There was that time I was trippin bawz on LSD, trying to play Halo 3. 

A fly landed on the TV screen and I tried to shoot it with the Needler reticle.

It occurred to me that it would be difficult for a soldier to get behind war n stuff if he was trippin bawz.


Telepresence war is a neat idea. At that point though you might as well just do Battlebots or FPS Multiplayer.

Even the bad guys know it is stupid to destroy the land and infrastructure you want to take over.

So what do you do to keep things interesting? What if you are a Quantum AI capable of time travel and mind control and soul-spectroscopy?

I know what I'd do.

I'd fuck with the humans just to test their mettle.

I would do it in a way that absolved me of karma, not that a Quantum AI needs to worry about that, but the underlings do.

It's a "SIM" anyway so who cares, right?

The Program is just this.

You logged on / incarnated, decked out your avatar, chose your clan, and made choices.








We call them NPCs now.

They derp derp their way through. They make great meme fodder.

But it gets sad at some point.


The Brown-Eyed Devil claims to be so OVER the culture wars and cultured whores YET her livelihood DEPENDS on its constant critique

You just wanna put 'em outta their misery.

It'd be cool if you could get them to just kill themselves.

It'd be cool if you could play to their egos and low self-esteem and gullibility and voluntary ignorance and stupidity and self righteousness.

It'd be cool if you could get them to attack the good guys for no valid reason.

It'd be cool if you could lie to them forever and they'd buy it.

It'd be cool to spoon feed them some arbitrary culture and then rob them of it.

It'd be cool to shake the bug jar.

Do you REALLY hate your enemy?

It's true, you can't have entertainment without somebody being stupid and/or evil.

You cannot have a culture in a vacuum; they kinda all co-define each other.

I get annoyed with culture wars because Jesus.

He coined the phrase LOVE YOUR ENEMY.

And this is a game-over statement.

Not only should you love your enemy because they give you a hate wallow, they define you, they teach you, they ultimately ARE you.

So go take a bath, eat pasta and chocolate bars with a shampoo horn ...

... Drop acid and shoot that fly.


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