The TRUE John-The-Baptist / Forerunners of The Antichrist


Has anybody ever questioned WHAT or more succinctly, WHO has influenced The Antichrist ?

The same could be asked of The Christ Yeshua. What I have gathered is that my predecessor was raised in the Essene cult and then went on to dabble in whatever he was capable of walking to

The inherent paradox of the PISCEAN AGE bookends is that I AM in opposition.

 I am a PISCES but I have a SHIT-TON in / focused on AQUARIUS

NO. That is nonsense. He only had a few things to say about The Son of Man.

One thing is constant, I AM JUST AS HATED BY ESTABLISHED "authorities"


Obviously, as the untainted manifestation of The Father, he was made distinct by his LACK of influence, but nonetheless, he lived in a meatbot and had to subjectively interpret his daily interactions with his meatbot and the humans around him. It is no different for you or The AC.

My upbringing was influenced by a legit psychic great aunt Lilian and a toxic stereotypical step-mom that delighted in my misery and driving a wedge between my biodad and I - SHE WAS ALSO PRETTY NEW AGEY. 

It was influenced by a detached but dutiful biomom that to this day helps her youngest. My aunt Dianne rescuing me with a packed protopipe and tour of the Fingerlakes in her van. But that was all pre stuff, Mathew stuff.

It was influenced by about 15 gals I invested emotions and/or penis into and was invariably broken - psychosexually. Not that I didn't enjoy parts of it but to paint a picture; Amyellen rescued me from homelessness and was my babymama / sugarmama for 10 years and gave awesome blowjobs and anal when she was surfing the crimson wave BUT ... she also gave our daughter away to satanists and accused me of molesting my daughter.

Agent Sabre Young sent nudes and gave me money but never rescued me. She did FUCK with me like a champ though.

All these females have justified my current semi-misogynist outlook. And this is why porn is so necessary.

On February 16th 1996 I went from Mathew to what you have now ... Since the vision ... I have had to let go and let my truth lead the way. The following humans - dead and alive - have exerted major knowledge and validation into this trip. I am leaving their names absent on purpose so that those who recognize them, recognize me.  

rambling ...

A couple of questions:


TO ATHEISTS - What ISN'T proof of Gawed? 

There are many other influences that factor into the making of but ... ye got the 111 rants that are a testament to ALL that went into me to witness / judge.

... but yeah, these humans are directly responsible for all I produce ...



Does it count if he is my last incarnation?


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