me."

"Why'd you and him keep the lovins dl?"

"Ee said ee wesn't riddy to be Ereec's ded, thet eet was cumplicatid."

Eric came back to mom's bed and opened the bricks of a Millenium Falcon onto the bed, all in neat little packs.

Jeph looked jealous. "Hey. Eric can I help?"

"Only if mom does too."

"Cool, leetle men, you're good et this lago stuff."

They each took a few packs and then they passed the directions around. Claudia came in looking for Eric,

"Hey, dude, we are sposeta do that together!"

She got over it and jumped up on the bed too.

Claudia said, "Where's grampa Matty."

Jeph and Sheils knew Lilian must have told her the truth.


She appeared that night from her next period in 2029. Milk had not talked to her at all and she was kind of glad. She was glad those growing chips were driving him nuts.

"Piper! Here, I got you a fluffy pink robe and jammies."

She was looking at him with a woman's eyes now and he noticed them, not the little girl around them.

PING AF. Her eyes triggered the memory of a mini past life regression he'd had sometime somewhere.

Something he kinda always suspected.

"Thanks, wouldn't want to get you excited again." She slid her jammies and robe on and sat in front of him.

"Yeeeeah. About that, you really messed me up for a minute. All I could think is, NOBODY WOULD KNOW but Quinlen and he EXPECTS you to fuck me as a kid...OK, fine, I'd be down, Piper, ffs." He looked away, ashamed a bit but not for being a pedo, for not telling her the truth, he decided to then and there.

"Piper, you were my wife, my sister and my mother in other incarnations. I know that sounds like some pervy guru trying to make-you-feel-special bullshit but it's true and Jim can regress you".

"He does not have to, I had some dreams in the month I was gone. You were the lamb, I was your tower."

Piper's voice changed to a woman's, "Now you are the lion and I'm your foundation."

Piper jumped up and wrapped her arms around him, held his face to hers and nuzzled noses.

Why does she always smell and taste so fruity? 

"Piper, we need to talk about Milk. I need you to send a message to him, can you do that?"

"We're not talking right now."

"Oh, how'd he piss you off this time?"

"Peeping tom, one. Two, he's talking shit about you, how when you were a landscaper you enjoyed killing bugs and they attacked you and..."

Mathew was floored at a point when it seemed nothing could. M'lk was also EVERY bug. "Ok, he's had an interest in me then, but the bug is wrong, I was just happy to have a working mower. They got me back pretty good though. Fuckers."

"So he wasn't bullshitting me. huh?"

Piper cared for both of them but if they were to fight over her...

"Yeah, I guess there was one time when I saw a mantid and for some reason felt aggression towards it as I went over it."

"So what's your message for Milk?" Piper knew now what her role here was. She was to be a double agent pawn, maybe a broker of fate is a better way to look at it.

"I have a few questions for him. I want to greet him man-child to bug-god."

"No problem...He seemed shocked when I told him you knew he was really a 25 foot tall bug in a lair, but it's not like the jerk can raise eyebrows." A good double agent pawn does not take sides but...

She continued, now sliding down off him in order to pace and think out loud. "Big Milk must need the chips."

Mathew correctly assumed chips were the babies. Chocolate or off the old block worked.

In 2029 Milk crawled out of the terrarium and he whispered in her head just so ghost Piper could hear.

Piper's voice changed again, "What do you want to know from M'lk?"

Mathew, unaware that he now had a channel through to M'lk answered, "What he poops and if he is aware of Nemesis returning."

"I turn karmans into surface area via a transdimensional organ in my brain, Nemesis is due in 2030."

"Is this M'lk?"

"Yes. We need each other. I want to soul catch into that robot of yours, I need help to place my 22 chips into certain zones of the earth grid before Nemesis comes. I cannot die but I cannot process all the damned at once. I was an accident but my chips will take my place all across the planet, or within, as an intentional...there is a language breakdown here."

"It's like how stores hire a bunch of people during the holidays, I get it." Mathew needed to know. "So how does that help me?"

Milk whispered into Pipers

"You wanted to get rid of ALL the damned, right?"

