The HOTSHOT Effect vs Street Cred

 Dupes of wokeism take note:


 Why in the name of all that's genuine would you EVER want to be equal to white hetero men or what you presume that means - relevant prevalent?

Yeah, we built western civilization but we were only cool in the early 1900's when inventors and daredevils were all the rage.

Oh, there ARE still pockets of kewl cracker culture that will NEVER be POP cult ULAR

Thank Goodness.

I couldn't give two shits if all of TV and Movie land gets a disproportionate amount of gay-aid and melanin-enhanced supervillains / commercials, vag battles galore...

 Heck, if it were up to me The Government Show would be made up entirely of black women - just to prove they are no better.

At the same time Reality Warriors like PJ Watson
Ceaselessly remind us of just how amazing the Illuminaughty Think Tank is - in coordination with the 4th Branch, the MSM.

What I'm getting at is, ya'll are the willing victims of a really old and obvious SighOp.

Marginalized / Minority folks identify as the STRUGGLING, they wear it as a badge of honor.

The moment they become relevant and accepted they LOSE their identity.

This technique of diluting culture by giving them what they THINK they want - Kool Kid Kult status - can be applied to ANY dissenting subcults.

What's next? Gutterpunks and Pedos?


If you don't understand that this is a thing watch 15 Million Merits

or look at what Christianity did to Jesus

I love how popular and pushed the sniffles or cooties for grown-ups thing is. I am now the marginalized hated guy cuz I have faith in my biology and couldn't give a fuck about death. go ahead and be cool...for now.

Being marginalized or a minority is a form of rarity, rarity equals special and valuable. The Critical Drinker
  is a great commentator on entertainment narratives, pop culture programming... I will paraphrase him here regarding the devaluation of BAD-ASS heroine meme via The HOTSHOT Effect:

Ellen Ripley is the often referenced HISTORICAL ICON used in this context, I mean she was sexy

and a heroic matriarchy person who could make men look like dufus without trying

This cannot be denied. In the late 70s early 80s she was rare. Today the vagcentric plethora of cookie-cutter, leg-lock-and-flip fight scenes delivered by ... is yawnworthy:

Gunpowder Milfshake SUCKED

I could go on but you watch tv and movies, you have noticed this trend of suck. So I say the last believable female badassery was


Watch this and change my mind -

Let's not forget the most bad-ass chic to ever be on screen


Again, I bow before the arbiters of consensus reality because they have mastered human psychology, know how to throw tards into a tizzy, push buttons, distract with absurdity presented as major ish
Really? This is a problem? Is it even true? Maybe they are cherry-picking?

Here, I found one

Ohh, and another

You know who is under-represented and needs to be tossed into the mix of identity polyticks, you know who needs to be in every other commercial, especially for sun-screen and make-up - these people:

OH the POOR people with skin pigment disorders! When will they FINALLY be accepted?!

And what about BLACK ALBINOS?





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