I can’t believe The THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS escaped my radar until recently. It sheds cyclic darkness on the eschatological series of events that Revelation butchered. Catholic Saints, Mystics and Modern Dreamers, including myself have seen it - A thick, inky, electric, pixelated wall of ultimate black magic fuckery. I reckon the best way to analogize would be if a normie were to suck down a few bong hits of Salvia 10x and watch Cattle Decapitation’s Scourge of the Offspring video. The folks who lived through EXODUS experienced it, now so will you. Rather than merely rehashing it, I want to put it into context. Like everything END TIMES this has everything to do with the CROSSING OF THE DESTROYER . Native Americans call Nemesis / Hercobulus THE PURIFIER. I think Destruction and Purification are synonymous in this case. There is satisfaction in knowing not only that this will happen, but also how / why; not even End Times Scholars can wrap their heads around the idea of a BROWN DWA...