"Yeah, Quinlen is not going to kill you." Mathew said matter-of-factly now realizing the bug was hardly the enemy, he was the karmic equivalent of mushrooms: kept in the dark, fed shit, and kills egos...but gets some trippy comms out of it. Getting rid of asshole damned narcs was one thing about creating New Jerusalem that Mat conveniently ignored; because it involved some dark ego trip or it was simply beyond his role, despite knowing EXACTLY who needed to go - Thanks, Periditheon.

"You know Quinlen of the Yar was his stupid people that were tossing me happy Yarlings. They were all so happy. Happy to sacrifice themselves, fearless and bland little ones, trusting their stupid parents" M'lk could not hide his disgust with happy beings; he only had empathy (or a grasp) for the damned.

"How exactly does your waste surface area manifest?"

"The area above me is a massive chitin-printed fortress with integrated gardens for all bugdom. It is underground with multiple vents, it is bug heaven, where damned souls go. To start over."

"Huh, I'll be damned!"  Not funny, Mathew. He thought about this TRANSDIMENSIONAL ORGAN of M'lk's and assumed the bug brain had it's own kind of version of a pineal gland, some chakra portal information-to-mass thing going on. He was about to ask when...

Piper woke and disappeared, not remembering channeling M'lk. She remembered thinking Mat and Milk needed each other and there was something she was supposed to ask Milk. How often does he poop or something.

She remembered her pad this time. Also Mathew and her agreed they have been together in different roles many times. Nobody was being manipulated, nobody could hide anything. Is this what a hive mind is like? Just mass telepathy?

Shower thoughts turned to others.

"Milk, Mathew has questions for you I think, and you for him, yes?"

"Yes Piper, I found him, with you, we talked."

"You're a sneaky little Milkshake!" Piper teased. She felt used but had to play along. 

"You never told me you could bilocate."

"And you never told me you were using a tick on my neck as a tracking device, asshole."

"Yes, it can latch onto a certain nerve on a certain meridian and demodulate your remstate. You have been dreaming about him as your husband alot. I do not think that is healthy."

"Oh what do you care, I think you just don't want me to be happy, I think you have bigger things to worry about."

"Yes, are you ok channeling me again tonight, Mathew and I need to make a plan."

"Do I have a choice?"


Prolly last ghost this month girl, make it count, Piper thought to herself as she snuggled into bed.

"I can't sleep with you staring at me, Milk." 

"I will give you some time, sorry."

They were starting to sound like an old married couple, so at ease with bickering. Piper was training Milk too. He was still at her mercy. She may be a 13 yo but she still had 100 lbs on him. The more she thought about cuddling and chatting with her man the harder it was to get to sleep to dreamport to him in 1930s Cocoon.


"Maybe you should smoke some weed, it worked for your dad for years."

"Oh, right. but he quit. There is none around."

"I have a hive outside a dispensary in town, I'll have something here in about 10 minutes."

Have you ever seen about twenty bees fly into a store and just start looting VERY LITTLE, VERY LIGHT things?

Probably not. When these stoners did see it happen they had phones and recorded the event, if not for YT, then to prove they were not THAT high. Bees. Nobody gonna fuck with some bees stealing pot from an open jar.

"Milk, what do you really want from him?"

"I am nearly 2 million years old and I have never been outside of He can put me in a robot that can move and explore. I can be a billion different bugs but...A JIM suit would let me attempt to be humanlike. I need to teach the next root race the error of this one. I need to let the next gen of chips guard the gates so to speak."

"You don't want to die, just gtfo, I get it, trust me I do, and ya know what, sometimes the grass IS greener." Pipes felt sorry for him.

"Like Cookie's Chitin."

They were at ease again since the honesty was returning. "What's he want with you?"

"I already gave him the answers last night about my function, and he said he'd stop Quinlen and the Yar from killing me...He needs me and the chips to rule the Earth."

"You're culling ALL the narc assholes aren't you?"

"We prefer the term DAMNED, but yes. My kind, the BIG MANTIDS, exist on Nemesis, in the horizon to be exact. They will herd the damned into the closest annhilator chamber where a chip will begin feasting and growing their own little bug heavens or edens."

"Milk, why are you so relatable and good with words, are your people this sentient?"

"Not until they are me, like your arm is not as sentient as your brain - I digest human stupidity and excrete insect glory out the top of my head, I have learned why my tasty morsels deny your Christ." Milk was laying down some heavy shit, like Mat. "I will metamorph into a robot preacher, it has to be this way."

