SYNCRETIC THANATOLOGY all agree that world leaders should be required to do entheogens.
I'd rather staunch atheists, skeptics and materialistic physicists should meet GAWD...
Because they are fucking idiots and my ego is tired of hating them.
I have not died recently but I have read or watched MANY Trip and NDE reports.
I have insane dreams every night and have had OBEs so I'm in no rush.
Faith is for humans that are not enlightened.
Just knowing this stuff happens should be enough. Direct experience is obviously better but I think merely intellectualizing with ego / brain alone is challenging and fun. Hermeticism is kids stuff, yoga takes too long.
Fuck. I did 5 grams of shrooms in 1996 and was permanently changed - for the better.
The chopping water full circle is that my EGO is just as if not more valuable than death.
You ironically need to die to know that though.
To me psychedelics is no more recreational than suicide.
Musta been nice to be a merry prankster but ... what's the point?
Go ahead and yt 5 meo ceremony.
People fish out and purge in ways that may disturb noobs or drunkards whose silliness is accepted
When the human comes back the facilitators all shout
Religions of the world are terrified of this, and yet Christ Yeshua, Buddha and Krishna are not.
Nobody ever left church OR a science conference looking like this:
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