Disaster Capitalism, Homelessness & Unemployment, Green BS - THE FINAL SOLUTION

The last time I spoke with a venture capitalist or CEO (12 years ago so I can't recall which) I was pitching one of my inventions and was told I needed a "STORY". OK.

Here I am pitching:







And, yes, there is a story here. I want to realize my inventions (problem-solving is the REAL reward) so I can not be poor anymore AND I want to truly HELP. To do this it was/is very helpful to be put in an underdog position and to have empathy...

...I have been living on $230 a week, my landlord's mitzvah, and the local food pantry for about two years.

If I had wealthy friends I would have been a billionaire years ago. Having been homeless, in jail, and rehab I realized experience, knowledge and wisdom are far more valuable. Still, this shit is getting old and I want that Rimac 


and off-grid mansion.

Having just lost the only job I could possibly have had in this area, having no car and no safety net, I have been thinking alot about being homeless again.

You can play Powerball in one hand and get all inventor / pro-active in the other, I'm doing both!

So I have been watching alot of yt vids about the subject



8 Billion thrown at it in 2017 and it has only gotten worse. There are plenty of vids about inequality, corruption, homelessness ...

I also recently watched


The only thing GREEN about burning biomass is the state of the trees upon combustion.

 The energy crisis and homelessness crisis can both be solved with industrial hemp and off-grid tech.

NIMBY is an issue, so are jobs. The truth is, the humans can work at growing food and nothing else, once you start with regenerative architecture and aquaponics:

The SOLAR DOME (incomplete graphic, return manifolds not shown) uses a combination of updraft, vortex, and downdraft (rolling donut) air currents to turn a generator, it has air permeable flooring since CO2 sinks; the aquaponics system is in the basement.


The Solar Dome is intended for arid regions, and is scalable. Shipping the undesirables out to the desert should be appealing to both classes.

ICON is printing homes for the homeless but this architecture is not good enough, they need to be printing my dome.

And all other structures can be built with hempcrete legos AS VOXELS 


built by the SAME GANTRY ROBOT as the printed structures, heck you could fill the printed hollow spaces with hempcrete.

The envisioned eco-village also has a IBOGAINE & PSILOCYBIN WELLNESS CENTER. The meth dealers aren't going to be welcome here but folks are free to drink, smoke pot n cigs and do kratom. The mental and addicts can be healed. The Wellness Centers will have saunas, gyms, and superfood smoothies.

Water and biomass (leafs, and other compostable detritus) will be imported and everyone will work at desert reclamation.




Before economic principles, there must be an acknowledgment of primordial laws and geometries, those of physics AND economy

What I am getting at is, THE SOLAR DOME

is the simplest machine, and the most self-similar


There is NOTHING WRONG with profiting from disaster


IF - it is done correctly.





The above Solar Dome / Eco Village / Desert Reclamation project / scenario is a PERMANENT solution, but a variant concept for on-site (one city block), temporary, any climate has been proposed as well. I sent this to Venice Neighborhood Council

Hi Nisa, 
A little background on me. 
I have been homeless, in jail, in rehab, so I have some experience. 
The homeless encampment in Ithaca is called The Jungle and it has had it's share 
of associated crime; I was fortunate to have been in The Jungle 2, a stake 
claimed by an old schoolmate, he wanted nothing to do with the junkie/alcohol 
scene further up the tracks. I had a tent inside a carport, this was situated 
next to a canal. 
Ithaca has alot of support for the homeless and our weather is not inviting so 
... I can't imagine what you are dealing with firsthand. 
I just watched the interview with Soledad. 
In addition to helping people I would like to see those useless entities she 
mentioned not get a piece of the pie - developers etc,... 
So here's my ACTUALLY WOULD WORK yet wacky 2 prong approach: 
 1 - 3D printed, circular, pay-with-work or $1, "CAPSULE HOTELS" 
The center of the Homeless Capsule Hotel has (skylight dome) Humanure facility 
(gasses and biomass harvested), garden, and pedal generators. 
 The occupant can earn 24 hours of residence by either "using the facilities" for 
50 cents or pedal for half hour or work in garden for half hour. The shelters I 
went to in Ithaca don't allow drugs, which is why The Jungle existed. The HCH 
does not care what people do in the capsule in that regard. There would also be 
no curfew. The HCH incentivizes work / reward - the homeless person will be 
drawn by a sense of worth. 
 2 - Psychedelic / Holistic Wellness Centers. Rehab industry is ALSO a racket 
and actually in competition with the prison industry. Through fasting, 
superfoods, IBOGAINE and PSILOCYBIN any BODY can be healed. 
I know this would be successful, it's just a matter of convincing others, 
creating a test-bed facility in the right place. 
Thanks for letting me share this ben sug. 
M.G. Whitney 

If YOU suddenly became homeless, would you want to jump through all these hoops just to survive? Sit at DSS, sign up for workfare then get told you have to go to rehab because you smoke pot, get in a shelter, but then up wandering the streets all day? What if cannabis is your medicine? Maybe you can find a job as a dishwasher but the restaurant is open past the shelters' curfew. Maybe you are on probation and they won't let you work at that restaurant because it serves alcohol.