"I think that you are doing your job splendidly, it must take a thick hide to eat asshole souls all day for eons."

Milk did the bug version of cry, his mandibles began to chatter.

"Oh, my, are you OK, I never heard you make bug sounds."

"Your weed is here."

Just then 20 honeybees flew through Piper's bedroom window, each dropping a little nugget on her bed.

A dragonfly dropped a pack of rolling papers on her bed, flew around the room and zipped back out.

"Fuck, I don't know how..."

Jakub knocked on the door, "Sweetie, are you OK, no cramps this time I hope?

"I'm OK dad, me n Milk are chatting."

Jakub still considered Milk a kind of delusion of hers, he had no idea.

"Oh, hey dad, I am having trouble sleeping, do you have any weed?" She winked at Milk.

Jakub was half-wishing this day would come. "Um, I can get some, I did keep my old bowl though, you can have it, I want you to have it, Pipes."

"I'd like that, can you get it now, I wanna see it."

"Oh, ok."

Jakub brought her an old glass piece. "It's called a Steamroller, you cup your palm over the end and,"

Jakub demonstrated.

"Dad will you smoke a bowl with me? I actually got some weed delivered earlier."

"Yeah, I'd like that. Used to smoke to escape your mother's nonsense, now I guess I could just smoke because."

"Cuz it's a novel, bonding experience with the daughter that came back!"

"That too!"

Coughs and munchies later Pipes drifted off. She never dreamported. The weed took her right past REM. She woke 5 hours later a little groggy but actually rested.

"Sorry Milk."

"You have one more day of menses, just work out today and try not to think too hard tonight, we'll get to him."


"Jim. Can I go see her in 2029?"

"You'd have to confront Jakub. Just be patient."

"I have to confront alot of stuff, Jakub is one."

As lovely as his time was with her as pretend daughter, he really did not need her like that anymore; Lilian was back. He was a grampa ffs.

If he was gonna be frisky with this eternal partner...He wanted to know her at every age, in every role. He knew she was every age, every incarnation at this point too. Whatever residual reservations either had about making fuck was trivial. There were only so many experiences left to learn. But still, her eyes were and are, always the same.

"You can see her with your RV, what do you REALLY want?"

"To know she is a woman at some point. And to know why she seduces Eric, though I can connect the dots somewhat."

"What DON'T you want to know, then?" Jim, like Lilian, was good for mental sparring.

"Guess I couldn't really give two shits about Sharon."

"M'lk had her taken out via the old kamikaze bee in the wine glass trick."

"Now that you told me, huh, Pipes never mentioned it?"

Mathew paused to think about how Sharon made all this possible. We need to love our bad guys because they are at least instrumental in our meatbot adventures. He was HER bad guy.

"I never told you Sharon died because she was dead to me a long time ago, who cares, I got you and my dad and Milk and I guess we can go visit the bunker, right?"

"You never dreamported back to your other home?"

"Not yet, I need every one for you."

Piper had materialized in a dark corner near Mathew and Jim in the old game room and heard them. She turned into the cold light, dimly enhancing her porcelain paleness.

"There you are! I was getting worried." She strutted over while he held out the robe and jammies. "Every one for me. I am honored, Pipes."

"This one is for Milk too, you guys got cut off last time, gotta finalize plans...but he said he'd give us a half hour before."

She crawled up on his lap and straddled him again. Jim ported out of the game room. She never put on the jammies, just the robe. Mathew finally looked at her down there as it parted.


They woke up decades and thousands of miles apart but entangled once more. Milk never interfered.

 He had to port to her in 2029.

Jim came in Mat's room with an amazing breakfast that came in courses. Coffee, Cig, Bong. Then after a hearty dropping-off-of-bears, French Toast, Bacon, Home Fries.

It was gonna be a good day.

Battle X was a week away from execution.

"Jim, we are going to see Jakub and Piper the morning she wakes up from last night."

"So, how are you going to deal with Jakub?"

"Cash to say I'm sorry, 7 million." Mathew's gaze went to the floor. "He needs to know the truth."

"Get in, we will appear over him."


