THE PEDO FILES – Mantids, Moloch, CPS, OnlyMaps


There are entities out there that look at humanity in general in the same way you look at factory farming and the yummy bacon cheeseburgers it produces – WITH COMPLETE INDIFFERENCE.

At least they have the excuse of being insectoids and lizards.

You only seem to care about mammals when it’s a kitten or child, and even then getting uppity about their sanctity is more of an excuse to feel outrage than genuine concern. 



As stated, you tolerate children getting fucked by vaccines, CPS, Uncle Billy, Disney, Common Core, Junk Food, Pop Music, Jesus Camp ...



Would you like your kid super-sized?

Never happened to an Amish Kid

 If It Ain't Broke ...


 Epstein did not kill himself and your own family will betray you




When someone acknowledges pedos / maps from an academic or humanitarian pov they are immediately attacked.




The lack of empathy here, the demonization, is similar to THE WAR ON DRUGS – it only makes things worse and enables bad guys.

Like Prohibition of molecules that make you feel good, denial of sexuality – no matter how deviant – is pardon the pun, childish.

It only makes sense to acknowledge the situation and offer solutions, even if solutions force you to abandon your knee-jerk hate and ignorance. 


Sydney Watson is also rehashing this, imposing her prudish bias without offering any solutions, but she at least did her homework that reflects my experience and conclusions:



When it comes down to it, it does not matter if maps are born or manufactured. That is just the old nature vs nurture debate.

Pleasure seeking and addiction to pleasure is why Purdue raked in billions off of OxyContin, why porn exists, and bacon cheeseburgers.

I’ll remind you that DRUNK DRIVING has been NORMALIZED and still is more harmful than the kitty pron, yet it is tolerated and it’s harm is mitigated and deterred by reasonable measures.

As long as evil adults exist so will the exploitation of young fresh torture by-products, both chemical and aetherial. Gods of old, Aliens and evil humans have always sought this, and souls keep incarnating.

I believe that the karma of both perps and victims revolve like government officials that end up working for the industries that once lobbied them.

If this was a closed-loop situation taking place on a remote planet of pedovores, ahem, that would be one thing…

But here on Earth we have a population that is mostly good and deep down longing for peace and justice.

As stated in the previous rant, a lot of CP today is VOLUNTARY. That is, girls capable of operating the camera on a phone are exhibiting their buds and bunnies to an audience around the www who are also getting off on it.

It’s too bad that this is black market stuff. It’s too bad the parents are not benefiting from their daughter’s exploits like with child stars and pagents …

What if there was a website like OnlyFans but for MAPS?


 If OnlyMaps was real, LSR's parents would be rich

They say that porn leads men to go out and rape.

Truth is, porn prevents rape. It’s the same with the video game fallacy, playing COD prevents mass murder.

I propose that MAPS PRE-REGISTER as such and not as an OFFENDER.

They would get the sex doll of their choice and exclusive access to a library of CUTIES.

The parents of said CUTIES would have to sign up their daughters (or sons I guess) and operate the camera.

Returning to the Prohibition analogy.

Those fucking idiots lumped Cannabis and Crack into the same ILLEGAL status, but they are obviously not the same.

Similarly, a 12 yo girl voluntarily masturbating is not the same as a baby getting raped.

Sadly, there is a market for the latter.

Some say being a pedo / map is a sickness, they say drug addiction is a disease.

Thats’s BULLSHIT because you cannot QUIT cancer.

Some say being a homo is a choice… But the hetero saying that has to admit that s/he did not choose to be attracted to the opposite sex.

What makes being a pedo / map unique is that violating a child is relatively easy; like if part of the attraction is the rapeyness, then … you are a fucking scumbag and need to get help in whatever form society deems appropriate.

If like me, you simply see teen girls as slightly cuter, tighter, more innocent and charming versions of women and find that attractive, maybe in-fact that IS NORMAL and should not be stigmatized.

My own daughter was trafficked by CPS and turned into a beta kitten by my satanic dad and step-mom.

I want to shoot them in the head and feed their corpses to wolves but they are not worthy to die with mercy and become dog poop.

They will have to reincarnate and have their heads chewed off by a 20 foot tall preying mantis.



 In this regression a human describes having been a Mantid and ...


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