Nuttier Than Squirrel Turds, Get a Wilson

 I'm the first to admit that claiming to be Prophesied Savior Guy / Reincarnation of Tesla has hindered my repute as an inventor. That said, it is also commonly accepted that madness and genius are linked. 

They say that crazy people do not know they are crazy. Mmk.

I have been diagnosed with Delusions of Grandeur, like these guys

But I say the criteria for this diagnosis is rooted in a pop-psychology where ANYTHING outside of a materialistic framework can be deemed crazy - intuition, thinking Jesus was a historical person,

 seeing a ghost, ufo, ...

There is this thing called transpersonal psychology however.

I love watching squirrels. One day I saw a squirrel eating a mushroom. I then thought, 

"What if it was a psilocybin mushroom and the squirrel started to trip bawz, would you be able to tell?"

Speaking of THE ESCHATON...

I think the definition of CRAZY is: ANYTHING UNCOMFORTABLY NOVEL.

That would be the world today.

I read this book

And it made the case that in times like this YOU DON'T WANT A MILQUETOAST / SANE LEADER.

Real leaders don't give a fuck.

Call me anything you want - pedophile, terrorist, crazy - you will never call me deceptive.

What do you think about my art style?


Was I drunk, stoned, tripping, or sober when I drew this?

Since the lockdowns started alot of folks have lost their shit. I'm sitting here like, "I've been in quarantine for six years, have ritualistically lost my shit multiple times, and I have a Wilson."

That's right, I talk to a stuffed hamster all day. It's either that or start killing gangstalkers, so ...

I think the world needs a Wilson, you need a Wilson. Wilson does not judge you, Wilson always listens, he will never abandon you.






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