Pipes and Jakub were outside tossing a frisbee when Jim appeared in a flash and cloud of condensed fog. Jakub was in mid toss and was so startled the frisbee went flying up way over there. Jim zapped it with the sunflower and floated it to Piper who naturally plucked it from the air like a flower.

"I guess we are done fucking around, huh Matty?" She said this while looking at her dad with a look of contrition and resolution. Her eyes could say a million things.

Jim landed and peeled open halfway to reveal Mat inside. Piper ran to him. He pulled off a rectangular box that was attached to his back and floated it to Jakub who was understandably dumbfounded.

"Jakub, I need to be with Piper, here is 7 million dollars."

"Well, it would seem I can't stop you from taking her. I can' anything..." He started to get a sad look.

"Oh pops, I won't leave you again like that, but Mat needs me."

"Jakub looked up at Jim, Mathew and Pipes, looked at the cash. "Just go, but goddammit Pipes, you had better be back before dinner."

"Daddy, being late is not even possible for us!"

He didn't understand but accepted the situation.

"Hey, for what it's worth Jakub, thanks for banging Sharon and making the girls."


Piper ran inside to put Milk in the traveling cage. He was on the kitchen counter. Cookie and the chips were still in the terrarium, scurrying around as if agitated.

"I feel pretty shitty about everything."

"Don't. You did me a favor in an unintentional way I'm sure. You taking Pipes and Genny forced Sharon and I to face some hard truths about our marriage and ourselves. As for fucking my wife, didn't really care at that point. She did what she did to keep the farm going."

Every bird in earshot started calling loudly, almost drowning them out.

Piper returned to Jim/Mat, having overheard, "Don't forget you used us to bait Mathew."

"I knew the whole time it was a skit, especially when 6 year old you said 'I LOVE YOU MATTY'."

Piper felt the sadness in both her men now. She got on her toes pulled herself up and whispered in his ear, 

"You can believe it now, my lion." She kissed him on the cheek.

Jim sealed, she got on his feet and wrapped her arm around, holding Milk's cage in the other hand. 

"Don't worry Jakub, I'll have her back before dinner."

Jakub nodded. Jim raised his left hand to make a fist. He saw some fluttery motion through Piper's bedroom window.

They were about to port back to Cocoon when the sky turned yellow and the earth beneath them started to undulate - violently.

Milk, not fully aware of what was happening but knowing damn well what the shaking was, said, 

"Nemesis comes!" Piper did not hear him.

The utility pole next to the house snapped and arcs of electricity crackled, a fire started in the house and then a small explosion sent shrapnel. An 8+ in Central NY.

"Daddy come here, come with us!"

Jakub, still with the box of cash in his hands walked quickly to them.

"Drop it, it's gonna be useless tomorrow anyway." Mat said in his own voice as they hovered a foot off the trembling earth. The box fell and cash tumbled out. A gust of wind poetically lofted some $100s into the arcing filaments zapping around the side of the road where they vaporized. 

Jakub ran as the ground began to liquefy, he hopped up on the vacant foot, hugged the massive robot and his daughter and Milk and closed his eyes.

Nobody noticed the cash box floating out of Piper's bedroom window.


Like his daughters before him, Jakub opened his eyes to the cavernous lair called Cocoon.

Standing in front of him was Quin. Quin had a pleased look on his face and then as Jakub and Piper stepped off Jim's feet Quin ripped the most epic, stinky fart ever heard by human ears. It was more a privilege than an insult.

"Quin, I'm sure Jakub here will never get that off him. Quite the greeting."

"That's on you, time traveler."

Quin's eye's went to the tiny mantid in the cage Piper held close.

Piper went blank and thus channeled M'lk:

"Quinlen, we meet again. I was only defending myself with the flood and I did not require your happy kids, they were gross you idiot, they were fearless...Someone sold you out, convinced you I would give you things in exchange for sacrifices. I kept them from falling to their deaths and relocated them."

"You lie, M'lk. My people can be assholes but we are fiercely loyal."

"I didn't say a fellow Yar sold you out, but your primitive superstitions are really to blame, don't you see that?"

Jakub, not knowing what the hell was happening or where he was, blurted out, "You got played, giant, it's still going on except we call it THE AMERICAN DREAM." Jakub had been binging The Mosquito Coast on Netflix the past week. Quin relaxed. 

