Do you know the difference between a QUALITY PRODUCT and a PIECE OF SHIT?

Of course you do, because you are a DISCERNING CONSUMER.

One of my fantasies, as future leader of the planet, is to go into a DG and be like, "OK, NOPE."

My hero, RDSV talks about TRUE COST ANALYSIS.

Do you REALLY think about ALL THE EFFORT between your paper/plastic rectangle and the product you just exchanged SERIOUS LABOR for?

Poor folks don't have a lot of choice, but they have some.

I always say, the poorest 'Merican in 2020 lives better than ANY KING in the middle ages.

Have you considered how much effort went into that USELESS PIECE OF GARBAGE you just bought?

Or better yet, how much loss is in the FACT, nobody is actually buying this turd on the shelf?

I envision a world - IN A WORLD -  where The Selfish Ledger, your realization, combine into relegating the world economy to ONLY NEEDED PRODUCTS.

Goodbye ANTIQUEs, goodbye frivolous trimmings and decorative shit.

If that is the scenario, these NEEDED products had better be fucking long-lasting and capable of EASY MAINTENENCE.

Where do you draw the line?


I'll go into the DG and ok / nope the shit out of it.

The other side is AUTOMATION.

If your industry / product line is going down - TOUGH SHIT.


But being a fair, benevolent dictator, I SAY,

 "It is the obsolete industries that get subsidies, for the sole purpose of reformatting, reconditioning, their factories for what's NEXT."

Propping up OLD SHIT because "economy" is EVIL. 

Assisting transformation ... that's cool.

The state of technological advancement requires an acknowledgement that the old will suffer, at the expense of the new, however, if we ALSO acknowledge that PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE is the opposite of TRUE COST ANALYSIS, then the invisible hand will gladly tilt its cards.

It's not just the economy that is partly ENTROPY ACTIVATED, entire paradigms and meme-sets must eventually cave to progress.

History has proven this over and over.

What is sad is that the idiots who fight for the old ways never passed social studies in high school.

Is there a point at which technological evolution peaks? Human Social Activity?

If there is, I'm the guy that will find it...

...because I HAVE TO. MO - Find a BETTER WAY.

I take back what I said before. Some products are not necessary, heck most aren't, I mean the humans of yesteryear survived ok without __________ .

As arbiter of PRODUCT UTILITY I must factor in, more precisely, what products / processes of manufacture are merely DETRIMENTAL, in any number of ways, in addition to what is needed.

The world does not need knockoff Transformers or sports memorabilia.

The world does need more GREEN ENERGY, but it does not need SMART METERS and chips in every goddamn thing.

It's time to take stock and cull the herd.


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