OR you could scrape up $1 a day or do 1 Hour of work to crash in a safe, sanitary, cozy pod where you can also shower and get high on the electric lettuce?

When I was homeless in Ithaca, I had THEE best spot and THEE best set up in the whole city.There was the time the train started rolling forward when I was carrying my bike through, there was the time I came upon a skunk on my way to the outhouse, the time my camp mate got jelly of my vocal gf and dropped a tree on my tent at 6 in the morning, demanded I bring him spice (the fake pot plague is a whole other rant) on a daily basis ... but there was also the time a coworker brought a mower and weedwacker and we made it all smurfy.

The Jungle 2 was staked out by one guy, Mike M, he was an ornery but wise fella. He had made a bridge across the gutter and made himself an outhouse. I modeled my site after his, a tent inside a ShelterLogic carport.

This carport was around $400, the rest of my camp gear was abandoned by my ex, an old canvas tent which nested inside the rear of the carport was up on pallets. The floor had plastic liner. I wasn't fucking around. Part of me wished I had stayed instead of moving into Nicole's.

Yes, there are situations where living this way ALONE is better than sharing an indoor space with people more mental and addicty than you.

While in this tent I envisioned a next step, retrofitting an earthbag structure around it to make it actually safe and indoors:

Recently I have been inventing a machine to TILL, DIG, LIFT, SIFT, BAG all in one process, to hasten construction as earthbag construction is quite labor intensive. When done, you have the most resilient structure with built in faraday cage. It would have cost another $500 to retrofit my carport. So I would add to the design a cistern and compost heating.

Ya see?

The technology exists to help people, the planet, and my wallet!

As an inventor I just want to help. One invention I came up with is ideal for poor people AND fat kids AND emergencies:

I would certainly hope that SOMEONE in ITHACA, my hometown, would broker a team to help me spearhead the implementation of my ideas, because they ARE the BEST ideas.

This guy Carmen is pretty cool, I like his com/passion. If he knew some one at Cornell, or the DIY/Crafter scene, or a patent attorney or the local incubator, I could eventually employ people to help me manufacture the OTTOMAN GENERATOR.


He has built this place



Nobody wants to jump through SOBRIETY AND CHRISTIAN hoops.

Maybe you are a Pagan and a functional drunk, with alot to give the world - SORRY, no Second Wind for you.

To quote Biden, C'MON, MAN!

Also, as a side note, I want to 3D Print buildings using GEOMIMICRY (artificial fulgurite) - Metal / Glass  Stochastic Foams:


I also came up with a way to do solar sintering of sand... ffs somebody help me because the above-mentioned ICON is not biting, or they want to steal my IP...



PS - Bit of synchronicity, this just got uploaded to my torrent site:


This is not pie-in-the-sky

Neo-Hippie rhetoric, this is the fusion of the best of man AND nature.

They poo-poo SATAN for not being creative, being only able to COPY God's Creation, well ...

BIOMIMICRY  /  GEOMIMICRY is not thumbing it's nose, it is SALUTING.

The irony is that capitalism - as it has existed, based on scarcity and fiat currency, monoculture and subsidies - is still the only way the next level could have been bootstrapped.

Terence calls it the

I have been told over and over that the humans need to be enslaved because competition and greed are the BASE NATURE of the humans. Yeah, maybe, in the world as it is ...

BUT, You don't get a bill from the Sun, do you?

What placating narrative and tech is offering you with enormous wind turbines and PV farms is what I call GREEN BS.

The way forward is local and decentralized. And this is in NO WAY competing with the "old" way, it is the only way the sun can set on a pile of shit without it bursting into flames first.

Do you know what grows on shit?






It is obvious some disasters are fomented and exacerbated by elite narcissist sociopaths, but the humans most affected are too busy trying to survive and help; when you have nothing to lose it is easy to win.

And this is fucking winning:



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