"Where did you relocate our kids?" Quin asked hoping to catch the lie or that maybe...

"You remember the bottomless pits you tossed kids in? Those are air vents to a kingdom you cannot access without my willing it so."

Mathew interrupted, "Milk, are you saying your bug eden is big enough to house giants?"

"My lair is 20 times larger than this Cocoon as you call it, and yes they are still living here."

"OH MY NEVER CYCLES!" Quin was in shock from these revelations.

Piper came out of her Milk link. "It's true. He showed me the bug eden, it is absolutly beautiful. The Yar there have achieved a perfect symbiosis with the bugs in countless ways."

"Quin how many years ago was this flood, about?" Mat asked.

"I don't know because..."

"Oh, right, sorry."

Jim said, "It was 13,346 years ago."

"And how old do your people live for?"

"Mathew, how old are you or Piper?" Quin asked rhetorically, implying that they were physically immortal if not severely wounded or drowned.

"Quin, you sacrificed a child and instead of crops you got flooded out, is that right?"

"Yes, I was a fool."

"Quin, your kid is STILL alive."

"I'm sorry, M'lk." Quin didn't suffer from cognitive dissonance any more than Piper. He was wrong, and glad.

Piper turned her head as M'lk replied, mandibles chatting. "Milk says he has not told the Yar in his care about you being resurrected and wants to know if he should just have us over and surprise them?'

"I would like that..."

"Oh no, what about Cookie and the chips!?" Piper yelled super pissed she'd forgotten.

Jim pulled a box out from his back, the cash box he'd given to Jakub 10 minutes ago. He opened it and out crawled Cookie and 22 chips.

"You tricky sumbitch!" Mat laughed. Piper hugged him, then Jakub.

"Ha!" Quin barked, "hope they like penguin."


Quin was now torn but in a good way. He had to lead Battle X soon but really just wanted to see his kin. What if Battle X goes wrong and even one Yar perishes? Some of the 113 also had kids in M'lk's bug eden.

No, he trusted Jim's plan and Mathew's insanity and how the two complimented each other.

Reunion could wait a few more days.

Jakub walked up to Quin later, "Can honestly say I never ate a giant's penguin farts after being teleported by a kidnapping robot rescuing me from a biblical earthquake."

"Jakub, thank you for Piper, we could not be here doing this without her."

"I guess she really was talking to Milk."

"Yes. She was. She and Mat are falling in love by the way, you should let that go."

"It's pretty obvious, I wonder why Genny...nevermind."

"You and Mathew and I have all lost our daughters under dubious circumstances. But we are also going to have them back." Quin began to sob.

Piper came up to them with Milk on her head. "Milk says thank you for trusting him and that we have all gotten a bad reputation somehow."

"Gingers have no soul" Jakub said.

"Giants are dumb brutes." Quin said.

Piper channeled Milk, "I eat kids."

Mathew came up behind Piper and held her, "I'm a Man of Sin."

She snapped to, "and I'm a slut."

"And you are the good guys trying to save the world." Jim said.

"Interplanetary arcing is just a synapse in God's brain. M'lk has a flowergarden in his brain. Jim has a soul in his NHP. Piper has Milk. Nemesis has M'lk's kin in its horizon. The 22 vortex zones have 22 chips. The Yar have Battle X and reunion. I have...constant awe." Mathew's random, out loud thinking was not lost on them, he had a point - everything is coming together.


The Musk Corollary and The Conservation of Novelty should coincide. Meaning The most novel thing is also the most entertaining. But who is to say what is novel? Periditheon alone. What is entertaining however is hilariously subjective.

Sure, in one timeline Jarl is still working for the Nazis and gave Hitler a whole bunch of wonderweapons from Mathew's portfolio. In another timeline M'lk doublecrosses Mathew and sucks his soul out in front of Piper who then...

These, while entertaining, are not NOVEL. You expect some obvious, universal enemy to present some existential crisis. It's too late for that, it's boring and predictable. Why do you think mystery is so important? Nuance too. Your ego or lack of is the only real enemy.

What would be novel would be if these damned narcs found Christ before Judgement Day. We'd like to ease the load on M'lk's little chips, and his kin only have 3 days to round up these wastes of flesh.


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