The Great Reset / Awakening & The New World Order / New Jerusalem


What is the difference?


One person’s Apocalypse is another’s Salvation.

I am here to exalt The Most High.

Maybe you are here to smoke crack, bang whores and serve as a poster child for all that is fucking retarded.

I say Satan has done more to bring folks to Christ than Christ himself.

Jesus said only God is good.

Jesus said, suspiciously like a cult leader, if you are not willing to blow off your fam you are not worthy of him.

He said he was here to bring a sword.

Christ (consciousness) is how you get off the wheel of karma, how you exit the Matrix.

Stoicism is how you endure.

The NPCs / Lukewarm / Apaths just go along with, support the current thing, cuz they think that is the way to get on.

The Sociopaths / Gangstalkers / Narcissists suck Satan’s cock because their chakra bias is the reverse of …

The Chosen / TIs / EMPATHS exalt The Most High.

God and Satan are THE SAME THING just running in opposite directions, and somehow The Holy Spirit manages the GAN / Program.

Build Back Better?

Hold my beer, son!

These idiots couldn’t even get up a flight of stairs or read a teleprompter.

Don’t make me start ranting about incompetence.


Every “leader” on this planet is a useless cunt compared to me.


My excrement has more memetic value than anything on TV.

I think it is fascinating that they figured this whole ORDO AB CHAO thing so long ago.

Nothing new under the son, I suppose.

It is true, just ask any physicist versed in STOCHASTIC ELECTRODYNAMICS.

IF you study my THE LAST RELIGION rant you will see that I alone am the “great genius” that HUMANS, GODS, ALIENS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MUST BE ALIGNED WITH.


The Logos is the MERKABA MANTRA.

“Particles” are the syllables / nodes of interference on the skin of the torroid / tree of life.

Vacuum domains bifurcate from the singularity at light speed and decelerate into matter.

Stars do it. UFOs do it. You do it.

When a star transforms into a dark energy star

It is the same as when a yogi goes rainbow body and his meatbot shrinks.


Seriously though, I am The Difference. We are still in the REACTION phase of the Hegelian Harvest where chaos reaches a critical mass.

God only knows why it has to be so nasty, pathetic and dramatic.

Hitting the brakes on the course of history right before Satan drives us off a cliff. When I have this dream I leap out of the vehicle, aiming for a branch to catch me.

The THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS is this rapid stop.

Or me going viral … The timeline is not clear which comes first, but if this Blackout / “fatal wound” and 3DOD are two different events…

My advent coincides with no electricity; there’s no better way to get FREE ENERGY memetically primed!

The NWO plans for a technocracy vs. My Plan, is, on paper similar but the awareness and benevolence and expertise I have in regards to tech is 180 from the centralized, entropic, and authoritarian IOT and Green bullshit you are being currently fed.

Just look at the intent of NIKOLA Tesla and you will understand.


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