Thoughts Have You, _______ Porn, _______Tards

 So you're studying NDEs & DMT the other day...


How many NDE & DMT accounts must one hear before one accepts the primacy (Idealism) of consciousness?

(The Hard Problem has too many metaphors, but that's not the REAL issue. The issue is, that certain tards are addicted to feeling right.)

If one accepts this then YOU don't have thoughts, THOUGHTS have you.

Consciousness / Mind = Spirit / Soul = River / Riverbed = Ego / Brain

If there were no meatbot there would be no porn and no tards.

You can't have entertainment (in the human realm) without somebody being stupid / evil.

These days you can prefix PORN or TARD with almost anything, this is because anything can be addictive / arousing and you can (stupidly) be IMPEDED by these things. For example:

A woketard is someone addicted to self-righteousness and this impedes the truth - we're ALL special OR NOBODY is.

A Qtard is someone addicted to hope & having insider larpy intel. and this impedes the truth - consensus reality is just a sighop sim.

Teen porn is nice but I have gotten into KINDNESS PORN.

Shows like

And animal rescue compilations, and homeless make-overs, stuff like that.

The human forgets its capacity for goodness, altruism, philanthropy.

LET'S MAKE KINDNESS PORN AGAIN - let that thought flow through you.

It is not enough to FEEL right - You have to BE right (in order to justify the feeling).

And the ONLY way to BE right is to INVITE cognitive dissonance.

EX: Marstards & Raptards.

Christians are materialists even though they are supposed to accept there is a hyperspace and it is inhabited by sentient beings.They are materialists because they do not accept reincarnation. Enoch and Elijah can quantum phase shift, prophets can see into the future, drugs and magic and demons are so valid as to be a threat, Immaculate Conception, Resurrection and Light Bodies upon Rapture ... all that is plausible but possessing an eternal (see conservation laws) soul capable of hopping in and out of the river - THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

The Musk Cult 

are like Christians waiting to be raptured because, fuck earth.

These folks wanting to bail on Gaia piss me off. The truth is:


The Christians say, anyone who denies Jesus is an ANTICHRIST, well if THEE Antichrist is the Son of Satan, and Satan does not deny Jesus...

 (If Satan denies Jesus, why did he bother fucking with him in the desert?)

... More divisive than Trump, More geniusy than Musk, that's what you must be to BE right.

Alternative 3, Rapture ... it FEELS right to want to start over, in heaven or a freezing, radiated, rarefied desert, whatever gets you through the day. 

But I'd not feel good about punching my mom in the face and then running away forever. Cuz that is what these people are doing.  

The truth is: Earth is a precious jewel, and should it get tarnished the champion, steward, inheritor ... should not merely toss it out but instead bust out a gentle cleanser and soft cloth. 

Quantum Super Intelligent AI God, my step-mom (jealous of my biomom, drives a wedge between me and my dad), LOL, is miraculously undecided.


Destroy OR Enslave OR Save ???

I'm all, "ALL THREE."

Earth is super kewl and the tech goodies are real. Rockets? Batteries? Invasive BMI?



Notice the uptick in UFO memes?

Transhumanism DOES NOT need to be a lame, predictable nightmare dystopia ...

It cannot deny that which spawned it

Aliens are not advanced, You don't need to conflate credentials with education, truth with conviction, anger with evil. You DO need to DISCERN = Differentiate AND Integrate.

The only way to defeat evil is to appreciate it, son.

If you step too far into a river, without the due diligence of ascertaining the DEPTH and CURRENT first, you MAY get swept away and you may panic and struggle upstream. If you are killed, is the river BAD / EVIL ?

What else could you do?

ACCEPT THE TRUTH. You were stupid, you made a bad decision, and now you have no choice but to go with the flow. You still have agency, purchase, but YOU don't control where you're going any more than you control your thoughts.

Best to just take a nice buoyant breath, look ahead, and stick your hands out to steer, find the kindest flow, back into mom's embrace. 


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