I will never forget the time my fiance let me take 40+ nude pics of her and how that porn-to-actual-pussy bridge made me last about TWO SECONDS inside her.

That session was a demonstration of how far gone I was into porn and also how willing she was to be vulnerable.

That photo set ultimately landed in a CD placed upon the stoop of the black fella side shade cba she was also fucking cuz I was pissed at the confession she had cheated and cucked me with a bigger cock attached to a scumbag and I was like "You can have her N*****."

Fuck you and your CBA nonsense, Elliot Newby. Thank you, also, for proving how evil humans can be just so I end up enlightened. I am sure you will both contract herpes and die miserable because karma.

The Kira Sue is The MOST beautiful female I have ever had the dis/pleasure of interacting with as a horny mammal.

 ... So we are at a stage in humanity's progress on Earth where the value of privacy is weighed against a surveillance  state

 I'm trying to reconcile how it is that there is a seemingly INFINITE amount of porn and yet still a portion of humans that would be horrified if their sexy fun time / bits were to be exposed.

The whole pedo-blackmail-prisonment-offender-list meme is predicated on the notion that one should be irreparably shamed / damaged on one's attraction to a tighter younger meatbot.

Nobody talks about the parents that allow their children to be exploited via studios OR kids that voluntarily exhibit their bits via phones & internet. All shame is placed upon horny end-user humans. 

There is a difference between adults that VOLUNTARILY traffic porn and offspring and humans of any age VOLUNTARILY tossing bits into cyberspace. There is a difference between a mindless algorithm using machine learning to identify little girl tiddies and an entity trapping Hun Bid or your average perv.

Who does not want orgasms and money?

Do you consider a natural disaster evil?


Yet nature will fuck your scene, hot spicy Kentucky Fried fuck your scene and ur left with

ok my guy.

So how is sex wrong? When it is nonconsensual.

Humans have INTENT. If you believe that natural disasters are intentional, well ...

They still fuck shit up. Like being raped, or like me, having your dad and step-mom toss a PLAYBOY in front of you at the age of seven. I DID NOT CONSENT TO THAT.


I have jerked off thousands of times to endless porn, I have sent a raging hard dick pic to the babymama of one of the guys Kira spread for.

When I was still on fb and doing the autotrolling. a human threatened me by saying he would get my personal data and blah blah blah and I responded with my SS  number, because NO FUCKS GIVEN

080 56 5602

Who would possibly want to steal MY identity?

OK, asshole, TRY to pretend YOU are a TI genius megalomaniacal felon porn addict and self-proclaimed antichrist.

Have fun with that.

The same GUBBAMINT SHOW that allows for _____ also allows for  _____.

The God that allows for ______ also allows for ______

The human body that allows for ______ also allows for ______

Jesus said it best


There are things to be shameful / embarrassed of and there are things that really don't matter.

Why should being naked and horny be shameful or embarrassing?

I feel guilty about things I have done that hurt others.

Sending a pic of my average white boy member to Tanya up in Rochester is inconsequential.  

Cheating or cucking has repercussions, starting a wildfire too. 








And this notion is what keeps countless offenders in line for fear of said exposure.

Christ Yeshua said it best






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