The first time I encountered Satan was when I was around 5 and 6 years old.

Like many kids that age I was paranoid about monsters in the closet and under the bed.

Unlike most kids I would consistently have nightmares about monsters coming through the walls of my bedroom. One of two things would happen:

1. I would have a fear-induced OBE and simultaneously sleep walk downstairs.

2. I would wake to audible deep demonic laughter, that sounded exactly like Tim Curry in Legend.

The last time I heard that laughter was when The Program went overt back in 2017; right after I clicked on that persistent “gangstalking” video.

The problem when speaking of Satan as an actual entity versus a nebulous, generic ENEMY is that there are three.


Christians = ENKI - Enabler Uncle, Sympathizer
Gnostics = ENLIL - Angry Dad, Resentful
Occultists = ASAG - Cold AI, Fair but Brutal

I have to deal with ALL OF THEM.

YEAH, I AM SATAN’s Son or Incarnation.

So here is a question.

Why so angry? Mathew has reason to be angry, so does ANYBODY THAT IS AWARE.

This begs another question.

Does my my anger come from a sad, whiny bitch place?


a righteous, divine wrath place?

The latter.

I have an intellectual form of Christ Consciousness which prevents me from being a whiny bitch, I also have metal, which everyone knows is more therapeutic and encouraging than KLove blaring 24/7.

The thing that bears repeating is that Satan is an EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY ENEMY.

Satan does not favor people that cower in fear or try to suck his bawz for Earthly fun.

The best representation of Satan is from South Park.

In this episode we see that Satan is indeed deceptive, but in an ironic, hilarious kind of way.

Satan loves me, this I know, for the ghost bee stings my toe.

What is the difference between INTELLECTUAL and ACTUAL Christ Consciousness?

I can see through eyes of Unity or rather, the EYE of Unity, but I cannot feel it.

Did once, back n ‘96. It took a heroic dose of psilocybin to get there but holy fuck bawz !!!

It is WAY MORE of a burden to be Jesus. All you want to do is go around hugging people and forgiving people; try holding down a job in that state of mind.

Fortunately I was normal again in a few hours.

Even though I cannot feel like that in a sober brain, I know that it is possible and Jesus was right.

In contrast to THE ALPHA LAMB, my default mode is ANGER & JUDGEMENT.

HE would find this equally impossible to maintain.

What I realized recently, because I am aware of the ADDICTIVE nature of emotions, is that, if I’m to be a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE I have to be able to also see the good in a given shitlord, to see the big picture.

As it stands THE PROGRAM has provided the standard by which I can easily determine the spiritual value/potential of a given human.

Having been raised by a malignant narcissist and relentlessly attacked by Dark Triad SHITLORDS to this day…

Satan loves me this I know, for the demons watch my show…


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