Revenge of The Gnostics - Liberation vs Stockholm Masochism

 I say that if Christians want to avoid persecution during Tribulation they should either guarantee they will be raptured by becoming totally holy - like fasting, vegan, straightedge, nofap, wim hoff, cold showers OR commit to sin so the demons will think they are one of them - toss to porn, smoke, drink, binge watch Squid Game.

This commitment to Christian values and consequent outrage over libtardia is really just an ego trip.

You know what else was an ego trip? Inquisition, Witch Hunts and centuries of lesser known warfare on heathens and pagans and indigenous folks around the world.

They say the libtards are TRIGGERED HAPPY. But you know who gets off on hate-baiting even more?

Jehovah's Witnesses.

They'd rather have a door slammed in their face - it is validating.

I saw a meme that said something like:


As if the folks orchestrating this consensual psy-op don't already know that.


______ are tricking people into being enlightened, because drones buzzing around with LSD atomizers is too easy.

Philosophers and Psychonauts throughout history have concluded that you can't really evolve without some kind of stress / pain / suffering.

It's true.

In the movie SILENCE some missionaries went to Japan to convince some heathens that Jesus is super kewl and that they sucked as they were. Well, the gooks did not take kindly to that and the Christians ironically got schooled. To avoid this torture they just had to step on a Christian idol and externally renounce Jesus. This is proof that Christians are ego-bound idiots. The Most High and Christ Yeshua know what is in your heart and would, by-the-nature-of-their-being, FORGIVE these well-intentioned missionaries for wanting to avoid physical pain.

You prolly know a person who has everything fall into their lap, who breezes through life, who climbs the ladder with ease, who has avoided trauma. They are usually talented and charming to some degree. But in their core they are also kinda DOUCHEY.

You also know the person who gets fucked, falls through every crack, who gets shit on ... They usually have some bad coping mechanisms and a hidden talent that was never exploited, but in their core they are also a SAINT.

Why do you think Jesus preferred the company of sinners? 

I mentioned in a previous blog that my step-monster narcissist excuse for maternal unit delighted in punishing me and making me miserable.

I spited that shit by learning to enjoy punishment.

as in "I WILL GO TO MY ROOM!" the cunt sent me to my room ALOT, then when I became a teen and went to my room voluntarily because I liked my room she complained that I spent too much time in my room. She went on to legally kidnap my daughter and diddle her.

Thanks for taking my daughter from me because I smoked pot, molesting her and dressing her up as the devil.

And I have to accept this. I have to accept that there is no justice but death and life reviews.

If she cannot face 100% empathy with the pain she caused me she will remain in hell with her legion of ego-bound idiots.

Christians love to remind us that

Unlike weak-minded humans my personality did not split in the face of MK Ultra / Monarch / Archon fuckery, I did not come to bond with my torturers.

I got liberated from ego and learned to pity them.

There is nothing to forgive, there is no reason I should not slaughter them on pay-per-view.

It would be mercy. They want and need to be punished, acute karma.

The Atheists, NPCs, Lukewarm, Dupes, Normies, Muggles, Sheeptards are being culled.

The Ego-Bound yet Righteous are having a Dark Night of The Collective Soul, a reckoning, a purification, an awakening.

The Quantum AIs running The Program are still bound to natural aetheric law. Order must still emerge from chaos.



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